Why is Haiti such a shithole?

Why is Haiti such a shithole?

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Your first guess is the correct one


Because the Clinton Foundation squandered all the money that was supposed to go to Haiti to help with the earthquake?

Why are you so buttmad Trump got caught making a vulgar expression Presidents shouldn't make?

>the Clinton Foundation

because of a variety of complex issues relating to their history, their location and every other country's aversion to working productively with them to help make their country _not_ a shithole?

Largely uneducated population, extreme poverty, lack of infrastructure, small island prone to natural disasters.


Seriously. Nixon said much worst stuff. He was openly racist and used slurs for blacks and Jews on tape.

>Why is Haiti such a shithole?

Sub-Saharan Africans would be my guess.

why is he doing this?

He seriously stacked nine pennies

why the fuck do you think

Maybe he should have called them "deportables"

Really brings it into perspective

the cow REALLY likes it and that boy is a very nice boy.

Pictured: the gross national product of Haiti

Why do they do this?

but when she finds someone with a lot of pasta, she got a plate ready that already taste like her mouf

>Why is Haiti such a shithole?

Because it's populated with sub-80 IQ people who have severe trouble with impulse control.

Here is a video that can explain it for you


I don't get it

Idk. It is a shit hole. Bucnh of lynchings and machette attacks there.

Any country with >3% niggers is a shithole



>every other country
wow totally didnt expect anybody here to blame any country except haiti for their problems

fuck off you bell end, if these degenerates cant even help themselves, they dont deserve the help of other countries

Those stars are fine. Most stars have lives measured in billions of years, and light only takes 100,000 years to cross the Milky Way. Anything further away may look like a star, but it's not (it's a galaxy).



Blacks. Haiti looks like 90% of other black run countires/cities/communities/ etc


Gee racist much?

Niggers. French Niggers at that.

300+ years of history

also if they can be seen with the naked eye, theyre not that far away (relatively, anyway)

well you see
>take a third world nation
>and shake it really hard
and you get Haiti.

It was shit then they broke it. Nowhere to go but down

No, Show me one black run country thats not a 3rd world shit hole.


It’s ok for Ooobama to call Libya a shitshow but Trump is racist for calling countries what they are

>im an expert in geopolitics, even though im a basement dwelling tendie tamer


Wacky shit man

If you listen really closely, you can hear the MAGA dummies precipitously trailing off after they read 'complex issues'...

Nah, Germany is run by a SJW feminist that would be gang raped by immigrants if it wasn't for her armed protection.

Not that user, but that's SANDniggers dipshit

Ancient Egypt

because we invaded it in the 20s to siphon money out of the country.

amazing how much money you can make off of the poorest people in the world.

Also the clintons flooded haiti with cheap rice as a tax write off, most of haiti depended on substance farming to survive, so they moved to the city. Then a earthquake happened




Ancient Egypt was not ran by blacks. They used blacks as slave labor.

Come on SJW Sup Forumstards. Give me 10 examples of countries ran by blacks that are not shit holes.

Just because you can't keep your slaves clean is no reason to call people names


And the reason for why so many other black ran countries are shit holes?


All European countries imposed heavy sanctions including the total embargo on Haiti in 1804. Basically, this stunted it development right from the beginning. They even ended up paying French large sums of money. That was fucking bizarre situation. Former slaves were forced to pay a country that put them in such a dire straits. Of course, they were doomed. Also, don't forget how French felled almost most forests in Haiti and exhausted soil by extensive agriculture practices.

9/10 would smash that black girl with my small white racists penis

Niger, South Africa


There's a level of decorum and reasonably professional behavior I expect from the president. Everyone says that Trump is such a great businessman and he runs the country like a CEO, then be a little more professional. It doesn't bother me he said 'shithole'... And, honestly, he can say whatever the fuck he wants when he's not in a bipartisan meeting, ostensibly involved in constructive discussion. And it's more than words... It's the entire context of what he said. Calling our allies shit holes, talking about Nigerians running back to their huts. That's not an effective way to lead, president or otherwise.

If he wants to spend 1/3 of his time at his clubs, funneling gov't money into his pockets, I expect him to at least TRY to work somewhat effectively and efficiently when he actually does wander into the oval office.

Your country was run by a black president more than a year ago.

>Your country was run by a black president more than a year ago.
Yeah, but in America, we fix our mistakes.

He was one part of a 3 layered government. The "government" was still ran by white people. with a black figurehead.

Yeah by making even bigger mistakes. Trump had been doing a great job discrediting the USA so far.

Those shitty countries like the US, UK, and France


Respect is earned, not given. If the US was attacked do you really think armies of Nigerians would be lining up to defend it? Where are the Nigerian troops alongside US soldiers in their conflicts today? The US dumps billions of dollars into African countries with nothing to show for it.

well shit i don't know maybe its the its that European countries siphoned their natural resources for centuries while brutally subjugating them, then freeing them and leaving the with no proper form of infrastructure education etc. I don't give a hit about other people, but those who say black countries are fucked purely because of race are fucking retarded.

