Found out a few months ago my gf cheated on me behind my back

>found out a few months ago my gf cheated on me behind my back
>the thought gave me a shameful erection
>tell gf
>gf is having sex with another man
>I'm masturbating to it
Music for this feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

no music, just end yourself dude

belle & sebastian - i'm a cuck

>Music for this feel?
Ask /metal/.

Nice story OP tell me more.

The Magnetic Fields - Absolutely Cucked

Type O Negative
you cuck

Well me and my gf have been together for 4 years before she cheated, we got together in high school, but have been friends since middle school. I'm 21 and she's 20

Whitehouse, my dude

The Killers - Mr. Brightside

Sorry to hear all that OP. Go out and get laid with a young bird

I'm not a liberal though

Hey man, just wanted to say since you're probably new that you don't need to put anything in the name field. Sup Forums is primarily for anonymous discussion, and having a tripcode like that when your identity is irrelevant to the topic at hand will make you seem like an attention whore



Here you go senpai

only serious rseponse in the thread

>not a liberal

Well there's your problem

Liberalism is a cancer on society

Thats an unhealthy relationship dynamic even if it gets you hard. Get yourself outta there

>still believing in "cheating"
>not having multiple fuck buddies

How's Sufjan numale?
If anything he's more of a man than all metal bands united

says the literal cuck

says literal cancer on society

t. Sharia Bleu
Why's that?

t. corporate zombie