Recently told my coworkers that i bought this

>Recently told my coworkers that i bought this

>Price came to $100 because i live outside the states and i wanted the fastest mode of delivery

>All my coworkers are calling me a idiot that i spend that much

Why is it so wrong to treat myself with the money i work for?

What the fuck is wrong with you

How was it? Did you eat it all?

Because it's worth like 20 bucks and you can make it yourself for like 50 bucks. And then have a constant supply for 20 a pop kek. Use your fucking head.

Duck swallow it in one piece and try to poop it out as authentic as impossible!

Question for you OP, to help you answer yours:

1)Do you own the place you live in?
2)Do you pay rent at the place you live in?
3)Do you plan to pay rent forever?

because people are retarded and jealous, its not the money that makes you happy its how you spend it, too many people are trying to save but sad as fuck in the end, i live pay by pay and i spend it how i like couldn't be happier

They're just jealous that they don't have the kind of disposable cash needed to do the shit that they enjoy.

I ordered a day or so ago, still needs to ship out, wont be here till 22nd

3)I really hope not

Does that go in your ass?

So, while others are trying to establish an infrastructure in their life by saving everything they don't have to spend to not be starving and homeless (so that later in life, they can do things like, i don't know, not work so damn much to still be so damn broke and not have to worry about being homeless?) and they happen to think it's a bad investment / decision that you blew 100 dollars on a log of corn syrup and food coloring.

But is doesn't affect them in anyway, Don't get me wrong i save too since there are things i want that are much more important than a sour worm but every now and then i just like to get something new ya know? Could be a game on sale could be a better car then i have atm but still shitty by today standards

lol overthinker

Owning is nice, but you realize that's not everybody's goal in life?

If it's not your goal in life, you still are being supported by your parents.%100 gaurantee

Is that a sex toy of some sort?

Not me. I'm being supported by the Australian taxpayers, just like them.

it can be

This is a side effect from our modern society. People spend all their focus on doing the right descissions, live healthy, save money, etc. so when someone don't do these things they generate an almost jealous anger towards that irresponsible person

20 pound gummy worm

Your are an idiot, not for buying something you want, but because you want a $100 gummy worm. Waste your money on drugs like a normal adult.

Just thought I’d warn you OP, you will have the worst diarrhea ever if you eat that fucking thing

PIC RElated

It upsets people when others are careless with their money
Perhaps they’ve lived in poverty and understand there are hungry children in the world

OP should insert this into his rectum and share the photos with his coworkers

If you don't want people's opinions, don't ask them. If you do ask them, be ready for their shitty opinions.

In the future OP if you want to joke about some silly purchase don’t tell them specifically how much you spent/wasted (it can make you seem like a douchebag)
“Hurr durr sandy was just telling me all about how she’s afraid she and her family could lose their house! Did you hear user just spent $100 on a piece of candy?”

Where do you live

Hot kinky jo would like to have a word with you.

lol wat

There is nothing wrong with blowing your money on stupid shit just so long as you don't go out looking for approval. My sister has a fixed income and spends money like she is a 5 year old. I mostly don't want to know what she is blowing her money on because I know she is just going to be nigger rich for a week when the disability check rolls in and then pathetic and destitute for the rest of the month.

I feel like I'd react like your coworkers. I would rather not know what you choose to waste your money on. To be involved in that asinine bullshit just makes me angry. I'm not jealous and I don't think there is anything wrong with how you choose to spend your money. Just don't be offended that reasonable adults think you are childish and make pathetic decisions on how you spend your money.

>mfw I know you still want that log

Nobody owns anything, you can pay your mortgage off and still have to pay property tax, you fuck up on that they take your house away. Chances are after you die your relatives would sell it anyways

Well said

owning in the long run will give you the funds to fulfill most goals youll have in life. Eventually it leads to more time and money - pretty much the only things you need to accomplish any goal.

it doesnt have to affect them to make them think you are an idiot.

If one of your friends decided for no reason to smash their hand with a hammer, it doesn't affect you, but you probably think itsa dumb idea regardless.