just popped a zit on my neck
Just popped a zit on my neck
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omfg what the fuck ? you sure everything is right in your body?
mmm best flavor of toothpaste
my doggo licked all the gunk out of it
Mate that looks like a prolapsed asshole that just got a creampie.
obviously not in my nech user
Looks more like a boil?? Going to. Amputate at neck.
babby spiders are going to crawl out.
Go to hospital immediately.
not possible im poorfag
pour some alcohol over it.
Hydrogen peroxyde would work better.
Looks like a massive Cyst, not a zit.
burned like helll
looks like gangreen
>paying for health care
any before pics? you need to pack that shit with gauze after disinfecting it, also make sure you remove everything or it will grow back.
At least it doesn't directly induce necrosis like alcohol does.
Jesus Christ. Shit looks like green food colouring
feels like there is a golf ball in there but i cant squeeze it out
its strting to smell reely bad like a dead animal
You are going to need help then.
dude, don't fuck up your entire neck, just disinfect it, use antibiotics and anti inflammatory products
prolly a cyst, go to the doctor, you can't, i repeat, can't extract it by yourself, it needs surgery
user you still have lots of shit inside. You better find someone who removes everything properly.
i used both thumbs but it hurt bad
its like its attached to my spine or sum shit
Of course it did. Once it hardens it stops being a zit and turns into a cyst. You really need help there.
poor fag no transpo moms broke ass welfare we live in rural ass nowherville
my sister wont squeeze it for me mom is drunk she said it almost made her puke
That's an emergency. In the U.S.A. you can go get it treated "poorfag".
hospital is 60 miles way user i think i got most of it should dry up and heal
Thats a port to plug you in to the matrix.
Go to a fucking doctor.
How expensive can that be? Over here it is 2€ to consult a doctor.
dammit OP fucking go to the hospital anyways, if there's money for internet there's money for surgery
lol free healthcare here. Pay $0.0
neighbors wifi user
That thing is so gross but I can't look away
underrated post
my gf was going to take me but the smell made her sick and she left said shed be back but thats been hrs and now wont answer phone
when i squeeze real hard it makes my arms go num
You gotta go to the doc
how about i trade my free healthcare for your girlfriend? we both get what we want
Thats a boil and like an idiot u squeezed all the puss out leaving a gaping wound to get infected.
possible user shes pissd me off
i had to it was burstng on its own
Looks infected. Go to a doctor.
its a deal then. show her to me
>puss is infection
tri dubs checked
>green puss isn't concerning
she not here user
got to lay down feel real hot and faint
do you not have pics ffs
man i feel 2 sick to play dat shit rite now bruh
well since you cant go to the hospital...make another user happy
You're supposed to keep a warm cloth on it before it opens up. Then slowly let the puss out dont squeeze it all out or you leave a big hole that won't heal very well.
I'm speaking from personal experience I've had boils on and off for years in my teens.
fever got me sweating gotta go mom wants the lt
thx for the halp Sup Forumsruhs
thanks forthe thread
Peroxide doesn't disinfect. It was just proven awhile back.
This thread is horrifying
welcome to Sup Forums new friend
Ok got most of the gunk out of it should heal now
rub anti biotic cream on it. Doesn't look too infected.
I put some shit for poisin ivy on it all i got
you in california? you can go to doctor first, and then have the state cover your expenses retroactively after applying for medicare within the month.
south arkansas
Not user, but this isn't the usual mediocricity which we get at Sup Forums normally.
This isn't even a log, fluffy, trap or lolly thread, it's just legit some OP who decided to share his disgusting zit with us.
That used to be usual, but nowadays it's rare.
>American poor fag
>No free health care
Gg murica
white ppl -_-
How does a zit get that big
Also id love one that size to pop...popping zits is awesome
youre not op get a life fag
Youre gunna die bro. No joke. Its going to get reinfected and spread throughout your blood.
See ya spacecowboy
Youre dying dude.
Cists on the neck can be VERY dangerous. Go to a doctor ASAP
yeah it feels like it runn a temp got a fever
took sum asprun and keepn it washed out with soup
it like fukn grew over night from a huge zit after i fuckn squuzed on it
mom said to poor some whiskey on it said to fuck off she thinks it was from me doing drugs
>washed out with soup
fukn thing stiks to the pillow
Of course it does: it is still damp. Please get some bandages for it.
dude were dirt fukn poor in a trailer woods of arkansas mom lays on her fat ass drunk and muh sister turns tricks on cl i was cutn firweood til the weather went shitty im fuckn brokedick
Ouch. Try to wash some handkerchiefs and use them as aposits. You need to keep that somewhat protected. Also try not to sleep on your back.
Are you retarded? Go get some antibiotic ointment at the dollar tree and put a bandage on it
go to hospital anyway. it's emergency. they can bill you but you don't have to pay. will fuck up your credit but at least you won't die. this infection has a high probability of being fatal if not properly treated. please user go to hospital soon.
we live 60 miles from town dude didnt you read any of this shit
read above not repeating myself ffs
what you popped was a sebaceous cyst. The remaining wound will fester from the remaining puss you didn't properly get out (and can't get out alone without a physician), a you will get a dangerous infection if you leave it unattended. You could die if you don't go to a doctor
fuck it itll dry up or kill me dont gaf my life is shit anyway