I practise witchcraft AMA

I practise witchcraft AMA

pic unrelated.


Do you actually believe in magic?

Yeah, but its not what the movies portray it to be. Think more like ritualistic practises.

Why call it magic if it's just a ritual?

Not really sure I guess, people call it different things. I'm not really bothered by what its called

Can your magic accomplish anything or is it just religious?

Where does the gravitational disturbance stem from when weighing ducks next to a witch?

I'm not sure what you mean by accomplish. Everything behind a spell is intention. For example I would call upon a specific demon/deity/entity to manifest something. It can be religious like in wicca, hellenism or even christianity ( I have met many christian people who do witchcraft even tho the bible frowns upon it)

how do i get super lucky?

You can do spells, herb bags, ritual baths or offerings to gods or demons in exchange for luck

can you give me more info on herb bags?

Its basically creating a little baggy out of different herbs that correspond to different intentions. For example: Lavender, chamomile and rose petals for goodnights sleep.

and offerings

So you create an altar or shrine to a deity/entity/demon and you place an offering for them. Its sort of like a scratch my back if I scratch yours. You get something in exchange for something from them. But sometimes it can go very badly if you don't pay what you owe

Does it work?

Yeah, but the basis of it all is intention and belief. I guess its a very psychological/placebo thing to.

how did you noticed that it works?

whats a good herb bag mix for luck witchcraft bro?


You see the results

Why the fuck would it want anything you have enough for the exchange to be considered on where "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" is anywhere close to applicable?

Please clarify your question

Why do you think it works?

Because you see the results

How much sex is involved in the Great Rites you've been part of ?

Sex magick is a real thing. The dopamine rush from an orgasm can be used for spells to. You can even offer an orgasm to sex/love deities as an offering

can you give an example from you own expierience?

me too but I rolled wizard, witches aint nuttin but bitches
pic related

Sure, friend had trouble finding work. Did a luck and prosperity spell/ritual. Prayed. Couple of days later she got a call for a job interview then got the job.

To whom are you praying?

>I practise witchcraft AMA
>pic unrelated.
Yaba daba do i put a spell on u

legit magic


Do you know much about Voodoo?

voodoo not much, I'm eclectic which means I practise bits and pieces from different paths but I haven't really gotten into voodoo yet. Maybe in the future

>well-rounded nutjob