Ask the leader of a Satanist death cult anything
> no fucking christians allowed
Ask the leader of a Satanist death cult anything
> no fucking christians allowed
well i am a christian and my question is the fuck do you guys do, like give me a lowdown on everything
why should i not fuck Christians?
Look out for that edge lord!
Why not just be atheist, I don't get it.
Where did it all go wrong?
I'll pray for you to the Lord our God through Mary m8. God bless!
Oh shit thems is fightin words user
how did starring in The Wrestler affect your Christ Worship?
>Ask the leader of a Jesus Life Cult anything
I am so sick of these "trap in training" threads.
Do you ever feel as gay as you look?
Have you made any one eat a shit sandwich?
Made me chuckle
Where does Frankenstein rate in your religion? Is he like a saint or something?
Any idea if or when you’ll ever grow up?
You like Trump?
Is this what The Devil looks like?
if your in a death cult why are you still alive?
You were born a woman right? What does Satan's cock taste like?
Do you have your services in the garage, or does your mom let you use the basement?
Why do you suck so bad at speedrunning infamous?
Ever meet Count Dracula?
Ok ok, that was good
What's it like being a Brony?
Do you guys offer any benefits like a health insurance pool?
Merry Christmas mr. Satan
Is Donald Trump the antichrist?
You don't answer a lot of questions do you?
Fuck no. The Antichrist is supposed to make things better, not worse.
What would you do if I told you that God was a cobra? I've been spreading the word since the 23rd, even though you guys aren't atheist, you still hold on to the retarded belief that god is humanoid and not a cobra.
Read the Bible, dibshits. The only time god shows himself physically to more than one person is when he reveals as a cobra from Moses' staff when confronting the pharaoh.
Exodus 7:10 The lord told Moses to throw down the staff, it became the snake. God's true form is a cobra. He did not make man in his image, he gave that grace to the subtlest creatures.
Look at Egypt's creation story, Apep (a cobra) and Atum (their version of God) where once one, each of them represented two sides of one individual. Egypt goes into heresy when they say that these beings split into two.
But we can surmise that all religions that have a god reference the same god through different lenses. Only christians get it right, obviously, but many religions have a snake god that contrasts a malviolent one.
This is actually the duality of god. Like a cobra he can be wrathful, but also he can be calm. Cobras strike down animals much larger than they with venom in much the same way an all powerful being might with lightning.
It is important that we still love god, though he takes the shape of something most find terrifying or repulsive. He cast down his lightning venom only on the wicked for He is just!
It is also no coincidence that snakes in general are mentioned so often in the Bible. It is not enough to have each line in the Bible memorized, but one must also read between the lines as well.
To say that god is neither man nor cobra is to say that the serpentic imagery and messages along with god's own divine acts are meaningless, which is just not true.
How's the eighth grade?
If Satan and Popeye had a fight, who'd win?
What's your favorite mustard for a ham sandwich on rye bread?
Does your mom let you stay up past 10 PM on the weekends?
Why do I have the urge to murder my gfs cat
In your face motherfucker!
I feel truly embarrassed for you. You try as hard as Brandon or Gavin, but you're even less likeable than those fucks are. Have you ever, like, gone outside?