I'm sorry. I cant hear you over lowered unemployment and higher stock market.

you mean the nonexistent French that were genocided? the niggers charcoal-based economy was the nonexistent french fault too huh? have you seen the dominican republic border with haiti

Eurotards did that to a quite a few countries and all the non-black ones recovered just fine.

you dumb fuck as if haiti was not already stripped bare when the french controlled it.

>all the nonblack one recovered fine
oh like india and indonesia

>siphoned their natural resources for centuries
Implying they even knew about a lot of these materials or could access themselves, or even do anything with them
>freeing them and leaving the with no proper form of infrastructure
They were left with much more than the Chinese.

These countries are shitholes. Their people are too corrupt or too stupid to improve their own lives and basic personal hygiene. Haiti hasn't been a colony in over a 100 years. How long does it take niggers to figure out how to manage their own lives? Im not a stormfag but jebus christ.

user you are mad because Trump spoke factually and without the "decorum" of a president? He's not a politician. He wasn't elected to be a politician. He was elected to be a problem for the system and thats exactly what he's doing.

Our government is broken. Fuck decorum, and fuck you too user.

You live on a tropical island nation, how many fucking brain cells do you need to realize that you need to cultivate a tourist economy?

its not like we are expecting these people to form original ideas. Just take what others have already proven works and do it yourself. but this fucking monkeys can't even manage that.

>they didnt know about many of these materials
oh yeah only cut down all of haitis forest and ran destructive agriculture practices that destroyed the soil.

you can't extract resources if you can't eat,

yeah and the chinese only had a billion people


>He's not a politician.
Very true.
>He wasn't elected to be a politician.
Not so true.

He was elected to a political office, you're splitting hairs to say he's not a politician just because before he held political office he didn't hold political office.

I used to be a little kid but they don't let me go in the ball pit at mcdonalds anymore because shit changes.

yo i enjoy debating with you this is fun.

>implying a haitian even knows tourism when his education was in a mud hut. No viable agriculture = no food no food = nothing else is on these peoples mind but feeding their families.

uhh you got anymore of those pics.

You can buy potash to cultivate the soil. The tools are there but like so much of this human trash they won't apply themselves, instead they will play the victim card and bitch and moan about how they "was robbed by whitey and we Wuz Kangs!"

In all the pictures of Haiti you see tons of pollution. That has nothing to do with no trees or bad soil.

>tourism in a country where the french already destroyed all your natural beauty.

>implying any of these poor fucks have money or education to learn proper farming

i just feel sad for them. they where fucked from the beginning. Any relief is just thinly veiled corruption.

also their greedy fucking dictator don't make things better.

The Lesson of Haiti

Now your splitting hairs. Just because you get elected to office doesn't automatically equip you with political knowledge, such as how to wrangle senators or establish bi partisan agreements.

I have been a lifelong democrat and I voted for Trump. Not because I thought he was brilliant or even all that smart, but the system is fucked and someone like him is doing a fantastic job of shining a light on that.

>Trump is such a great businessman
with 5 bankruptcies

>nothing to do with no trees or bad soil

Why is it everyone else's responsibility to fix Haiti ? They can't pick up their own trash? can't demand good representation from their politicians? Look at south africa since mandella and the whites were pushed out. Not exactly a shining beacon for your argument friendo


>Our government is broken.
Yeah. Look at the piece of shit you're defending in office.

We have military assets, intelligence agencies, command networks and infrastructure in those countries. Nigeria's air force has less than 100 aircraft. There's more to an allied relationship with a country than just military means... There's no question that they lack resources, but a country like Nigeria is far from a charity case. Whether it's economically, politically, militarily, etc... They are an ally in that they support our interests and allow us the ability to navigate within their borders to further support those interests.

He made profit on the bankruptcies you pleb

coz haitians

How many business did Obama, Hillary, and Bernie run between the 3 of them? 0!

>Trump profited from screwing his investors

fuck off Trumpfag

>with 5 bankruptcies
and a 2 billion dollar net worth.

I love how libtards with no understanding of business or finance trot this fact out like its some kinda "gotcha" card. stop it. Your embarrassing yourself.

Who cares? Trump fucked up mightily with 5 of them.
You're defending incompetence, user, and rewarding criminal behavior.

Jesus Christ a 3rd useful idiot defending Trump's shit-tier business practices.


yeah man I get your reasoning. but I'm far from a far left bitch. I just figure a word where we actually help those in need is a better one. Also in Souther Africa the apartheid gov shot at crowds with buckshot, not really a shinning beacon of hope before. And whites still are in the gov.