Rate my room

Rate my room

thats not your room

i'm lovin' it

It’s good that you stay hydrated


Thanks, but there's at least a couple dozen 44oz and a few 12 packs in there too. And maybe like a dozen pizza boxes

you should clean your room user

the room isnt in that picture retard

Lol. You ca? N at least you do hydrated trash/10

Stupid auto flash. And my fucking phone taking super high res pics so this is like the 4th time trying to post

Yeah it was the auto flash, and whenever I got a good shit my phone would take it as a 4k shot and wouldn't upload because of the 2mb limit

bad shop is bad

Are you trying to fill a pool via bottled water?

4k pone with a room like that? tf is wrong with you

You don't need a4k phone to take a 4k photo you fucking mongoloid

My phone auto upscales all pics I take, I had to turn down the resolution it takes

What's your go to McDonald's order?

I think the rating you're looking for is 10/10 shithole
You're welcome

Ok. Never said that. Just said my phone's camera takes pics at 4k, and it's auto set to that


go die. filthy fucker.

I have 2 actually. I guess what I do more is 2 hot n spicy, plain. A large fry. And a large Coke. And I ask for bbq to put on sandwiches. Or 10 nuggies combo

You're living like Will Forte's character in The Last Man on Earth before he knew he wasn't alone.

You gonna fill it all the way up and swim through the bottles like Scrooge McDuck swimming through his money bin?

You've made everyone here feel better that they're not the biggest piece of shit here and I thank you for that.

That is very reasonable.

Can we get a panoramic shot? If the phone scales to 4k it'll have that ability you shitlord

One time I had to get one of my cats out from behind the mess, my mom was with me and I was able to hide within the bottles like that one scene in E.T

I don't understand what the deal is about my phone taking 4k pics. It took a 4k picture, and the file size was too big to upload from my phone. Also most of it is in that shot but here's this angle too

You really need to remove that pile of shit. Even if its "Game of the year" hurr durr.

I like it a lot. Certainly a better narrative than GTA 5. Also getting hyped for RDR 2 or 3 or whatever

hey OP, take your clothes of and enjoy a bath in your bottles


Why do you live like this?

I've been lazy and depressed for the last 3-4 years. Feeling better and plan on cleaning it all up this week. Will post daily results

You really need to get your mom to tidy your room that is disgraceful living like that u filthy piece of shit

I've had dreams where my brother and mom cleaned it for for me. But I know it's my responsibility to clean it so I won't make her



Your mother is useless get a new one

What's ur mom say about this

Fucking disgusting, clean it up

She thinks it's hilarious, and so do I to be honest.


thanks, im doing it right now

No urine-filled bottles?
No rotting cum rags?
You suck at hoarding.
6/10 nice try.

I used to have a cum rag by my bed, but my mom and brother found it while I was in Cali with my friends. They were nice enough to change my sheets and never mention finding it


Ok, I change my rating to 7.5/10 then.
Still no urine bottles.
You're not too bad, but stll not good enough at hoarding.

i wouldn't be too hasty, wait another 6 months to a year at least in case you change your mind

Red dead redemption wasn’t even that good

Too late. Already got a basket full of bottles ready to go in the bin

Such progress much wow. The crumbs on the floor are so gross. You've probably got bugs

Nigga, and i thought my room was a mess.

Used to have major ant problems in the summer, last summer I had none

Level up, bitchboi.

No thank you, I'd rather not have roaches swarming my room.

5c a bottle in my country at a recycling depo, you'd have a nice bottle of whiskey for your trouble here

It would honestly be far more convenient to have the city pick it up in bin outside than that

Console fag.

I like all platforms. I have a PC with a 1060 that I usually play on

this man is a god. sent by god. to turn us into gods.

seriously though, he is a genius

Update: I've stacked all the foam cups I could find to make a 6ft tall totem pole of depression

That visible cup is a Subway cup. Which is made of plastic, I specified foam cups because they aren't recyclable, but plastic subway cups are