
>In the United States, Jeff Bezos – founder of Amazon, and currently the world’s wealthiest person – has a net worth of more than $100bn. He owns at least four mansions, together worth many tens of millions of dollars. As if that weren’t enough, he is spending $42m on the construction of a clock inside a mountain in Texas that will supposedly run for 10,000 years. But, in Amazon warehouses across the country, his employees often work long, gruelling hours and earn wages so low they rely on Medicaid, food stamps and public housing paid for by US taxpayers.

>Not only that, but at a time of massive wealth and income inequality, people all over the world are losing their faith in democracy – government by the people, for the people and of the people. They increasingly recognise that the global economy has been rigged to reward those at the top at the expense of everyone else, and they are angry.

>Millions of people are working longer hours for lower wages than they did 40 years ago, in both the United States and many other countries. They look on, feeling helpless in the face of a powerful few who buy elections, and a political and economic elite that grows wealthier, even as their own children’s future grows dimmer.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Just a few years ago, the Tax Justice Network estimated that the wealthiest people and largest corporations throughout the world have been stashing at least $21tn-$32tn in offshore tax havens in order to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
>$21,000,000,000,000 to $32,000,000,000,000
>trillions of doll hairs

>Research by the United Nations development programme has shown that citizens’ perceptions of inequality, corruption and exclusion are among the most consistent predictors of whether communities will support rightwing extremism and violent groups. When people feel that the cards are stacked against them and see no way forward for legitimate recourse, they are more likely to turn to damaging solutions that only exacerbate the problem.

Alt-right explained. Sup Forums's closed

This is a pivotal moment in world history. With the explosion in advanced technology and the breakthroughs this has brought, we now have the capability to substantially increase global wealth fairly. The means are at our disposal to eliminate poverty, increase life expectancy and create an inexpensive and non-polluting global energy system.

Yeah im not reading this


This is what we can do if we have the courage to stand together and take on the powerful special interests who simply want more and more for themselves. This is what we must do for the sake of our children, grandchildren and the future of our planet.

Off with their heads

Who is "THEY"?

Who do we target?
What individuals do we go and find to kick thier teeth in and kill their kids, so their money cant go further?

Oh cry me a fucking river, if you don't like it stop bitching on a fucking anonymous image board and fucking do something, you goddamn pussy.

Fuck socialism.
Fuck communism.

There are winners and losers, get used to it. No equality of outcome.

Why is it that way? Why isn't it some other way?

>inb4 appeal to nature logical fallacy


I was out canvassing voters for MLK day today :)

Do you seriously think you would get a share of the pie if the commies took over? Commies just form a new aristocracy and hoard wealth and power for themselves while pretending to care about the masses and equality. No two people are truly equal, and equal outcomes are impossible as long as that is the case.

Both the confederacy and the Nazi party were distinctly left wing groups. Stop trying to pin all the problems of the left onto the right.

>take on the powerful special interests
Posting about them is not 'taking them on'

Post enough it will be. Peoples are waking up and it's just a matter of time.

>Posts problems
>We have to do something anons
>No solution offered

saucve now

Simple, the grand planners of communism/socilism will be the new rich and powerful determining what you can do and have. People suck and are greedy.

At least capitalism is transparent about greed.

Ensure we all have equal access and opportunity. Then let the system sort it's self out with minimal interference.

literally no one mentioned communism

>No two people are truly equal
>All men are created equal

Pls gtfo my country, k thx bai

There are only two genders and they like being different.

>implying that's even remotely close to resembling reality

Wow. Funny how stupid people have to get history completely wrong to justify their point

Not really, no. Even if there were, it certainly wouldn't be socialism or communism.

Goddamn right! Freedom of speech is the FIRST amendment because it's the first step. The second step is the second amendment.

on the webm or the statistic? For the latter, it's available through the OP link. For the former, google

Other ways have been tried, they always end with secret police and mass graves.

What means are those? Wishes and fairy tales?

Maybe the hacker known as Sup Forums will read his posts and hack the bank accounts amd redistribute the wealth fairly across all the worlds accounts.

Yay go Sup Forums, you're the man

>Ensure we all have equal access and opportunity.
Do we have that now in America? Or the globe? Not even close.

