>debate in parliament soon
>deciding whether to pass a bill to gender neutralize the anthem
>remove "in all thy sons command"
>replace with "in all of us command"

I want off this wild ride folks. I am seriously questioning whether to move to the states (if trump wins obviously)

I cannot stand this fucking country at all. Any americans want to recommend a good state to live in for a truck driving, former military man like me?

Other urls found in this thread:

I refuse to believe this is real.

I like syrup.
Stay in your country and make me some syrup.

>implying we even make good syrup anymore

Meme magic is not that strong user, I'm sorry...

Oh its real, and its going to most likely happen unless it doesnt get passed.

Here is the cocksucker who introduced the bill
>Belanger’s health has been steadily deteriorating since he learned last fall he has an incurable and fatal neurodegenerative disease, more commonly known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

So essentially he wants to change the anthem, and then die off. Piece of shit man

pic related


Is he leaving it to his (((son))) or (((shemale)))?

How many dying people don't use their deaths as leverage to get something? I think most. Why give in to this prick?

They've been bringing this up for years. Then they're going to remove God and so on. Filth.

This all started when we gave rights to women.

I just want my country back man.
It is completely over run by browns and chinks. Now the chinks I dont mind but the fucking shit skins man especially in burlignton/mississauga area.

Trudeau is the biggest faggot leader Canada has ever seen. What pisses me off the most is his polls are apparently "sky high" for the past 6 months which I find to be bullshit propaganda.

If I were to move to the states, where would it be best, the south? I always liked the state of Montana, South Carolina, and others.


I swear to god...

If this makes debate people better wake up. Next they will paint John A MacDonald as some half-abo niglet just to appease Lesbian Wynne and the rest of the sjw's.

Come home to /Ohio/ white man

fucking faggot. fuck canada, ashamed to call myself a canadian

Don't change your national anthem it only goes downhill from there.

> he lives in Burlington/mississauga
> he thinks he has something to bitch about

Brampton checking in, you don't even fucking know hard times

fukken leafs lmao

At least you have syrup

Is their work for someone with a full Class A-Z license?

Hows the cost of living down there?

Do you get a snowy winter after the summer?

How liberal are most towns and the people in them?

>they're going to remove God
Don't be silly. They'll change it for allah, of course.

>me after a prostate massage

I was going to saw Londons bad but you have it way worse in Brampton. When's the last time you saw a white person?

im with you on the idea of jumping ship

Here I was thinking that link would be about Trudeau and his porno collection. Use a more relevant picture next time.

I actually live in the Niagara Region closer to Niagara falls, its a very white area especially in my neighborhood and part of town. So when I was in old Burly and Mississuaga, I could not believe my fucking eyes. Shitskins, and mosques every where I can see.

Restaurants, gift shoppes, I even saw a fucking islamic furniture store like WTF

at least we have syrup indeed. thought I will say most of it is just artificially sweetened bullshit. Gotta find that all natty stuff

Well trudeau is the biggest cuck politician walking the earth right now. I googled "trudeau cuck" and it was one of the first results I got. My trudeau memes are on my other computer.

I used to hate Canada but now I feel like I should move home and become some sort of dictator to save it from what it has become.

pic related.



Plenty of trucking companies here. We're a major transportation hub. Especially southwest Ohio.

Cost of living is lower than a lot of the country. I can support family on 1 income.

Northern Ohio gets plenty of snow early winter due to Lake Erie. Southern Ohio gets snow starting in January.

The 3 major cities have libs like any other, but the politics in general for the state are right of center.

Also while I have a decent amount of leaf posters in here,

What do you guys think of Kevin O'Leary joining the conservative party?

>alpha as fuck (minus the baldness)
>educated and smart
>knows a lot about policy and government

is he our Trump to Canada???

Who cares the real anthem is in French not some low tier English.

Thats sweet. I would definitely consider moving there.

Cost of living was one of my favorite parts about the states. I mean sure you guys dont have free health care like Canada, but fuck you guys are so DAMN FREE and awesome.

What're gun laws like in Ohio? Southern Ohio seems like the best option to me.

Forgot to link best version

If he runs, I hope he doesn't just run a weak ass version of the Trump campaign. That would be tragic.

What have we done? Our meme magic has broke time and space itself.
Is 2016 the year of memes

Cambridge here, sup my nigger

Ohio is conceal and carry state. We also have a version of stand your ground.

