why didn't he just fuck a prostitute
Why didn't he just fuck a prostitute
just another rich cheapskate
wow what a lovely boy! Elliot did not want fucc and was actually kinda disgusted in the thought of it he said in his manifesto, he just wanted love.
Ok literally who is this guy?
he was not very rich, dad made em pretty bankrupt
Elliot Rodger, the supreme gentleman.
>not reading his manifesto
He's a supreme gentleman not a fucking whoremonger.
and fucking murica not realizing their gun laws are shit as hell
yes muricans and especially trump-monkeys, am laughing at you
you liberal nigger loving cunt faggot bitch kys.
i have every right to own a firearm to defend my house against libtards and niggers like you.
kys faggot
It wasn't really about sex or girls. It was about feeeling rejected and being laughed at. In his manifesto he wrote:
"I had to suffer the shame of other boys respecting me less because I didn’t get any girls. Everyone knew I was a virgin. Everyone knew how undesirable I was to girls, and I hated everyone just for knowing it. I want people to think that girls adore me. I want to feel worthy."
"There is no pride in living as a lonely, unwanted outcast. I wouldn’t even call it living. I am not meant to live such a pathetic, miserable life. That is not my place in this world. I will not bow down and accept such a horrific fate. If humanity will not give me a worthy place among them, then I will destroy them all."