Are you seriously letting this slide without talking about a new RAPEFUGEE MASS ATTACK!!!?
get the fuck in here cunts! don't let the kikes slide this!
anti-refugee thread
Are you seriously letting this slide without talking about a new RAPEFUGEE MASS ATTACK!!!?
get the fuck in here cunts! don't let the kikes slide this!
anti-refugee thread
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We just don't GAF any more dude.
Rape attacks happen ten thousand times a day in Europe now, they deserve it too.
Who cares.
Pretty common stuff.
If the krautniggers won't do anything to stop it then there is not much WE can do.
>Are you seriously letting this slide without talking about a new RAPEFUGEE MASS ATTACK!!!?
Why we should defense Europe when our leaders don't listen to us and through elections nationalist parties will never win? the only way is war but how if we don't have weapons? Europe is doomed
AfD received 2% of the female vote in Germany.
Who fucking cares what happens to them?
Pretty much. I watched the news today and they reported it but just said that a number of sandniggers were involved. It was really casual and felt like an every day kinda thing. Pretty disgusting.
... and water continues to be wet...
Thanks for the update about shit people being shitty people and hopefully the 'red pilling' does something
White men commit rapes every day and nobody here gives a shit. You're just using it as a way to attack tha evul mooslems.
Serious question: Do you guys rate these girls anything above 7/10?
I need details for an accurate rating. Anyways, post what you consider to be a >7/10
I volunteer:
I rate this burger/10
> 5/10 face but the massive teenage tits make her a 7-7.5/10
They're like 11 years old, you need to go back Achmed
What's 7, how many years you'll be in prison for statutory rape?
You can barely tell what she looks like, so far the sluts OP posted are the best.
White men do it at a fraction of the rate, and additionally are indigenous to Germany. You don't import people who just come in and fuck shit up.
You're really stupid.
Yeah but there are several factors that set these crimes apart from the rest:
1. The governments of the countries in which these crimes happen basically victim blame, telling women not to provoke the apparently rape-hungry migrants; they try to push a the idea that they don't know better, therefore we should turn the other cheek (and take thousands more in while we're at it).
2. The MSM does everything it can to downplay these stories. If the Cologne rapists were white twenty-somethings, that story would've been the only thing you saw on the news for weeks.
They're at least 14 and by german legal means ' so there's that. Those fucking kids just want it as much as you do anons, fortunately we germans aren't prude dogshits and can enjoy a sexy teen or two in our life.
so why are you posting pictures of them online and not out fucking them?
Wow, you really are Ahmed.
Did you know that sexual attraction to children, more broadly a lack of sexual selectivity, is a hallmark of r-selection?
No wonder "your" country's being overrun by pig fuckers.
nice shilling
How about her? Massive tits on a beautifully proud Aryan face. Easily a 10/10
>sexually mature women are children
typical feminist american prude
Which girls in this thread would you consider to be children, part-time burger flipper?
It's their culture, Aussie, an amazing synthesis of white and arab. Rapefugees molest women while whites look the other way. Stop shaming them, you racist.
he's a try hard braggart
Here comes another pig fucker to the rescue. Why do you insist on preying on children? Is it because women don't find you suitable as a mate?
Natalie Austin is a 9.9999/10
Sure but I'm honestly more in petite/average women. Nothing wrong with her though.
I've date a 16yr old via Tinder. Don't want to get too much into detail but tears and sex were involved.
literally begging to be bred
>german women
Well somebody has to do it. The Germans surely don't want to and who can blame them?
I don't want to fuck them because
1. They're undeveloped
2. I have actual morals, which include not taking advantage of children, Muhammad
>have C-D cups
sure thing cuck
I'm getting sick of this. When are people going to wake up? I'm afraid to have children in this world
Classic wizard mentality. You need some elbows if you want to stay in the gene pool faggot.
True queen of pol la desu
Honestly, I dont care anymore. Just let them do their thing.
Its always the girls why cry to let in more rapefugees, and it is they who will feel the end result.
Actually, I am looking forward to the day when the popular vote is turning, and ppl realize they were fkn morons. And i will just rub my hands if anyone even says it near me.
I have been really active in debates about this topic for about a year now, and im just tired of their total ignorance.
Its going to go to shit, ppl are not going to wake up before it is too late. its a shame, but ive come to realize its the truth.
I remember seeing this video some years back, and then saw it again in january. And then realized it was from
Ive showed it to a lot of people when I try to argue against Islam, and they just brush it of. Its insane.
Norway is lost, and I am going to do my best effort to move to Australia or New Zealand. Its the two places furthest away from this shit.
We need to find some way of making women obsolete and ridding ourselves of them along with the Mudslimes
Everyone on Sup Forums should donate to artificial womb research
Seems like there's a lot of pig fuckers in Europe. Thankfully the civilized world unanimously hates child predators, when the collapse comes subhuman filth like you will be easy targets.
All part of the plan.
Fuck off faggot nobody wants your degenerate ass here.
