Am I the only one that thinks abortion should be an option only for rape victims

Am I the only one that thinks abortion should be an option only for rape victims

This is a shitty 'raid'

Obviously not or you wouldn't think that, do you really think you have independent ideas lol?

It got no problem with abortion but I hate the idea its not a human. It is

Just say you dont care and kill it. I wouldnt care

why should it be an option for rape victims ? the baby didn't do the raping so why kill it??????

i fully support less people being on this shitty planet

Body autonomy is genuinely a good argument.

If you don't allow legal abortion you will have even more women putting their babies into trash bins. Do you want more dumpster babies? There's no good solution only trading one horror for another.

I raped your mom, kys is always an option

Yes, you are literally the only person who thinks this.

Every person who says this doesn't actually know what happens. When abortion isn't legal, people don't get abortions. This is one of the only times where for 99% of people, it really is that simple.

baby is innocent and also has a body

Same fag,
I'm pro abortion because it means dumb ass natives stop fucking breeding.

With that sort of thinking you'll be the main reason in the increase of false rape charges against men by women.

Yes, but you clearly don't know what body autonomy is. It means I don't have to support someone else's life with anything of my body, even if it didn't inconvenience me at all.

Government can't force you to donate a kidney even though it will save someone's life and you can function just fine with a single kidney.

Government can't force you to bring a pregnancy to term for the same reasons.

Body autonomy

All hail supreme leader stupid

of course
growing up knowing that your dad was a rapist and your mom didn't want you alive
Seems good, at least you weren't thrown into a trash can so lucky you

Yep. You've concocted a completely unique position on a divisive issue. Well done, you.

Either people should use protection, keep it in their pants, or have an abortion. The world is so severely overpopulated, we have far surpassed Earth's carrying capacity [[inb4 "We'll just colonize Mars hur dur"]] Read Life on the Brink by Cafaro and Crist. I'm not a fan of killing anything so unfortunately, abortions are one way of limiting human suffering... now or in the future.

why should a girl be aborted just cause she got raped? it probably wasn't even her fault.

>gets raped
>emotionally fucked
>wont be able to work for a few months, might lose my job or position
>can't do shit
>deformed body
>has to work on recovery
Seems fair on the rape victim

government should force you to

>Year is 2017
>You and gf are going at it
>Shes on the pill and you're using a dome
>It breaks on that 98% chance
>One little sperm gets to the egg
>the 91% chance the pill has of working fails also
>a child is born with a garbage life as its parents are not financially prepared for it
>lives in a trailer park and has a .01% chance of becoming a successful white rapper

not that poster, but please explain mr high-n-mighty

dont get raped then



I equate it to unplugging coma patients. They could become something, but whatever.

If you choose to abort it


Im not that guy but they will just go to some other country and get abortion there its that simple

killing babies is wrong

Not at all. Even more awful, they put 'their' kids into the welfare system instead. But almost all 'data' that's come out to say people do more home abortions has been EXTREMELY flawed. One of the main critiques being almost all data showing an increase has assumed a base increase. Instead they put them into the welfare system, which again, in my esteem, is worse than abortion.


nobody thins for themselves these days and they're too stupid to see through anything and they don't trust anything, and we would all amuse ourselves to death like the movie idiocracy.

Yes abortion should be legal, and killing your baby should be legal here like it is in china. 1 baby is like buying a fleet of SUVs pollution wise. There is way too many people as is. My only regret is I wont be able to kill some of you ass holes.

Somebody needs to make a nostalgia thread and post critical thinking.

think about it, enough abortions destroys the reproduction capabilities. these people cull their own population with no effort from "NAZIS >:^(" they actually just do hitlers job FOR us. as long as they pay out of pocket and insurance isnt forced to cover it (like in oregon) and the tax payer doesn't have to pay for it (like in oregon)

i am 100% for them killing their own kind. 10/10 in my eyes.


why not kill yourself then? help out the planet

more ded babis yay

Foetuses aren't even babies yet haha
joke's on you anti-abortionists

hmmmm sounds like something a baby killer would say

Look, don't pussyfoot around with these half-measures.
Either abortion is murder and should be treated as such, or abortion is just destroying a fetus.
These compromises are an insult to both sides of the issue.

it isn't murder if they aren't people, and fetuses aren't people, just like pro-lifers

Anti abortionists are literally the biggest spineless pussies I have ever heard of

it's like destroying a fucking delusional sperm

it should be an option for everyone

the fact that females have the ability to kill their satanic womb spawns is a good thing

you have absolutely no clue about the reality of back-door abortionists, both in the past in countries before it was legal, and today in those it is still illegal.

>Am I the only one
Stopped reading right there.


lets get down to brass tax, why are we throwing that good meat in the trash and not putting it in dog food or something?

you do you as long as it's not born