Is there supposed to be anything deep or intellectual to "get" on this record?

Is there supposed to be anything deep or intellectual to "get" on this record?

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Communism is good
Christianity is stupid

No. And anyone who thinks liking this album makes them smart is retarded. It's just a good album

There's a theme of existentialism that runs through a few of the songs which is also described by the music. The key thing to get is that although it is meant to sound random, the actual compositional process behind the record is actually taking 10-15 instrumental fragments, developing them and putting them in different combinations, and then improvising a vocal melody on the top.

Ok, so I'm not a pleb. My actual thoughts were
>I don't really see why people think this is so inaccessible, it's pretty good
>I don't think the band (although obviously damn good musicians) takes themselves seriously, and anyone who does is kidding themselves.

Yeah, the music did seem to be going somewhere. "Progressive" some might say.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Captain Beefheart. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical philosophy most of the jokes will go over a typical listeners head. There's also Don's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization. His personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny, they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Captain Beefheart truly ARE idiots, of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Don's existential catchphrase "Neon Meate Dream of an Octofish!" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Don Van Vliet's genius wit unfolds itself on their speakers. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Trout Mask Replica tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only, and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

depends on how much credit you want to give cptn beefheart

it sounds exactly the way its meant to (inb4 hurr durr all music does) and was vigorously rehearsed to come out the way it did so take that as you will


But the vocals were improvised like said?

ive never seen a citation on that but i know he listened to bleedback from the studio booth while recording, don't doubt he improvised the melodies (vilet said most the lyrics were existing poems already)
its common knowledge that the instrumentals were all rehearsed to the note and performed to program
if someone cares enough to share their deep cuts on that vocal melody improv bit i'd be interested to read it

go back to newshitter

Ateast I don't have a pompous need to post in an anonymous image board using a name as a self-aggrandizing statement - no one gives a shit about your opinions, using a tripcode won't change that fact.

lmao stop obsessing over tripfriends

>look how important I am

just got quads giving you valuable Sup Forums advice and you still squander it
newshitters are truly the scum of this website

Your advice was simply crying like a bitch and you try to pretend newshitters are the problem? it's self-indulgent narcissistic twats like yourself.
>I use a name, look at how far I am above these plebs

lmaoo @ this kid
what a fourchan hero he is taking this tripgod down a peg truly he is a champion of the common man

Thanks. I've listened to it like 4 times now and enjoyed every listen but never seen the depth people talk about. It's fun as fuck though.

>noticing tripcodes in current year

>>I don't think the band (although obviously damn good musicians) takes themselves seriously
you have no idea. Beefheart and his band lived in squalor, in one apartment, and shared a single cup of beans for a month, and just before they finished the album, Beefheart beat up the guy who was translating his ideas to the rest, threw him off the stairs and refused to give him any credit.


It sounds bad on purpose!
That means it's deep.

Imagine being this dense.

no, but I unironically love it

"all music sounds exactly the way it was meant to"
who tf would say that? execution of sound and ideas don't always match the intention of the artist, and the very rare music that does that perfectly ("well executed" is the term) instantly become a great album at least (one example: frank ocean's blonde)

it's on wikipedia, and I'm pretty sure you can find even more details if you read up on it a bit.

that's actually a quote of marx about the dietetic.

I guess my opinion doesn't matter as much because honestly I've never finished the album, I've only gotten past like the first 4 songs. So I guess this has to do with inaccessibility, but those first songs are pretty different from normal stuff. Even played the first 2 songs for people I worked with and they thought it was a joke. I didn't enjoy the sound, and neither did they. There is organized sounding chaos in music, and then there is that.