What are the pros/cons of Men Going Their Own Way ?

what are the pros/cons of Men Going Their Own Way ?

pro: you can kill yourself and no one will care!




Pro: Sexdolls exist

Pros: do what ever the fuck you want
cons: no gf

Pros: Money and peace.

Cons: Lonely existence, die alone, be a sad fucker for the rest of your liife.

Pro: literally whatever you want
Cons: no partner but to be honest, dou you want a modern female partner?

Either way you'll be miserable, you just have to decide whether you want to be miserable because someone else is making you feel that way or the lack of someone else is making you feel that way.

a crutch isn't really a perk, now is it?

Pros: no fat disgusting bitch to feed laying around on the couch you paid for watching the TV you paid for and driving the car you paid for whilst living in the house you paid for.

Cons: sex with hookers isn’t that great but then again neither is sex with you significant other after a while.

>implying your hand is also a perk
Your logic is askew

>dou you want a modern female

Preach it.

...and yours is nonexistent. who brought up a hand? there are more things to have sex with than plastic and yourself. :D

pros: no arguements/whining/dissapointment/heartbreak, lots of time
Cons: very lonely, if you dont have real life friends
The Lonelyness will Prolly hit a peak, and at that peak you'll become depressed and might do something bad,

You implied something other than a woman is a sexual crutch. Maybe it's not your logic the is askew but your comprehension.

They just aren't worth the effort anymore.

>You implied something other than a woman is a sexual crutch
nope! i implied a doll is not a person and fucking it is not a relationship. you just really like your hand is all. not that that's a problem or anything, just don't give it a name.

>i implied a doll is not a person and fucking it is not a relationship
No one said it was? No one would use a sexdoll as a relationship stand in that's dumb. So once again, your logic is askew but at least now we know it's because you're just not very smart


give sauce, post more of that or fuck off niggerfaggot

1. fewer obligations/responsibilities
2. get dragged into less fights
3. more disposable income
4. more privacy
5. more free time.

1. no sexual partner you can share your life with
2. every time you get sex it will be through hookups or hookers, which is always worse because it lacks a relationship to make it personal
3. no kids, unless you're willing to adopt, and even then it will be an uphill battle.
4. loneliness

BTW, if you're wondering what that life philosophy looks like from the outside, pic related is the female version


from someone who is genuinely in love
you can get strange
no arguing
doing what you want when you want

no one to help you become a better person
no one to have conversations with
no one to share your life and experiences with
no one to be a part of you on a level so deep that it feels like youve always known eachother

Do u know da sauce?

That's all fine and good if you've found the one.
But if you're like me, connecting with another person is like signaling a taxi in NYC while you're on the moon.

Is that your retarded way of telling us your autistic?

No, but if I were, then what?
What options do I have?

thats a disgustingly hairy ass

>No one would use a sexdoll as a relationship stand in
thats the only thing to use a sex doll for. youre kidding yourself bro.

>more disposable income
>more privacy
lol for what?

Honestly i never really cared about trying to get a gf until people around me started getting gf's and i was told it was weird to not get a gf and go after girls, and that everyone at my school thought i was gay cause i never showed intrest in women, tbh shit sucked and i now have it so ingrained into my head i always feel lonely and that i need somebody to share my life with

>more disposable income
it's basic math: if you're spending less money on gifts/whatever for the wife and kids, you keep more money.

>more privacy
you ever just wanted some alone time without having to justify it?

I'm probably a lot older than most of you.
Here's how it breaks down.
Women don't feel like we do. It's not that they're evil or wrong. It's just that they're different. Like they have cunts and we have dicks. But in their brains.

Women cannot understand doing something that no one can see and will not benefit them. We call this honour or duty or loyalty. It's a ramification of power. Men are powerful, women are not. So we learn how to manage power. They do not. So when they have power, they generally abuse it.

They aren't like us. But that doesn't mean you should hate women. They're just different.
Get attached only as far as you expect them to reciprocate.

This is actually disgusting when you think about it. Which one of those females has more poop particles on the surface of their anus?

>if you're spending less money
implying you make more money than her. not everyones a leech
implying you have to buy shit for anyone anyway
implying you have to have kids
implying you wouldn't blow it on strippers
>you ever just wanted some alone time without having to justify it?
you could not possibly imply any more than that
the quick answer is, no, my house has walls.

Firstly, more pussy for everyone else.
Secondly, you cunts are hilarious.

So, I'm for it.


Most relationships where the woman makes more than the man or just as much have a much higher likelihood of divorce.
Also I wouldn't blow it on strippers: I'd blow it PC parts.

