How do I stop falling to 14-17 year old girls? I fantasize about them when I see one at the store or in the tube...

How do I stop falling to 14-17 year old girls? I fantasize about them when I see one at the store or in the tube. I feel like a piece of absolute shit for it. Can one train themselves to stop?
Pic unrelated, She's 19

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Have you tried to get gf who is your own age?

When i was 15, I was fucking 14-16 year old girls.
Good times.


More of her?

Also, just look for older girls.

Listen to them talk for five minutes and you'll want to kill yourself instead.

theres crap tons of this girl. Valpo.

What's those marks all over her legs?
Do not want.

Stop watching porn and dont fap for 90 days.

Within a couple weeks your brain will turn its sexual energies to the women around you
>assuming you don't hang out with high schoolers.

Stop with that nofap bullshit


Yes. Get into a relationship with one long enough to realize what vapid, shallow children they are, after the illicit thrill wears off.

> (OP)
>When i was 15, I was fucking 14-16 year old girls.
>Good times.

Agree, best grills are 13-16

Hahaha, THIS. All they talk about is what selfie filters are good, looks, and other shallow or silly things.

I'd assume that anyone who isn't a total loser at life would be interested in girls that are more mature than that.

If you are a loser then that's what your problem is, fix it by working on yourself.

I want her to do porn so i'm hoping not to share her name.
She's 19.

Katelyn Scott
Valparaiso University
Was on a dating site looking for a sugar daddy, someone leaked her nudes and sent them to her dad or some shit

Between the ages of 18-22 I exclusively fucked 12-15 yo girls on the regular. That’s because I was very desirable to them. Also I had an apartment. I smashed more 13 yo puss than most men. 2 of them let me continue to smash as they finally started hitting 30 but i just remembered the old days every time I smashed it. Not one of them turned on me because I treated them with respect.

guys who are into girls that young usually just ignore what they talk about and keep pressing them for sex

Whoopsies, sorry about that...

What country do you live in that this is ok?

You don't. It's called being male.
All men fantasize about young teens because 14-18 is when they're at their most fertile. It's instinct. Just don't act on it in any way unless a young, legal-aged female approaches you for "that" specific reason.

14-18 girls are shit,
Their bodies are underdeveloped and they're usually pretty dumb.

>bae, you gotta put out

In other words, I saw her on the internet and I don't know

>they're usually pretty dumb.
perfect for manipulating...

This is completely normal. There's nothing special about the age of 18 other than that it is codified into most countries' law; teenagers reach puberty long before.

If you're of a reasonable age (read: not 30) and in a normal country that won't fuck you over (read: not the US), I'd say go for it. Otherwise, just accept that you're a healthy male and don't let the thoughts bother you.

If you don't say her name, the porn monster might get her!

Sound's like someone never got a chance to taste that sweet teen puss.

It's a result of untreated childhood trauma. Get a trauma therapist.

not true at all. the only physical difference between 14-18 and 18+ is that 18+ tend to be much fatter thanks to drinking and consuming kebabs four times a week.

i found out that there was just an endless supply of jailbait on a few now defunct social sites.
great times.
nothing hotter than young horny jailbait that wanted to chat with older guys

Prove him wrong


what if I don't hang out with anybody

That's normal in like every continent aside from America...

Post moar kate

He didn't present any evidence or science to support his claim. It's not worth a rebuttal.

I'm talking to a 15 year old right now, its on snap chat and iv proven that its actually her but fuck I'm too scared to actually go ahead with it. She WILL tell somebody at some stage

You're criticising nofap not the user..... I'm saying prove nofap wrong......

I sure as shit never felt better for a while then relapsed harder than a cocaine addict in a powdered sugar bakery explosion

Sorry buddy, it’s programmed in our code to fuck fresh meat


How old are you



I'm 40 and my last gf was 15.
Stop being a fag and go after what you want.

More of the Valpo bitch, plz.

jesus christ you pedo

Yeah I’d say forget it, and shoot for a young lookin 19yo. It’s not worth it, and there’s plenty of girls of age that are sexier and genuinely interesting to talk to

They're shooped, dunno why.

You’re not even being a fag, you’re actually creepy... you can’t even wait 3 years. holy shit what a stunning lack of self awareness

Got most of the stuff that was leaked. Will dump for money.

sorry, am poor bastard ;_;

Likely cos you haven't been in a relationship for 23+ years

Or you could just Google her name because her pics are really easy to find instead of giving this dude money

heterosexual males are hardwired to like them.

i mean, sweet curves, long hair, ass that wont quit..

taking advantage of their innocence is whats wrong.

youre not alone and anyone pretending otherwise is most likely lying

Why is that one kid in blue shirt in the backround bold?


