A girl sent me a snap of her in her bed asking for someone to have netflix&chill with...

A girl sent me a snap of her in her bed asking for someone to have netflix&chill with. I replied that maybe sometime and she sent a pic almost showing her tits, her blanket covering the important parts. What should i reply? Should i send a dp? What should i say to her to get her sending nudes? I barely know her, just talked to her a couple of times, she's a 10/10 with perfect body? Pls help me, I don't wanna ruin my chance to fuck her!

Never send a dick pic, wtf user? You should know better

I'm on my way bebby

You should go round there. Like right now. Can't you see she wants the D OP?

I can't she lives like 3 miles away and my car is broken so i would have to walk, and it's snowing like hell

Go there. Now. Not in ten minutes. Not in five. NOW.

Ask her if it's ok to come over. If she says yes then she wants it. If not she's just teasing you.

Send this.

take pic of you topless, send to her
she's teasing, tease her back, then show her the d

>bitching about walking in the snow

Wow. You are a giant fag.