Do colleges offer worthless degree programs? If so what are some?
Do colleges offer worthless degree programs? If so what are some?
>worthless degree programs
Nearly everything outside of STEM. Why do you ask?
>t. college graduate
Liberal arts. Anything not stem.
Most people who go to college are only doing it to feel superior, impress people, make their parents happy. There are a good amount that want to make bank and care about the pursuit of knowledge but they arnt very common from what I've seen. People go for useless degrees then "muh student debt" and get pissy because they entered into a contractual agreement and arnt doing well because of it. Trade schools are where it's at, personally I joined the military but it's not for everyone and there are a lot of downsides to it
In the majority of cases your degree is less important than what marketable skills you develop. If you do something extremely deep in liberal arts and stick entirely to the basics of the program with a bunch of random electives, then yeah, that's worthless. However, those electives don't have to be wasted: you could do something in liberal arts and back it with some background courses in law, logic, and legal writing (which usually have no major prerequisites beyond writing) and have a solid resume for a paralegal position, for instance.
In any case, if anyone wants advice from a real life college graduate, I'll be here for a minute.
Accounting, finance, education and management usually end up doing just fine.
Gender studies is less than useless, it's harmful.
Believe it or not, IT degrees. Even four year ones.
Entry level IT jobs all get outsourced to third-world shitholes.
If you are not going to excel at life, don't waste your money.
There is no need for 66% of people to go to college. It only saturated the market with idiots who half assed a degree.
If anything, we need people to apply themself to jobs that offer OJT and actually hire people rather than revolving people through temp agencies.
There is plenty of room for people to enter workplaces where skilled labor is a long term career evolution.
My boss keeps asking how he can get younger talent rather than old farts who are set in their ways.
Skip the school and learn a god damn trade!
What did you gain that you couldn't obtain outside of school?
You can't go wrong with education. Sure it's not the best money, but you don't have to worry about the job being outsourced or anything. Maybe automated, but that's farther down the road. Parents wouldn't want robots teaching kids anyways.
General studies sounds like a joke, but the major is defined by taking 50-60 hours of 300 level classes in a myriad different departments. At least this is how it works at the university I attend.
Good for students who are unsure what type of career they want to pursue.
African studies... about as worthless as can be given.
Worthless is arguable too.
I have degrees in art, philosophy, teaching and accounting.
Although accounting is how I make my money, I wouldn't say my philsophy degree is worthless. A view into deep inner working of morality and logic may not make it rain down money from other people, but the difference in knowing what I know now is worth every penny.
Similarly if I had gotten a degree in some fitness studies and spent every day smashing 10/10 girls,because of it but only making 20 do,lars an hour, I wouldn't necessarily call that worthless either.
An accurate guide
>What did you gain that you couldn't obtain outside of school?
A $60,000 piece of paper that makes me officially licensed to apply and accept certain jobs. The honest truth is that there isn't much you can learn at a university that you can't get for free on YouTube. If you ever want to be an engineer, however, you need that piece of paper from an ABET accredited university, which more or less say you are trainable to learn any job you apply for.
I would move k-12 education up a tier. They should be payed more, but they do make at least enough to not be suffering.
It doesn't have to cost 60k. But it's not the paper, it's the training from leaders and the most intelligent people in the feild. They tend to impart key pieces of their reasoning and strategy that you can emulate and they can guide you to essential resources for success.
The guy who taught me microeconomics was retired from the banking system as one of their key economics strategist and advised them on what to set in interest rates to.
itt fat mongoloids who never left their hometown bash on those who went to college and are doing better than them
You have to go back.
I'll be back in a few years when I'm rich, just to rub it in
bumping with girls - i want this conversation to continue
But YouTube doesn't give out paper with foil stamps on them! :(
You mean it wasn't the stuffed animals and obvious fact she's under 18? Y'all's a bunch of pervs
>with girls
I think you meant to say little girls.
I disagree. If anything, she looks way too old.
tits will always get u in the door.
any fellow comp sci