How many of these in conjunction with m30 oxycodone pills do I need to take to anhero?

How many of these in conjunction with m30 oxycodone pills do I need to take to anhero?

I have 8 of each

Other urls found in this thread:

dont do it

stop it

8 of oxycodone pills would mean 240mg of oxycodone. If you don't have much of a tolerance, this will kill you alone.

Down the whole damn bottle you pussy

Think about this long and hard brother. Call your friend first or some shit

You can't overdose on Benzos you fucking genius. Jump of a bridge or take a bath with your toaster.

Lethal dose should be around 3000 mg/kg
Assuming you weigh 60kg you need 180 grams of pills. That my friend is a lot of pills.

You should goto walmart and get a bottle of tylenol PM as well. the combination of both should pretty much do the tick.

Just don't puss out and call anyone and start crying on the phone to them.

pop all of them then down a bottle of vodka. youll be good to go.

This would undeniably kill someone without or with a low opiate tolerance quite quickly.

take half a xan (like 2 doses), then pop off another quarter, but that on aluminium foil, tight it from underneath and breathe in the smoke. wait 20min and then take the rest. thank me in hell.

And the acetaminophen in the tylenol will gangfuck his liver.

>with oxycodone

OP here. I took one snorting and feel fucked up. I’m about to take the rest.

If interested I can greentext my story...

Time stamp attached

OP, what's the story with your life right now? Got me curious now.

greentext then an hero on cam

crush up every pill and eat/drink them, should be enough

Thanks man, but I think its going to be too late
thanks, ill continue popping them
I'm no special snowflake, but for the sake of Sup Forums I can greentext my 'story', I used to be happy, but there comes a point in life where that one event is the last straw and you snap.

Give me a few as I prepare.. already took another one

If you want to kill yourself, stop taking them one by one, just swallow it all.

And do you have any motion sickness medication or something like that? It's to prevent you from vomiting it all up which would be rather counter productive.

if you ACTUALLY wanna off yourself. stop taking them in pillform, crush em up, but them in a liquid; water, juice, anything. chug that shit. effects will kick in faster and you'll off yourself faster.
>do eet poossyy

OP what state are you in, I want to look to the news to see if you make a headline, also please greentext

Nigger please. Suicides are far too common to make headlines.

One of the leading causes of death in the country. Defy the odds.

OP here:

listening to this while I die:

>be me, good looking kid growing up
>as I grow up my health problems worsens
>almost die in my youth due to asthma
>also find out I have genetic tooth disorder where I'm missing some adult teeth
>fuck me.jpg its my front teeth
>go through high school looking like a gap tooth retard
>get into car accident that almost kills me, decide to go chad mode
>get braces off and fake bridge and fake my confidence
>land a Stacy before heading to engineering school
>take internships and have a good gpa
>Stacy keep cheating on me, stress of school gives me chronic acne
>go on accutane which basically dries you out to death and fucks your liver up
>fatty liver disease cause I drank on it
>gf leaves my cause pills made me 'crazy'
>same time my gf leaves for my friend (she cheated on me with like 6 dudes) my dog gets very sick and I have to put him down
>then a week later my cousin dies
>darkest point in my life, but I just decide to focus this energy on working out and school
>somehow land a very prestigious internship and it looks promising because I worked through senior year
>didn't get it at the end, everyone was asking why
>all the work I put in didn't pay off
>get into hard drugs, basically making me a fucking retard
>also on SSRI
>hit me the other day that I lost everything
>I lost my dog, my best friend, and my mind to drugs

I came to terms that I destroyed my brain from drug use. I abused cocaine, nitrous oxide, LSD, weed, alcohol, pain killers, and sleeping pills for a good year

I feel slow, and I don't think I can recover. Despite my good resume, I can't solve problems anymore due to aforementioned issue. Yeah my story sucks, but idk, being unemployed for months basically led me to this. I pinned my happiness to getting a job, and looked passed my series of unfortunate events to this, yet I never got it.

I am a complete failure Sup Forums


Hold in there OP, I hope you make it through this. This makes me reflect on my drug usage hardcore thoo.

