How do NEETs provide for themselves?

How do NEETs provide for themselves?

they dont
que seinfeld music

Parents and/or autism bucks (aka govt assistance)

They schill on /biz/ for shit alt crypto coins.

female bread winner

your answer is in the name.

Saving enough to be months without work.

Selling games over steam, online trading, owning shares of nestle; wwe; coca cola company and sometimes streamin/youtube videos

I live off the government.

we dont

A TRUE neet can survive and even save cash on NEETBUCKS. A true neet only eats because of the empty stomach bubble sensation what can be quite uncomfortable and eat only between gaming or internet sessions. A true neet can live anywhere where privacy and a doorlock is present.


What's neet bucks?

Mostly this

csgo skins

Social security social benefits welfare unemployment money

Like that

What a boss setup

With which nothing of value shall be accomplished

Also asking your parents and people around you for money for important things but not spending it on thsoe things is a good way to rack up cash for vidya and vidya related stuf. Just make sure they can't prove your spending and they can't say nom like traffic tickets and stuff

all that is work, retard

Op is a stupid fag00t

I dont see it as work.

i had unemployment but it's about to run out. what should i do gise? go back to being a wageslave?

I run my own company while destroying tax evaders, spammers and scammers.

Go on


>provide for themselves
GBP is a pretty popular coin right now so theres that and wow gold.

They live off welfare and unemployment. They don’t have social skills making it near impossible to hold a solid job.

Most either leech through parents who are pushovers or gain a high amount of money.

They all essential leeches because they claim unemployment or disability and get away with it. They should all be killed.

By glorious Swedish welfare money, the advanced diagnosed for life kind. 1200 bucks per month.

Same. Skål!

Mommy and Daddy
Mostly mommy though, she defends them against mean daddy who wants to watch stupid football instead of mlp

Same here in Finland. Perkele.

How can i get swedish welfare program to the fullest? Im actualle on germans welfare. How to change?


Well you need to be a Swedish citizen.
Then you need a real diagnose (or several) that means that your working capability is below 30% (asperger, social phobia etc works fine).
You apply for what's called health induced retirement and if it get's approved you get set for life.
Possibly one meeting every 3 years to check if anything has changed.

congratz fagot you can use google. OP never said it was his oc

I was just at that meeting last week kek.
>"uh user do you think you have gotten any better and can rejoin the work market?"
>no still the same
>"oh ok, sign this paper and see ya in 3 years"
>Ok bye

Thats great! Wait a week or so im in sweden i will just company some refugee mudslime track walking to sweden.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. unemployment is paid by your former employer its a type of state run insurance and you can quite easily be denied.

Also it only lasts 3 months

Selling Weed
Odd Jobs
Trust fund
they dont

take your pick.

Geh arbeiten du Blutsauger.

Oh and you can get that kinda neet money in germany too, you just need to be diagnosed with some lifetime mental issues or something.

Which is why you’re retarded.

Like the other Swede's and Nordic people in the thread, welfare.
Get enough to live an ok life.

Naw - just try to kill yourself twice and you get instant ptsd/depression payment. I make more this way then being a wage slave

But trying to kill yourself is the bitch kinda way of getting attention.
And I mostly succeed at stuff i try id probably kill myself even tho i didnt actually want to.
And how much neet shit you get for that?
I make 2,3k before tax withotu having learned a trade or visited a uni. I do work quite a bit but i like my profession.

Saiyans don't need to make money. They take what they need when they need it.

Tbh that's what's kinda fucked up in first world countries - i worked full time (had to pay rent, car, internet etc.) And made in total 1890 euro after tax.

Now that I can't work they pay my bills (everything from rent to going to the cinema) and I still get 1290 neetbux

I make more money not working then working.

See. If you are paying more then 300 euro rent you are losing money. If you have a car it's even worse.

Well they are trying to make an easy controllable working class with no middle class left.
Thats one why of getting it.

Only in sweden...right?

In germany you get measly 400 neetbux a month. Dishusting

It's still weird. I have friends who work full time and can't even afford going to the cinema - I get 30 euro a month for entertainment and sport haha

Bullshit ich bin deutsch. 80% vom Lohn kriegst du solange es nicht dein Verschulden ist und eine wieder Eingliederung unmöglich.

Naw in Germany you get a lot more. Don't confuse unemployment payment with social benefits.

Junge 400 euro is Hartz4, Die anderen kriegen das nicht die bekommen andere Hilfen da sie arbeitsunfähig sind und nicht einfach nur ein fauler Pisser wie du, oder es schlauer angestellt haben wie du.
Wenn du tatsächlich irgendwas mentales hast und die ein Arzt das bestätigt kriegst du bis zu 1800euro im Monat je nach Lebenslage und Lebenserhaltungskosten.