Or maybe we europeans are going to sex the shit out of your beautiful kids. In fact we [read I] already do... Do you have the slightest fucking idea what those 'I wanna go to europe' girls are doing here mate? Sadly all NA cunts are prude and boring as fuck.
first off all I'm just saying that when they have C cups or larger you can't really call them underdeveloped also if the colapse comes there would be no civilized world to judge me you stupid faggot. I think I understand why so many americans can't get a gf even though their girls are as slutty as can be: they are a bunch of pretentious faggot prudes that are so insecure about their own homosexuality that they just disagree with every other standard in the world so they can feel special. Stay mad you basementdweller. With love from Belgium
All of our problems started when women were given a voice and power in our countries. If you can't at least see this you're blind
>women push for "equality" while wanting to destroy white men
>Women race mix leading to dilution of white genes
>women constantly vote for the left parties because like niggers they love free shit and power without any work
and contributed the most to their rise
At the end of the day it is white women who are responsible for the death of the white race
Not surprised achmed. Didn't your prophet marry and fuck a 9 year old
We already talked about this shit today multiple times.
Germany and now Austria deserves this.
Married her at 6, but waited till she was 9 to consummate it. Truly the """""perfect""""" man, such temperance!
No shit women have caused these problems, I'm just pointing out we aren't a fan of you degenerates either.
See you next week.
I agree with you man.
Let's see a thing, I, as for me, what was needed was that Americans amandassem bombs for all that is Muslim country. It began in Morocco and only stopped, say, Chile. Because the Muslim is a guy that is taught from small to make bombs with a bottle of bagasse and a box of matches, tas understand? It is a people that is just right to kill. A dude those who at age 15 has not yet burst with any one thing is a guy who's there to disrespect to the Buddha or to what is.
And more! I have a neighbor who was emigrated in the United States a long time, epa and the guy knows, because the guys there know only what then is nothing here out. The dude knows the Americans are making a bomb that only kills Muslims dudes. It's a bomb that goes there by the smell of curry. Dude smell the curry're screwed, that's why I already cut everything that is fried. Because when Americans deslargarem the bomb, a guy who has the smell of chamurça embedded in clothing is not going anywhere, it soon.
More, another! My son goes to school with a kid who is Gypsy, which stole him his lunchbox days ago. And then they want there to be peace in the world. Gypsies were others. The Gypsy was other people who were all to come to life as well.
>r-strategist complaining about K-strategists being "prudes"
The collapse is coming and child predators will be the first to be strung up, or worse.
>also if the colapse comes there would be no civilized world to judge me you stupid faggot.
Oh, but that's where you're wrong, French fries. You see, people will still be around. Now, they get placated by free resources, so they don't mind looking the other way when the rabbits in government tolerate filth like you, not getting too irritated when your kind are allowed to live. But after the hammer drops, when resources are scarce, there aren't going to be other r-strategists around to protect you. And the first time you get caught looking at a 13-year-old with breasts, thinking your perversity will be overlooked as it is today, you'll find yourself swinging in the town square, watching the local wildlife eat your dick off the ground. You see, it's this uncivilized world that protects you. What you should be very afraid of is the return of civilization.
Ever heard the quote "enemy of my enemy is my friend"?
>kill all Mudslimes
>give us the former Muslim countries to have as our own
>win win Muslims all dead and we get our own place where we don't bother you
this. adult western women are not worth saving.
Nobody even said anything about 13 year olds, mcdonalds. We were talking about 16+ that are deemed legally able to consent in europe.
>In the inflamed debate that followed, far-right groups railed against “sex jihadists” and “rapefugees”.
>condemning the mass sexual assault of native population's women by invaders is considered "far-right"
>Are you seriously letting this slide without talking about a new RAPEFUGEE MASS ATTACK!!!?
I guess everyone just got used to europe getting mass rape attacks daily...
Seriously though, the women voted to let the rapefugees in, almost none voted to keep them out, why would we care what happens to these bitches if they don't care about it themselves?
This. They made their bed, now they can lie in it.
You sound tough. Do you work out?
I love freckles. I am one of those demented freckle daywalkers but my wife just has a smattering on her cheeks under her eyes, and on the bridge of her nose.
Fucking perfect.
>my depraved government says it's legal so it must be OK
That's the kind of thinking that leads to mutilated, castrated corpses at the gates, signs pointing to them that say "PEDOPHILE". Fathers don't give a shit about a bunch of sub-human rabbits getting together to determine age of consent. When the mob catches you diddling someone's daughter, "The cucks said 16 is the age of consent!" isn't going to make your death any less painful. Should have stuck to actual women your age, though I'm guessing if they found you anything more than abhorrent this wouldn't be an issue in the first place.
Stop being a twelve year old.
White men are equally to blame
>hurr durr durr children is way too expensive
>i just want the new iPhone 17E
>and i just want to go to Cancun every spring break
>and drink starbucks and CVS on all of my lunch breaks
>implying you know anything about me or my 19 yo gf
>implying 18 isnt just an age set by your retarded government
>implying i wont diddle your daughter
Kek. When did the age of consent get raised to 18? A hundred, couple hundred years ago probably?