Yeah that sounds like a good enough reason. I'd do it too

its very possible that you can't problem solve due to your depression even more than your brain just being fried.
I wouldnt off yourself bc you think your brain is irreversibly damaged, bc it isnt

Well hope the (lack of) afterlife treats you well OP

You need to check out of society dude, get a Hut in a Forrest and start farming. You'll probably die with 40, but at least nobody fucked with you. Solitude is the only beast man has to defeat to become truly happy.

This is a real shit thread

OP here, I finished taking the rest of them. if anyone wants some cs go skins or maple story items reply with your game info...

I wish you guys well. thanks for tuning in

Post your face and timestamp so we can remember you.

Fuck you man don't do this to me I'll remember your ass. Induce vomit faggot. Shit can change

OP do this:

Please just induce vomiting, dude.

i hope you vomit so you can stick around. i'm sorry you're in so much pain, OP. my heart hurts for you.

>not eating half digested pills off the floor

OP You've got enough to OD twice for most people tbh, if you're serious, there's like no shot you wont

Don't do this OP, puke them up.

OP dis is not de wey

all of them, if you die what do you care of there's any left, although you will feel yourself dieing and probably freak out and get your tummy pumped

My heart is aching. I know what OP has gone through, and know people who have carried through.Though the people aiding in letting this man kill himself are the ones that are truly worthless. They are the ones who deserve to die imo.

Shit man, i know all of this crap is probably fake, but on the off chance that it isn't, i'm sorry for your fucking relatives. I would have an heroed 10 fucking years ago when my dad died if it wasn't for my mom. Think about the fuckers that have invested their time in you and love you dearly, not just your stacy ex. I'm quite enjoying your taste in music though, if you want something more sad when in your final moments, out on ludovico einaudi - fly.
Wish you all the best user.
>inb4 kys faggit

Wanna play a video game OP and get your mind off shit?

I'd rather not see anyone die, but if it's too late at least know you are dying on the same day the lead singer of The Cranberries died.

i couldn't agree more. i keep refreshing hoping that OP reports that he got most of them up.

Puke them up OP

Just tack a bar of that xanax and. Get some sleep bro. If you. Still feel like doing it after. Get some help thinges. Can get better iv. Had. Some dark days to grow frim. Your experience and help others it will. Give you meaning in life

More than 8 of each.

When the universe tries to stop yu this much.. keep pushin through and the pay off, will be great

You can always rebuild
>Get qt gf in new state
>6 months in she feels terrible pain
>3rd day she can't even stand up
>take her to emergency room
>after appointment after appointment she is diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer
>they give her morphine 8 mg
>I usually wake up and make us breakfast
>set out her pills
>Some are missing
>whatever I don't understand her pain
>This continues
>She runs out of pills in 3 weeks
>She can't get out of bed
>Don't know if it's the pain or she's addicted
>Day 3 again... she can't stop crying
>Decide to go out and get her a pill on the street
>$40 each
>I bring it back to her and she's my wonderful girlfriend again
>this continues
>begin spending rent money on pills
>don't even know what they feel like
>run out of rent money
>electricity shut off
>have to move her in with my parents
>she is still addicted
>she begins stealing from my parents

Let me show you da way to aids.

>Look in mirror
>Meme is aids
>Be like op and kys

You'll recover from the drug use.

But even without all of that life is suffering and I wish I would have ended it sooner.

Fuck boi rip

OP if you haven't passed out yet give us an update or just like you this thread is dead.

Smoking alprolazam. Are you retarded or new.

I don't think 240mg of oxy would od you. I think you'd just vomit it up then either coma or pass out and wake up with mad side effects. Maybe the xans would fuck your breathing tho

>gets kicked out of my parents house
>lives in a trap house for a bit
>finally she wants to get clean
>drive her an hour away to detox
>can't talk to her for 5 days
>find her a sober living home half an hour away
>get her there, fill out applications for her, get her a shitty serving job there
>one day she's working overnight
>coworker drugs her
>she wakes up in his car with someone else's panties on
>she calls me from hospital
>I speed there
>knowing she needs me, we become homeless for a month living in a tent
>happy as hell
>have to take her back to hospital to get tested
>same doctor gives her morphine pills
>fuck. my. life.
>run out of the rest of our money
>want the best for her
>get her checked into a domestic violence shelter
>she has 2 months there to get her shit together
>she can't
>she ends up moving 16 hours away to live with her cousin.