Mommy and daddy provide Internet access and tendies. What else does one need in life?

drinking money
luxury shit youd like

When I was neet'ing i did some under the radar waiter jobs for luxury money. made 100-120 euro a day, paid in cash.

Aber wenn man arbeitsunfähig ist wird man doch in die sozialhilfe abgeschoben. Das ist auch nur der Regelsatz also hartz4 niveau. Ist das alles? Ich geh nach Schweden digga

The thing that bothers me is that I only get paid for the next 13 years and I don't know what I will do after that. (7 years therapy + 4 years part time to get back into work.)

So right now I only save like 300 euro a month. I think about giving the money my mother so she buys an apartment for me and maybe rent that so I get double netbux + my own property before I have to work again

Nein? Wie gesagt mir würde nach meinen 2ten Suizid Versuch 7 Jahre Therapie empfohlen während mir 80% meines Gehalt gezahlt werden. In der wieder Eingliederung soll das natürlich wieder fallen damit ich irgendwann wieder Vollzeit arbeite - aber das wird aber nicht passieren

You wont get shit in Sweden.Because you come from an even richer country and youre not brown enough (Id assume)

Krieg weiter dein Harz und schau dich nach Schwarzarbeit um und/oder stell dir 3-4 Pflanzen in ein Growzelt und mach alle 3-5 Monate ca 2000 wenn du alles in einem Packen verkaufst.

Ich kenn Leute die haben ca 2500 euro im Monat auf Harz weil die schwarz arbeiten und so. Alles läuft über die Frau, Wohnung,Versicherung etc.
Wie kann man es zweimal verkacken sich umzubringen? entweder du bist echt unfähig oder du brauchtest viel Aufmerksamkeit.
Bist du ein Weib?

me 3

Ich bin ein Kerl und war eigentlich nur 2 mal sehr besoffen und hatte kein Bock mich krank zu melden und gesagt ich hab versucht mich zu tot zu saufen.

Entschuldige wenn ich lache aber das ist zu gut.

Swedish welfare!
I have gotten quite a few diagnoses during my lifetime and because of them I am set for life.
My diagnoses are:
>Bipolar type 2
>Chronic depression
>A couple more that I can't remember

I get about 12000kr(or 1.400 in murican money)
Sometimes I work for my uncle and a few friends so I usually make double of the amount each month.

Du mein Leben ist zu gut seit dem 2ten mal. Beim ersten mal hätte ich noch Angst gefeuert zu werden - aber als man mir dann meine Diagnose erklärt hat, ... Naja ich hab es akzeptiert.

Are you on Sertraline?

No, I'm on other medicines though.

And quetiapin ? Doxipin ?


Was solltest du auch sagen? Du bist zu dämlich um wie ein normaler Mensch zu trinken? xD

Aber freut mich das dein Leben läuft.
Bei irgendwem muss es ja gut laufen.

Seen you ask that in several threads, not him but another Swede here. No I'm not. That drug is fucking poison.

Some of them are getting government benefits for a real or made up medical condition.

Most of them are leeching off their parents.

So ungefähr. Du ich hatte auch mal Wünsche und Träume - aber chillen ist eine super Alternative als sich zu bemühen und Rückschläge zu erleiden haha

Irgendwann. Läuft es bei jedem gut

The main ones I'm on are Olanzapin(Anti-psychotic), Lamictal(mood stabilizer) and Fluoxetine(SSRI).

you guys should kill Merkel

Sounds like a plan. Are you down ?

>its fucking poison

Who are you telling that :(
200mg Sertraline a day and i wanna die right now.

Crush it and snort a bit in the morning. It's a lot easier to get on the trip that way.

I was on that shit for 18 months.
I would rather die than use that again.
>constant dizziness
>no energy
>no erection
>randomly elevated heart rate
>dots in vision


(this post is satire and not be taken seriously)
Das is das Ding bei mir, ich hatte nie wirklich Träume ausser in Ruhe gelassen zu werden.
Mir reicht ne halbwegs anständige Bude, ne nette Küche um zu kochen und ein Wohnzimmer mit PC. Mehr brauch ich nicht, ich verreise nicht gerne, ich geh kaum noch feiern, etc.

Ich wäre der perfekte NEET, aber ich kanns nicht weil ich meine Eltern nicht enttäuschen/Bloss stellen will oder meine Freundin etc.

Scheiß auf deine Freundin du wirst meine Hausfrau Baby

Problem damit ist, ich bin sowas von nicht schwul weder geber noch nehmer.
Sorry Kleiner. Kochen kann ich aber sehr sehr gut zumindest. Musst mich nur mit Gras und Bier versorgen.