Howdy bud. How're you doing tonight?
idk really... you?
Get gay or go away
Bout the same. Pain meds aren't doing anything to this headache so it feels like I've got an ice pick stuck in my eye
jk, I love you hachi-man
no homo
Damn man.. sorry to hear that. Hope it goes away soon.
Those are some big boobs.
Buying more sex toys probably isn't helping my case but eh.
Its from a sinus infection so it'll be around for a bit still
What you buying?
Didn't know you had any at all. The more you know
Damn.. I was wondering if that's what I have, but I haven't had a headache for the most part.
Just unboxing the Fleshlight warmer thingy...
Ya.. sorry...
>Just unboxing the Fleshlight warmer thingy...
THis guy
I'm pretty pathetic, ya..
If its been around for more than a week, I'd say yes, as long as you've had a runny or stuffed up nose and a cough. Common cold symptoms really.
I've thought of getting one myself but I could never really justify the amount of money when I can use my hand for free, but thats just me. More power to ya cause you can do something I can't
you cool for admitting it
It's just been a stuffed up nose, but ya it's been like 9 days now.
No I'm not.
If you've got healthcare, go see a doc and get some antibiotics and hope like hell it works. If you don't have healthcare, get some damn good pain meds and hope like hell the possible infection clears up on its own
Too much work.
Thats what I said about going to see a doc when I was sick before Christmas and it wound up with me spending 12 days in a hospital and going through a hell of a recovery. I hate doctors, but at the same time, those dinks do keep us alive and healthy
it's good advice though
antibiotics are wonderful
Don't apologize, I just hate seeing people suffer like I did because I was being stubborn. There are people that want to keep seeing you around bud, and in good health
I know I know...
ok, well that's just not true.
I care about you and I know Charles does too, and we want to see you live a long life and be happy
It's gotta be one or the other of those two.
Which ever you choose. Personally I'd choose the happiness since I know I'm gonna die young
That's the point, yes.
So you like teh sherk.
mmm.. sherk
love the sherk
red head, sherk, bonus.....
oh snap
Reminds me of Wendy O Williams..
fap fap fap
pic related.
Shark, cuffs, what could possibly go wrong?
Gonna lurk for now while I play something..
Last sherk for tonight.
Too durnk to keep psoting.
I lied. bonus sherk