So what. That's life. Life is shit. You can always rebuild.

stop being a little bitch and get some help. everyone has problems. yours too can be solved.

My life is a lot worse than that, bro! :D But yeh, good for you, ive wanted to die for a long time too. eat all that shit at once and your done. Drink some whisky and go to sleep my man


life is like a move. if you've seat through half of it and it sucks chances are it's not gonna get better in the end. if OP feels like killing himself he should kill himself. it's perfectly normal.

hope you find happiness OP


>If you want to become anhero why wouldn't you just take them all you fucking idiot? What would you be saving the rest for?


You aren't fooling anyone, Nitschke.

No, not at all. Ever.

If you feel like killing yourself, take all of your shit, move to a new town. If you continue to fail? Maybe. You have to truly understand failure before you are allowed to succumb to it

t. a failure.

Heil Hitler!

Type X for xanax to pay respect for the Lean OD'er. Our special... OPer. RIP


this. dont waste the oxy u nigger


Rip OP and Rip this thread.

Never forget 1/15/18

Is OP ded now?

life is not an actual movie. movies are actual movies.

All the best OP. It's not too late to change your mind though. Feels like I can relate to you and I sure would like to hear of your success rather than your suicide.

Mate, puke it up, get with your friends and move the fuck on.
Had similar trouble some years ago. Did alot of weed, acid, ambien, shrooms . Fucked my brain up aswell. Flunked school. Had trouble at times telling what is real and what isn't.
After 2 weeks of laying in bed, paranoid and afraid of the outside world, decided to face it all step-by-step again. Quit drugs. Went to another school. Finished school while still dealing with paranoia and anxiety. Joined the army. Got in better shape and got over my mental problems.
Still hate myself everyday but decided that I'd rather go out by somebody elses hand than my own. Maybe one day I can live with myself again.

Feels bad man, but step the fuck up and take back what you had. Nobody is saying it will be easy.

He's trying to be poetic... Like an old an hero thread
"We all hold the pen that writes our own stories, mine just ran out of ink"

buuuut he didn't see that thread, so I dunno

No respect for pill suicides. That's a chick's way out.

so what is your ideal suicide? Trying to fist fight a group of bears?

That would be pretty cool, yeah.

Nice trips, you have your fighting gloves on?


I'd go out with a bang, like a little firework or something and then stab a long nail into my eye

May OP rest in peace

Then type X to pay respect... or your just fucking around on here wasting space. Fuck off you prick.

Green text it already faggot.

You can't OD with benzo.

Not OP, but here you go.

*retard alert*

He also has oxycodone you illiterate fuck.

peace out nigger

But you can if you mix them with opioids you retard. That's what this guy is trying to do. LOL

Haven't heard from OP in frighteningly long.. awaiting an update from him fearing the worst.


Fuck you op, at least you have a degree. I'm going on my 6th year and still don't have an associates

For fucks sake puke em up please.. Man the fuck up and face you shitty ass life everyday till you get old and die

Jesus Christ that's IT? You little edge Lord faggot, if your brain is toast go be a fucking painter or a garbage man. Or go work for the fucking government. Jesus Christ you winey pathetic faggot. You know how many retarded or disabled people would kill to have a shot at half a normal life? You know what it's like to have cerebral palsy or be a quadriplegic? Be blind and deaf? You know how many people our there who would trade the world just to be able to lift a dumbbell or chew a pizza or watch a sunrise? Your fucking dog died? They die all the time you pussy get a puppy. All women are sluts big fucking deal. You're pathetic. Kys. You don't deserve the gift of life any way you dumb mother fucker.

Google some deformities that exist before you cry about your dumb poo brain. I fucking hate you.

um I think ull just pass out or if u take Xanax like me sleep walk and make an ass out of ur self but a bottle of hard liquor with it and a good nap on ur back u wont get up from

I think it is to late