What am I implying? There's just times when I prefer solitude, and can be certain that no one's going to interrupt that.

You aren't around people, men or women, with real power, are you?

>Most relationships where the woman makes more than the man or just as much have a much higher likelihood of divorce
no they don't
>I'd blow it PC parts!
>What am I implying?
that a woman would give you no privacy. what do you think women are, labradors?
>inb4 yes hurr durr

You're thinking politics or money when you say "power", right?
But it's not entirely like that. Obviously those things are very powerful and induce the feeling of power in everyone around them
But it's not the most common form of power.
It's any scenario where one person can control another. It doesn't matter what level. High or low. One person over another. That's power
And because men can destroy any woman, men have an inherent power.
Women learn to live around that. Because hey, literally any man can overpower them and rape them at any moment.

This sounds like SJW BS. Can you explain yourself faggot?

creates a basis for a better behavior regarding how to deal with women, but remember: It's only a basis
we men cannot dispense with women in the same level they can dispense with us. we have to deal with that fact somehow

What part seems SJW to you?
Men are stronger than women. Categorically.
And women are attracted to that. That's why women like men. Our power. Our control. Our restraint. Our lack of that.

Women are attracted to power. That's it. End stop. That's it. Muscles, money, intelligence, whatever. It's all power. Control over other people. That's what they want.
And that's why women cannot understand duty or honour. Because both are relinquishing either.

>Women cannot understand doing something that no one can see and will not benefit them
holy shit dude. just cause you got divorced doesnt mean chicks are evil. I know you stated that but you clearly think they are, sooo... yea you're a class b craigslist faggot.

OK. I respect your response. Thanks.

I guess I'm saying that your message is so overly general that it lacks any useful insight. It would need to be brought down a little closer so that the wisdom can be appreciated and easily applied by the general audience.

I'm not saying they're evil. I'm saying they're different. They are far more socially oriented than men are. Men are inherently individualistic while women are group focused. They have to be and we have to be. It's the r vs K selection dynamic.

If I make it more general, I make it more generally refuted.
I.E. I knew a girl who did not like muscles, so all women hate muscles

Women are attracted to power. Look over the dozens of women you've dated. What is the one thing they were attracted to? Power.
Humour, strength, intelligence, status, money.
All forms of power

so how do you feel when some dude has described you, girl? looks like you're feeling salty because the essence of being a woman is reduced to a so simple phrase like "attention whoring for benefits"

dude you nailed it. I'm 47 and this is what my life is.

I mean people who exert power over other people. Most of my experience is military.

Women do like powerful men, and powerful women will not waste time on a weak man. Just like men, there are leaders who are good and bad. both men and women. MGTOW is more about virgin apologetics than freedom.

And as for honor and all that bs. This is about weak men trying to feel better than someone, anyone. In this case they single out the one that has power over them because they can't get pussy .

If the meaning of power is taken too generally, then it loses its meaning. Then we also see the great power women have... the power in their sexuality, in their fertility, in their fraility (response by "white knights" who will use their power in response to perceived threats to the woman's lack of power), etc.

Then the conversation has little to no meaning.

More for the men who aren't.


Did we get sauce?

ugh twerk is so cringey smh

I'm 48 and this isn't true.
I live in a big house, drive a nice Jag, go anywhere in the world on holiday, got money to burn.

No mortgage, no alimony, no "shopping trips", no kids, it's one good wage divided between one person.
I look super-successful, women see me and try to get my attention, take them out if I want, get what I want (they try really hard to please me so I get pussy-whipped), drop them and wait for the next one.

Being alone and being lonely are two very different things.

I know right, it's also a dead give away she's a whore.

i think you're on my side? wrong reply?
>I'm not saying they're evil. I'm saying they're different
yea and then you subtly described them as soul-less whores.
they're not that different either. its mostly the smell.

>yea and then you subtly described them as soul-less whores.
Yeh, and that's a male observation.
Women see that type of action as proud soulful feminists
You see how their views are different from ours?

They are bitter men who have been scored by women or the legal system, in many cases I believe unfairly most likely. They want to save younger men the trouble by helping them make the decision to stay alone forever, or at best fuck a few random women here and there. I don't think it's a good movement, but it won't go away in our current society.

The younger men can see the truth for themselves - the effects of divorce, the exploding public craziness of women open and public for everyone to see. Have you noticed that most fight videos are of girls/women now?

Retaining of capital, more investments, strength in the economy, self-sufficiency.

Pros: Saving money
Saving time
More free time


can't follow, sorry hun. lost me

>>Women cannot understand doing something >>that no one can see and will not benefit them.

women are social.

