Anyone else a Slavaboo?

Anyone else a Slavaboo?

>Defend their borders
>Dominantly conservative and anti-progressive
>Not afraid to openly say they hate muslims
>Go to war if their country is being threatened
>Spit on EU rule and oppose Merkel's new reich

Got a Serbian girlfriend, absolutely based.

Are you the same guy from the other thread?

1. not all Slavs are like Serbs
2. even Serbs themselves are cucks

>Defend their borders
>Let all the refugees pass through
>Get super butthurt when based Hungary builds their wall since that will trap the refugees in Serbia

>even serbs are cucks

And you know this, how?
Croat diaspora?

You do know you are just going to bring butthurt and shitposting muslims, and croats?

They are pretty pathetic with their shitposts also.

Polish american here. With a serbian girl. Love me some slavs.

You think Serbia is so wonderful because they have a border and hate muslims? Try living with the Serbs for a while and see how you like it. Here's a hint: you won't.

Lost all credibility in just one word.

Serbians are cucks it's in their genes.
The Serbian duke/king even married his daughter to a Turkish noble, literal cuckold tier.

kill all non slavs RACE WAR NOW

Plenty of Turkics who are blonde, or do you equate Turkic with Turkey? Turkey is less than 10% Turkic DNA, mostly indigenous Anatolian and Greek.

stfu ugkly turk boy

Serbian Diaspora who can't even speak English, how pathetic.



I'm slav and slightly progressive. There are dozens of us, dozens!

This, mah nigga.

Never dated a dutch girl again in my life, slav girls are top tier.

Kosovo is not Serbia bc it's filled with muslim retards, but Montenegro should be Serbia instead. It's a little less muslim-infected.

>being a -aboo of any nationality

You know you can respect and admire a culture without idolizing them and hating yourself yes?


Kosovo is the largest NATO base in Balkan you fucko.

How many Islamic migrants passed through Serbia on their way to Germany?

Slavs are based. we yuropians should work together to reclaim our glorious continent.

Whether its slav, germanic, Nordic, greek, Celtic or an eternal anglo, we have to stick together