When the poor consistently vote for you, why would you NOT want more poverty?

Dude, you really need to learn to spell it before you try to sum it all up for everyone.

nazi's were the national socialist party, and the 25 point plan matches up much better with the democratic presidential platforms than anything on the right

Oh there's only capitalism and communism? Funny how all the posters in this thread make the same mccarthyist bootlicker strawman/false dihotomy fallacy

>Muh communizm
Name one instance in which communism has ever worked.

Have fun in your proverbial paradise, you fucking moron.

No we don't have that... closer each decade... but not there. But if you were fighting for equal opportunity there'd be many supporting.

>hurr durr, I'll just parrot falsehoods from Reichtbart, that'll make it true

>Doctors make the same as mcdonalds workers
If you can't get niggers to get a career now what the fuck makes you think they'll get one when the pay isn't even there?

Yeah, I'm sure that if you and I met up, it would be just the same as looking in a mirror. All men are created equal, after all. Nobody's ever born blind or deaf or deformed or disabled. No, they're all exactly the same.

>National Socialist German Workers Party
>Not Socialist
>"Its reichtbart hurr durr"

Not to mention, fascists were anti-capitalism. Hitler thought capitalism was a Jewish trick to enslave all the goys.

It works just fine in my head.

Really? Make you're own post. Kindly lick a turd.

articulate and well informed rebuttal

I have been defeated by your intellectual prowess, which is demonstrative of the left

alt-right bois dont get laid.


>low child mortality
>high literacy
>high doctors per capita
>no homelessness

Pretty good. Shame about the restrictions on human rights. Maybe if the US hadn't plotted to assassinate fidel and overthrow Cuba, plus embargoing it, they'd have more

Okay, so your argument is completely defeated because that is most definitely an instance of communism succeeding.

Looking forward to you moving the goal post now 7:^)

Lol, except capitalism is the best system the world currently has that HAS worked irl. Communism in any form either hasn't worked period, or hasn't worked better than Capitalism.

Yeah dude, looks like they're doing just fine

Like Lenin said, the purpose of socialism is communism. Guess you could count feudalism and theocracy as two other options.

>porn scene is "disrespectful"

man its almost like porn is a lower form of entertainment x3

oy vey, that must be why they can't wait to escape to america

>National Socialist Party
>Right Wing
Yeah, okay.

That's in Marxist theory.

Honestly, the terms are so corrupted in America that they're almost meaningless.

Works so well, people build rafts out of trash and sail through shark infested waters to escape it.

I wonder how liberals can deny this simple fact

>strawman fallacy
>I never said they were right wing

You nazi wannabees just went into damage control mode. I'm white and I'm going to impregnate as many blacks, jews, etc as I can to finally destroy this stupid social construct

They double down on going full retard. I've seen pinkos claiming all the failed attempts at communism are actually right wing state capitalist dictatorships.

easy, it's not true. This is like when people say the civil war wasn't about slavery

And this is how the cycle works. Now that we've made Socialism a right-wing position, we can pin all the blame on them, at which point we move even further left and campaign by screaming how terrible the right-wing construct of Socialism is. Then we get elected, fuck everyone over even more, push the blame on the right, and move farther left. Rinse and repeat as many times as you are able before the nation collapses.


Did you mean "normal" ?

Well, half the time, the CIA would destabilize socialist and communist countries into dictatorships


how the fuck was the civil war about slavery, you moron? get your history straight!

>its not true
>proof is literally in the name, on wikipedia, and any site that talks about nazis in a factual manor
oy fucking vey, you literally don't even care about the facts, you just want to be right. This is why anyone who identifies as a a member of a political party should be executed, your autism goggles prevent you from seeing any truth.


Being trans is perfectly normal, evidenced by countless historical and cultural examples en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fa'afafine

Just as normal as being gay or straight.

kek, well done

Cuba is an instance of Communism succeeding, huh? So I suppose the ultimate goal of Communism truly is to turn the place into a complete shithole country.

"muh numonya"

Pretty much, yes.

Your going to need to explain exactly what you think the solution is if it's not communism or socialism that Americans are accustomed. Give a reference or something.

But, any system that is centrally controlled will fail. Human nature sucks. We're the weak link in the chain. And I'm not trusting governance to an AI.