Face it faggot, biologically there is nothing wrong with a grown man marrying a fifteen year old. It happened for all of human history until the last few hundred years. If this civilization vanishes and the rule of law is gone, I'd wager that the new civilization will adopt the norms of older times when it comes to age of consent.
>sexual attraction to children,
Seriously, muh freedoms yet you allow state to tell you when you can get hard.
As sure as the sun will rise each day rapefugees will rape. I'd be more surprised at this point if the article stated that there were no attacks.
Pan faced gooks are neotonic user.
That's it lad.
I look like pic though. For some reason girls find it really hot though.
I'm just one person. The only people who approve of this sort of rabbitry are the ones who commit it themselves. And while there are far too many of those, there aren't that many.
Now, I think torture is a waste of time and energy, so don't take all this the wrong way. I'd just put a bullet in your head, there's nothing tough about that. But you'd be praying to find someone like me, because there are millions if not billions of people out there who would be very happy to waste their time and energy making an example of you.
>implying 18 isnt just an age set by your retarded government
You think this is about numbers? You think numbers are going to save you?
>Face it faggot, biologically there is nothing wrong with a grown man marrying a fifteen year old.
[citation needed]
Marriage has nothing to do with biology, except for how biology led to your rejection by all women except those too young to know the difference. Not all females who menstruate are automatically suitable for marriage, though I suspect that distinction is lost on you horn dogs who are desperate for sexual validation.
>If this civilization vanishes and the rule of law is gone, I'd wager that the new civilization will adopt the norms of older times when it comes to age of consent.
That's a nice fantasy (for you, not normal people) but unless there's some father out there willing to take your collection of Dragonball Z dolls as a dowry you're just as likely to catch a well-deserved beating, or worse, for thinking you were suitable to breed with.
>Seriously, muh freedoms yet you allow state to tell you when you can get hard.
You have it backwards, all the state does is protect the sub-humans who have no sexual selectivity.
Wanted to mention you nailed to with the green eyes too.
I married up I think!
Hahaha. This reads like the Navy SEAL copypasta.
Hey faggot, why don't you do me a favor and produce a moral or religious argument against a teenage girl marrying an adult man? You can even use the Bible, the Koran, the Torah/Talmud, the Buddhist texts, whatever you want.
Pro tip: you can't. It's not even my thing, as I don't find myself particularly attracted to girls in their mid teens, but the point remains. For nearly all of human history it's been natural. Christianity and Islam didn't forbid it. It was practiced all through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and even the Enlightenment.
So be a good little cuck and tell me why a twenty five year old man can marry an eighteen year old and not a sixteen year old. Be thorough, and you have to actually make an argument. Just insults and cringy threats won't cut it.
I'll be waiting.
I will be honest. All your tough talk is kinda making me hot. Are you free for drinks later?
But seriously, why can't they abide by our societal rules?
you say 16 is the number europe set for consenting, all I'm saying is 18 is the number your country set for you. Also you look downright retarded when you make statements like that. HURR DUUR NUMBERS YOU ANSWER IN NUMBERS. The thing is you cant tell what women are mature and which arent by setting an age it's different for every woman. Keep eating your burgers and keep getting cucked by everyone. At least there are some of your countrymen that proof america isn't completely retarded:
This shit is EXACTLY what turned the second wave skinheads into media labelled racists
Wait, Americans are actually this bad at geography?
I meant Western society you fuck. Is Germany that melanistic now that rape is accepted?
imshallah brother
>So be a good little cuck and tell me why a twenty five year old man can marry an eighteen year old and not a sixteen year old.
See, there you go again with your numbers, thinking the mob is going to be checking IDs when they catch you in someone's daughter's bedroom with your pants down.
The father of the girl you're preying on doesn't care about half your age plus seven. He cares about whether you're going to protect his offspring or take advantage of them. And "pro tip:" It's not a good sign when "grown" "men" have to go after teenagers. It means that grown women didn't think they were suitable mates. It means they have to catch young and dumb girls while they're still naive in order to spread their genes to the next generation. It means they have low sexual selectivity and that is a hallmark of r-selection among other qualities that scream, bad genetic material.
You don't find anything wrong with this because all you care about is cheap gratification of your base desires, though you try to rationalize it with your lolita bullshit:
>The thing is you cant tell what women are mature and which arent by setting an age it's different for every woman.
There's a reason every pedophilia fantasy involves a young girl who's unbelievably mature for someone her age. You try to pretend you found someone who genuinely finds you attractive, but in reality you just had to find the young ones who don't know the difference because the ones your age, the ones who have more maturity, wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole.
If you were a parent, if you had invested innumerable amounts of time and effort trying to raise good children and protect them, you might understand. But more likely you'd probably just think of your kids as easy targets for sex, sort of like your fellow damaged goods who advocate for incest. That's OK, when your fellow rabbits aren't around to protect you anymore you'll fix yourself, or we will for you.