Plenty of gunshops and shooting ranges. Most people in the countryside are heavily armed.

Though I will agree it sounds a shit load better in French, I hate Quebec separatism and think all activists for it are stupid.

Also, wouldn't gender neutralizing the anthem fuck with the french lyrics making it sound just weird as fuck? I know verb conjugation is huge in french so im just curious

is it summer already in canada

Fucking Canada, man. You guys have a beautiful country with numerous resources. And you fucking retards are ruining it by mass importing shitskin and Asians. Plus, you have liberal faggots in government. Fucking Christ. Just give Alberta to us before you cuck that up too.

Trump is a nationalist who wants better deals for Americans.
O'Leary is a kike who'll sell whatever we still own to the Chinese for a quick buck.
They are not the same.

Where would Sup Forums be without trudeau threads?

No I think if he were to run he would really focus more on the business and economic portions of the country and center his campaign around that.

I would love for him to run or at least SOME ONE with a fucking back bone in Canada who isn't a SJW leftist shill. I have been posting every article of Trudeau and liberal governments retarded actions on my jewbook when I can, attempting to subtly redpill my normie friends.

Some like the link, others ignore it. One time a girl i was sleeping with stopped talking to me because "your'e too conservative and close minded user, the liberals are going to fix what Harper fucked up"

At this rate there's going to be a legitimate push to ban urinals unless they replace every toilet with urinals and demand people squat piss/shit to show solidarity with indian immigrants

Nothing wrong with this. "In all of us command" sounds better. Would also like to see mentions of God removed from the anthem, too.

However, knowing Trudeau, he'll probably put a line or two into the anthem about how Canada is a wonderfully diverse, Islamic nation, or some other shit.

summer? dude I have been lurking since February

This is edit right ?
It should not be possible to achieve this cuck form.


Yes, it's fake.

You don't fuck with heritage. Also it gives them foreground to fuck with it more. I want to keep God in the anthem and I hope the states do too.

Canada and the USA were both founded on Christian principles and values. Hence both countries were blessed with prosperity and riches, especially the USA, but up until the 70's and 80's, when degeneracy started to sink in...God abandoned us.

Wouldn't be surprised Fort Mac was a way of God showing his displeasure in us voting a faggot loving SJW liberal cuck into parliament.

Nothing wrong with this, either. Separation of church and state, and such. Change "God keep our land" to "We keep our land" or something like that. Its better anyway, because it puts the responsibility on US, the people of Canada, to keep OUR land GLORIOUS AND FREE, not an omnipotent being who may or may not exist.


I wouldn't trust this leafposter


If we didn't "fuck with heritage" we'd still be subservient to the fucking Queen of England (and yes, it would be called England, because to call it Great Britain would be fucking with heritage). Heritage is important, but its not like we're throwing out the national anthem.

The entire western world is built on Christian values and principles. That's why we are civilized, while the middle east is not. I'm not a Christian myself, but I can see the merits Christianity has.

That being said, I don't think that its appropriate to reference God in the national anthem. Even the US, which is arguably a more "Christian" nation than Canada ever was, was founded with the principle of the separation of church and state in mind.

>What pisses me off the most is his polls are apparently "sky high" for the past 6 months which I find to be bullshit propaganda.

I think his polling figures with the SJW crowd are rising, but the moderate liberals are not happy with him. To them, he's not really doing anything; his policies are just identity politics bullshit that doesn't really change Canada for the better while he spends and spends.

The moderate liberals actually do care about immigration, they do care about billions being thrown away to 'help' foreign 3rd world countries.

It's not even been a year and the liberal voters I know already have regrets voting for this guy.

Agreed, its very difficult to convince a liberal they're wrong.

When you say something that points out problems with policies/beliefs, rather than address the issue they just namedrop some conservative they dislike to deflect.

If you can manage to pin them down in an argument, you can see that revealing inconsistencies in their worldview causes them genuine discomfort - but they dont alter their worldview to reflect that. Instead they shuffle the flawed belief to the back of their mind and try to forget that it caused them discomfort.

Keep pushing and be prepared to meet their emotional side!

This. I actually did vote for Trudeau, because I naively thought he would actually DO something to make this country better, in some way. I could overlook some of his SJW bullshit if he actually did anything for Canadians, but all he's done so far is have dinner in some mosques and let in refugees.