Oh you poor oppressed faggot...

Now go get a fucking job!


lmao, even liberals can't agree on race.
Is it a social construct? Ok, I guess I can commit hate crimes, seeing as everyone's the same.

No, it isn't normal. It's an oddity. Even if it's natural, that doesn't mean it's normal. If it transsexuality and homosexuality were normal, our species would have died out long ago.

This is why my cuban teacher wanted so badly to move from that shithole, right you numale soyfaggot?

the system of governance is dependent on the technological sophistication of the society at the time. The name of the form of governance is irrelevant. Only intelligence is the key to happiness.
Slavery was good when all we had were simple tools
fuedilism was good when we had the ability to domesticate animals
capitalism is good as long as mass production is the name of the game
communism is good only after we are capable of creating anything we want or need without expense

As humanity reaches different plateus society reorginizes itself and new reigmes come into existence. One day we will unlock the keys to immortality. By that point money will be mostly irrelevant and the only question will be breeding rights.

Inflated high literacy, High doctors per capita because it was one of the few fields that allowed one to leave the island - and arguably paid more than other "comrades", arguably no homelessness when your entire family lives under one roof.
>Health care is still ass
>Mostly those tied to the government only truly receive better educations
>People still starve
>Sever lack of engineers, computer sciences, lawyers, and most other sciences, given that their pay is equatable to that of a restaurant chef
>In fact, that's where many with a college degree in Cuba end up. Working some bottom end job with less mental toll because it's the same work.
Cuba is THE prime example of "People will get lazy if shit is just handed to them for free" you faggot.
Fuck off.

duh nuh nuh nuh nuh Slapman!



>Bezos is building a clock.
>Stalin killed 50 million people.

Interesting wouldn't you say?

Now you're just denying reality. It's common knowledge that the Nazi part was the National Socialist party. Almost all of Hitler's policies that didn't relate to Jews or expansion are policies shared by every socialist state and the Democrat party.

Outliers within any set of data are expected, they are bound to exist, they however aren't normal. Transgender people are these outliers, they aren't normal, we don't have to pretend like they are normal, but that doesn't mean we need to hate them or anything. At least I don't think so.


>Russian shill detected

Tldr faggot.
Basically despite the hippie liberal garbage you are parroting, wealth is distributed fairly. The people who were able to figure out how to get rich, passed on their wealth to their kids, who in turn figured out how to maintain or grow their fathers empire.
What you build you keep.
Others who were not so smart, failed to get rich. Most figured out how to get enough wealth making them middle class and a bunch are just lazy or stupid, hence poor people.

We certainly don't need to hate them. Regardless of to what degree you consider "normal," they're human beings and deserving of dignity and rights.

^dipshit detected

>mental health
Wasn't it Hillary who had a seizure on camera? Trump is the sanest when compared to you soybitches and numales who autistically screech about him

Pick one, dumbass.
As for the confederates. . .I don't even know where to start. Hope this is bait.

>hey're human beings and deserving of dignity and rights.

Wonders if you can cite examples where transgenders are denied dignity and rights.

Yeah, and I don't necessarily disagree with that. The extent to which I agree may be off though. When we've reached the point where "misgendering" is a legally punishable hate crime is beyond the scope of equality, basic dignity, and rights. Especially when someone doing it accidentally still falls within grounds of punishment, you can't legally punish people for being dicks, accidental or no.

So. . . the alt-right is expressing their left-wing sympathies when they fly confederate flags and the swastika? Are you actually retarded?

>Pick one, dumbass.

NAZIS were left-wing according to the American paradigm of politics.

Fuck off kike faggot, no group of people's human rights were ever in jeopardy since segregation ended

The Nazi party was primarily anti-commie at it's core.

>the alt-right is expressing their left-wing sympathies when they fly confederate flags and the swastika?

Flags someone flies has nothing to do with if they are right or left on the political spectrum. What determines where they lie on the political spectrum is their beliefs.

Do you have the ability to think rational?


I detect either a troll or an individual with a complete lack of understanding regarding anything even remotely related to the real world. I'm honestly leaning toward the former, as I find it difficult to believe anyone could be this willfully ignorant.

Flags are often used to show what you believe in