Every other girl in my highschool was dating some old guy. Its pretty normal.

Wish I was cheer dude

Thing is im attracted to her because she is young, just like OP. Is there something mentally wrong with us or do we look at younger girls because of self confidence issues?

this was years ago.
sites are all dead.
like no longer there.

I'll never get with any girl that's even been with someone before, so i go very young. Why tf would i want some used up leftovers when i can have something new and fresh.
I deserve the best after all.

This OP. I worked with late HS/college kids for 6ish years and dated a girl from 16 to 19. Great fuck if you dont mind complaining and doing 98% of the work (Light BDSM did it for me). Broke up with her finally after a few other younger friends pretty much watched her fuck 4 guys over the course of a night while blasted. After we broke up she moved to another state with some friends and I met my now wife who was only 3 years my younger and I dont plan on ever leaving her. The connection difference is night and day. I don't even blame her and were still friends. You can't expect people that age to not be wild to an extent. I went in not really thinking about that and it was a huge wakeup call. If you dont care about feeling or actual connection id just recomend getting a real doll type thing. Costs more upfront but far less in the long run and won't complain or do anything to break your manic fantasy

Whats with the land whale in the cheer outfit standing to the right?

Jesus christ.

hebephilia, my dude. This impulse goes back to when we would make advances/start families with pubescent girls to start families. Nothing is wrong, just dont go diddling little girls.

Gotta have bases for pyramids, right?

How was your sex life growing up?

Even though the sites are dead, what were they?

anyone on mega to share?

So basically im ok as long as i don't act on it?

As a kid I was never molested or anything but i did experiment with other kids.. like a lot. worth mentioning that they were up for it too.

Literally all celebs date underage girls. Nobody even cares

Same age/sex?

>Can one train themselves to stop?
Yes. Talk to them.

Well when i was super young me and girls and guys would do the you show me yours and ill show you mine thing, sometimes get them to touch

Got a blowjob and messed around with a 13 year old girl and guy when i was 9

After that just usual teenage stuff I guess

Hopefully you fucked a lot of them when you were Young. Last time I fucked a 17 yr old I was 25. I stayed with her. You have to find girls that stay looking youthful, not some bitch who's dumb and eats like shit, or their looks will go in their twenties.


because that's when they are at their peak when it comes to beauty. 14 and 15 is a bit weird but 16-19 is easily the most beautiful age of just about any women. science has proved this

tell yourself they are children (because they are ya sicko) and stop looking at fuckin loli porn and cheese pizza. it's fuckin sick, do you like to talk to them because you were a loser in high school and wish you could have talked to those kinds of girls?

Usual teenage stuff? Did you manipulate anybody younger than you or older (less likely). Or otherwise did you and do you feel your actions were immoral/shameful?


I was fucking 14-17 year olds when I was 14-25. I had a gorgeous half Latino girl like to me and say she was 16 when I was 19. 16 is the age of consent here, but she was actually 14. She was a freaky little nympho and I definitely wasn't her first, but I never knew until I saw her again and fucked the shit out of her when she was 16. She let me know she was still in school. I would have fucked her anyway honestly.

Hook up with a 5-foot-1 flat-chested Asian woman and dress her up in schoolgirl outfits.

What a royal psycho wtf is this

where does one even meet girls that young?

She could suck on me any time she wanted

Anyone want to chat about this on discord or kik?

What's unreasonable about being 30?

That's the tank.

It was a prank! Kek youtube sure is amazing
Hello officer


It's normal to have those feelings and urges, it's all hardwired. Basically young girls are horny and easy to fuck so society protects them with laws so being attracted to their toned bodies and tight little wet pussies is normal, just don't act on it.

Just find a girl your age and let the fantasy go, if you didn't fuck them when they were the same age you missed your chance (at least here in Murica)

Hope this helps

>result of untreated childhood trauma
How is that?

How old are ya OP?

Shes so sweet

Got kik?

Fug. I need this.

It's illegal, but he's not a pedo

>I deserve the best
No you do not, you deserve the worst. Why do you believe otherwise?


Admittedly there was older man that touched me when I was around 14 but i was all for it. I willingly went down on him because I wanted to. I don't feel that effected me.

Tinder, it said she was 18 but she told me the truth on snapchat