Kind of fake

I'm sure the tweet itself is fake, but we actually really did pay to ship 300 south african "firefighters" to canada. They're all part of south africa's jobs program, so they have essentially no training whatsoever - they've had to be taught how to use fire hoses to fight boreal fires, and they don't even have any equipment.

We turn down americans, russians, mexicans, who all have actual firefighters, and instead we take in a fake firefighting force full of black conscripts who have no actual firefighter training and no firefighting equipment.

but you don't have enough money to move

just like all the shit-kicking hicks who said they were gonna move if obama won a second term. they're still in the exact same mobile home as 15 years ago, as you will be, lol.

I believe this should help you to decide

Ok I will agree with you there.

A separation of church and state as well cannot be argued against.

It just pisses me off how fucking weak our leadership is. It almost makes me think that they arent even trying to fix the country, they are literally just LOOKING for ways to piss off conservatives and Harper supporters and people who voted for him.

Think about it, Canada is burning and people are suffering, so Trudeau decides HEY LETS HIRE SOME MOTHERFUCKING UNTRAINED SOUTH AFRICANS WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN A HOSE BEFORE.

Conservatives across the country are filled with rage. I mean sure good on you for teaching another country how to fight fires to give them techniques and equipment.

But not at the taxpayers expense and well being for fucks sakes. Just the get the god damn fire out and worry about your SJW ways and tactics later.

Fuck. I usually never post on Sup Forums and especially on Sup Forums, and I have never made a thread before. But lately with Canada being led by Trudeau, I have been livid with every article I see talking about him.

aren't we still technically part of a theocracy though?

That makes no sense. How did they justify spending the money flying them here?

Progressiveness my fellow leaf. As well as pandering to the SJW crowd.

I remember seeing the video of them landing on facebook and EVERY fucking comment was someone sucking trudeaus cock for this and shaming people who even questioned it.

It was ridiculous thought control by my own people. Not moderators, not site owners, but fellow Canadians ganging up on another simply because he questioned Trudeaus motives like you are right now.

Canada is fucked eh? I want off this wild ride

Im going to the store to get me a roast beef and cheddar sandwhich, which syrup is the best brand?

President's Choice

Seconded, make sure its 100% maple syrup though if you cant find Presidents Choice in your area

thank you


Bite me Marxist Shill.

I know it's hard, but we have to stay. If we abandon our country for greener pastures, we're no better than the shitskin rapefugees. Do whatever you can do prevent people from voting liberal again.

Except I don't rape

That's exactly what they said about Trump before he ran, dumbass.

syrup comes in grades, quick google would tell you what to look for

careful you don't buy fake syrup instead of actual maple syrup.

Leafs born in 90s, can you confirm if circumcised or not? when did it die out in Canadia?


They may change it, but that lyric will stay. We all know that shit by heart, and everyone's going to ignore that bill.

they said he was nothing like Trump? fascinating.

i am not cut

93 here. I am uncut

You realize the anthem and as it is stands as a piece of our heritage.
PC or not, on what premise could such a thing benefit over the value of our Maple History?

90, cut

92 born in Greece though.

So who on Sup Forums will protest this shit irl or do we jump ship and head south?

I have already posted the link on my jewbook and some chick actually shared it. Shes polish though and probably secretly redpilled.

>b-b-b-b-b-but it was changed to all thy sons from the original
yeah in 1914
ww1 vets rolling in their grave
>but muh swedish video game developer arab women video game

>Economy tanking
>Gun violence on the rise
>Chink was mean to me the other day
>Remixing national anthem takes priority

Straight dope

Ever since he elbowed that chick, le weed man and his "most diverse cabinet ever" have been over the top memeing since trudeau elbowed that chick. First the south africans, now this..I am looking forward to what they have install for the glorious year of 2016.

>net worth ~300b

He's a blue liberal at best, we'll see though.
He'll be discarded by the CBC kikes as a low-rent Donald Trump, just watch

fuck meant 300million

left wing sperg squads

Yeah I will say he is rather liberal, maybe more libertarian pretty sure he mentioned something about that but wants to start conservative.

Regardless, I can see this man being a more competent and confident leader than trudeau.

this is some good syrup

91 uncut

Did you go with PC master race?

Our country may be cucked to oblivion but two things will always remain. Milk in bags, and damn good syrup.

If he presents a strong position on immigration, lowered taxes, sensible spending and doesn't show too many SJW tendencies I'd vote for him, he doesn't seem interested in giving our money to third world dwellers like candy.

94 cut

>Milk in bags
You have caught my attention