They are ICELs.

Peace is important to the older man.

> Saving money.

Do you all still live with your parents?
Splitting housing costs in half will free up a lot more money.


Why tf did you put no kids as a con?
Thats the biggest pro for me

Everyone dies alone.

post sauce pls

Exactly. I am in my 40s and would rather have a younger woman on my arm or in my bed than be stuck in a slow motion dance of death with some bitter hag my age.


If you believe that, you're retarded. Some "members" are, sure, because every member spreads the movement.

I could point to the countless advocate groups for women, and the handful for men, despite the fact that statistics for negative things (such as workplace deaths, violent crime victims, and suicides) are heavily weighted towards men. I shouldn't have to tell you that society and the legal system favors women, but if you need me to I can.

I don't blame them for feeling that they should be part of this, but I personally wouldn't. Either way it's a drop in the bucket. Western society is going to continue to degrade until we destroy ourselves or allow those in who will do it for us.

Why are you so fixated on being in a relationship? Sounds like you have some kind of issue with that.

Incels? Involuntary celibates?

Thats oddly specific user...you okay buddy?


I'm not saying that the game isn't rigged, it always was. I'm saying that MGTOW can't keep up, so they justify their weakness the same way a sheep would to a wolf.

Can't keep up with intellectual deconstructionist argument.

call him a witch (SJW in modern terms)

what's it like to be a total unapologetic pleb?

Maybe you are Dysphoric user

You are replying to posts like you are me. Get out.

>basically a cuck
>but you don't get any sexual gratification
>better hope welfare still exists when your old and decrepit
>useful idiot
>slightly more dignity than a cuck, if you consider going quietly and willingly more dignified than compromising like a cuck
>save a buck
>good goy

>inb4 cucks having nothing to do with y bring it up
Having to pick between mgtow and being a cuck or raising another mans children is a sign youre simply too weak to handle women, forget that equality nonsense and go to the gym.
Man up pussy.


Most have been mentioned here
-Financial Growth
-Protection from abandonment / hypergamy
-peace / no fights / no complaints to deal with
-Ability to travel or change life with ease
-Nobody giving you a hard time about hanging with the guys
-New sex partners when you want
-More time for hobbies & passions
-More free time
-Retire earlier / work less hours
-No risk of divorce / alimony / having your life destroyed because your wife got bored with you

-losing a family & partner to share in belonging with for your life. Having no belonging is hard.
-having to constantly swallow the bitter pill that male-female relationships are not what they seem.
-having to be the weird unmarried guy when all your friends settle down.
-risking growing old & sick by yourself, with nobody to care & look after you
-Having dry spells of sex along with the abundance
-lower chance of kids & grandkids
-Being angry all the time because you know human beings are gynocentric, but women are fucking crazy. The hypocrisy is rage inducing

That’s all I got for now

Is that what you meant? Because that's what I assumed you meant. I'm sure some people who consider themselves part of MTGOW are incels. A lot aren't, in fact I would feel safe saying that a majority aren't.

Weakness and unwillingness to participate anymore are two different things. It's probably a mix of both though, if I am interpreting what you call weakness correctly.

I can only say I agree to a certain extent. It is weak to not continue, sure, but I don't think they are all incapable of continuing to try. And some of them certainly can justify no longer wanting to try. As far as I know, some are fine with fucking women, but none of them want relationships beyond that?

>Men Going Their Own Way
Protip: the other way is gods way ;)


Dang, you got me


To draw back on my initial military reference, think of a firefight. It is understandable if you don't want to participate if you are so weak or unskilled that you will lose. You can run away, but then you have no say in who will rule after the fight.

Men who are fucking whoever they want are in the fight and winning. MGTOW are running away saying it wasn't a fair fight anyways.

>Do what the fuck you want, when you want
>No kids if you hate kids
>No salty bitch stealing your shekels
>when you pay a bitch, you actually get sex
>no qt gf
>no dual income for sick house gainz
>no kids if you actually want them
>Public image as a forever virgin.

nice breakdown

I feel like MGTOW has it's source in bad experiences with women. This is a combination of not conducting yourself the right way, and not being able to differentiate a good woman from a shitty woman.

The benefits of a loving, lifelong partner are too great to pass up and I think you'd regret it as you get older. But it would be nice if there were some kind of research/resources/seminars on how to spot a good woman and what you can do to get/keep her, that would be a better option.

For example I've always said an essential skill you need to develop in your child is how to recognize people with mental illness (from depression to psychopaths). This along can save them a world of problems.

Thnx m8

pros: everyone knows they're a bunch of losers, so they pretty much get ignored

cons: they're still around