I am curious about trying stuff with another guy, but am shy and want to get to know someone a bit first...

I am curious about trying stuff with another guy, but am shy and want to get to know someone a bit first..Grindr and Craiglist dudes are just super thirsty and don't care about getting to know each other.

What do I do to meet nice ppl :c pls help

Pic related its my butt

U can show more for one..

start going to the gym. fag central


More butt lol

Dude, no one's gonna take you seriously. You are a trap, dealt with it.

ew physical activity

What does that mean? Can traps not find love too? :c

And with an ass like that might as well let us use it

Okay but im trying to find a way or website to do that without it just being a meaningless hookup....

show the rest of that ass first

What state (or otherwise country) do you live in?

Northeast USA

Aww, I'd totally be down to chat if you were in the Southeast. I wish you luck.

Fine....as lewd as it gets lmao


OP do you have a kik

tinder craigslist grindr use any site you can but simply put in your info that your looking for something more serious than a one time thing it might be slower but its worth a shot if it means something to you

I live in northeast and would be down to chat. 4dadudes

Would love to rim that ass for a good time before pounding.

4dadudes is my kik lol shoulda mentioned that

Yes, but I prefer discord

Damn...getting me goin

If anyone wants, DM me at : Riv#5891 on disc

Post your soles op

Now find something you can put in there