If I got a phone alert saying the world is ending, I would do unspeakable things. So it's a good thing I wasn't in Hawaii with that fake alert.
What do you guys want to do if there's an incoming nuke?
If I got a phone alert saying the world is ending, I would do unspeakable things. So it's a good thing I wasn't in Hawaii with that fake alert.
What do you guys want to do if there's an incoming nuke?
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"Hawaii Loli.png"
Nothing much, same thing I do everyday.
>die while browsing Sup Forums
A sad end to a sad life.
I would do what I did, which was listen for sirens, then go about my day when I didn't hear any. I def wouldn't engage in any bestiality
I would find a cave are some under ground and party with you until the radiation take us out with a bang;
i wouldnt do anything different, because there's nothing here i could do that would make it worth it anyway
im not going to kill anyone, because theyre going to die anyway. im not going to rape anyone, because i def would not be in the mood for fucking. i'd just sit there and contemplate the after life and existence.
>If I got a phone alert saying the world is ending, I would do unspeakable things.
"right before I go to heaven, I disqualify myself from entry and get stuck in hell for eternity"
I m going to hell anyways so just do more fucked up shit
Thats not a fucking hawaiian thats a samoan
The antichrist has shown himself
is fear of immediate death a defense of temp insanity?
>ballistic missile is not a nuke
>the alert only lasted 10 minutes
You wouldn't do shit faggot.
nothing special, rolling a joint and waiting the end while smoking
tyrone, a ballistic missile is used to carry nukes.
Tell the people who I love that I have no idea what's about to happen, but no matter what happens, I love them.
I'm from the islands, most of the people I know are from the islands, I could have lost all of them today if that warning hadn't been a false alarm.
My appreciation for the living who matter to me has increased a hundred-fold today.
The alert lasted longer than a half-hour.
finish The Game
Cue up "The End" by The Doors and finish this bottle of vodka.
...not that I'd ever believe a missile from North Korea could actually stay in one piece long enough to reach the east coast of the US, but I'd cue the song up just in case.
>Watch the bomb until it's like 15 seconds from landing
>Turn to the nearest person and say
"at least it's not my problem."
>promptly die
my plan is to go to my fiancee and get one last good fuck and a blunt in since nothing fucking matters anymore. Might as well go out feeling pretty good
Depends on the day of the week and time, really. If it's monday-friday when kids are usually at school, drive from work to the high school and have some fun with the girls.
If any other time, boot up New Vegas and go into the nearest vault so I feel like I have a chance
Nothing out of the ordinary. The world is always ending, there has never been a guarantee as towards the length and quality of life. Trying to cram decades of sensations into a few short minutes seems like a rather graceless way to expire. I'll pass.
Doesn't have to be that way, there's always time. Hence the reason you're still alive.
>Implying other people would be standing around with you chatting.
Post more cute Italian boys
I've got about an hour, assuming an NK missile could even make it this far, so I'd jump on my motorcycle and head southwest on a state highway. Most people trying to evacuate will go for the interstate so it will probably be gridlocked. I'm about six blocks from the capital building (Columbia SC) but even the Tsar Bomba only had a destructive radius of around 50 miles and I can go 150 on a tank of gas.
Lucky for me our head scoutmaster was a loopy Vietnam vet so it was more "survival scouts" than "boy scouts". I've actually joked a lot that growing up in the 80's made me more prepared for post-nuclear survival than for the information age.
Fuck you Nigger
>implying the highways won't be jammed bumper-to-bumper trying to get out of Dodge.
Nothing; I wouldn't give a shit. I hate almost everyone and everything around me.
Life is best lived as a constant act of defiance.
Actually, kinda nice.
Thanks user.
shut up cletus
It's a matter of readiness and forethought. I kind of doubt that most people have looked at the nuclear target map to determine which direction is safest to go. Most people won't have considered an evacuation plan at all, some will follow the hurricane evacuation signs (toward the interstate), most will just default to "get very far quickly" and they have three interstates to choose from (I-20, I-26, and I-77) which will actually lead toward more nuclear targets. Hwy 378 doesn't lead to anything except the small town of Lexington and the redneck village of Saluda. It's a straight shot west, and if I get to Saluda I'd be out of range of even Tsar Bomba in under an hour. The important thing is to have planned this ahead of time so all I have to do is get a head start on all the people will panic.
I would have added one more panel.
I saw this years ago on Sup Forums. Supposedly there are several more pages (both before and after) and that little girl actually summoned the meteor just so she could do that.
Celebrating stupidity is not the direction I would have gone.