Why did God just save the Jews from Egypt, and then proceed to never help out any other enslaved group or group in the middle of being genocided, ever again in history? Does god care about slavery and genocide or not?
Why did God just save the Jews from Egypt...
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What about the Medieval Spaniards and Portuguese?
What about the Russians against the Mongols?
What about the armies of Europe stopping the T*rk?
obviously only the jews are god's chosen people
They were his people. He never gave a single shit about anyone else. Hell, he barely gave a shit about his people.
>Does god care about slavery and genocide or not?
No, he cares about his people. Well, he cares about them like an abusive husband cares about his bitch; yeah, he beats her and she whores around but there's some kind of twisted love there.
I'm not convinced the "Jews" were actually ever slaves in Egypt.
What part of chosen people don't you understand?
Why do you think God tells the Jews it's ok for them to go to other people's land take it and kill the inhabitants?
If you pay attention the Old Testament also gives an origin story for all the races of the world. The Jews are the origenal and master race, and all the other races have shameful origins that mark them as inferior.
Good luck trying to reconcile this with the New Testament!
Orthodox Christians, the new Israel of God, have been persecuted by the Ottoman Empire, the Jews, the Nazis, and the Communists, and have many martyrs but all of those regimes eventually fell and the Church has outlasted them all. So yes I believe God does grant us mercy and the Holy Spirit will continue to guide the Church.
God knew the Jews were the only race insidious enough to kill his only son who committed literally no sin.
Historically speaking there is no evidence for it. Although this doesn't stop God from making constant references to it, there's even references to it in the Gosepl of John, with Jesus discussing how the Jews have became bad because they no longer remember their slavery.
God did not save the Jews.
The Jews made all that 'chosen people' shit up to justify treating goys as inhuman.
I thought their "chosen" covenant was broken when Moses came down from the mount and found them worshiping the golden calf.
Lots of slavery condoned in the Old Testament, by Jews, of others.
>Why did God just save the Jews from Egypt, and then proceed to never help out any other enslaved group or group in the middle of being genocided, ever again in history?
One interpretation I've heard is that God needed to find a desperate and helpless people during that time because they would be the most in need of God and wouldn't likely start sacrificing infants and indulging in every manner of sexual fornication and idolatry. He wanted to instruct such a people in His way so that at least one nation in the world would not fall into perpetual degeneracy. This only had to happen once in order to spread the influence of love, compassion, and objectivity to enough people to essentially save the world. This evolved into what we call "the West" within 500 years, which has saved countless billions of people throughout history from abject tyranny like what was and still is seen in many Eastern societies.
>Jews are slaves for hundreds of years.
>God wants to make a point publicly
>frees them and makes a big show out of it.
It wasn't just for the Jews. It was so he could prove a point to them.
Who knows what God does. I believe he mostly stays out of our affairs though.
Jew here, we are financially and genetically superior. Genetically because some of us have Y-chromosomal Aaron.
Goyim ARE inhuman.
God knew Jews had faith and their telling everyone about God
Did that extra chromosome come from Khazaria, where a majority of these "chosen", yet non-semitic, atheistic "Jews" are most commonly from?
>oy vey you anti-semite goyim, I'm Chosen!
I do not understand how that has to do with Y-chromosomal Aaron, but, anyways. If those documents are true, then good, those Jews were doing the correct thing. You're not an anti-semite, please.
>Khazar theory
This shit has been debunked.
God was concerned with the Israelites in order to establish monotheism. This is also why it was so important that they not mix with their neighnors.
The Convent is being referenced in the last books of the old testament.
The pattern of the old testament is this
1. Jews are in good standing with God and receive his blessing
2. Eventually the Jews start to fall away
3. Some punishment is made, for instance having to boil down and eat the calf. Sometimes the punishment is collective where the whole nation muster suffer because of 1 wicked king, sometimes only those that commit the sin must suffer
4. A prophet comes and revitalizes the Jewish people, a knew era of unity with God begins and it we go back to step 1
The Christian concept of sin is totally different than the Old Testament concept. In the Christian concept only beleif in Jesus can undo sin, otherwise the sin never gets washed away. In the Old Testament sin is removed just by having time past, you can speed this up by doing good deads.
You can't really reconcile the New Testament with the Old because both operate on completely different levels. The Jewish concept of "sin" "forgivness "messiah" "prophet" "God" "connection to God" all mean completely different things than the Christian concept.
If I recall the theory was actually made by leftist Jews that wanted to erase the concept of race so there wouldn't be a race war. They were worried about a reverse holocaust where the Jews start seeing non-Jews as inferior and putting them in death camps.
That's pretty loony, do you have any sources? I'm genuinely interested.
Everybody gets one - Spiderman
No I can't remember them. But this type of thinking as a reaction to the Holocaust...and the soviet death camps was the mainstream in academia.
To summerize it simply in the past Hegelinism was the norm amoung intellectuals. Everyone believed that history was a linear path of progress, it could accelerate or de-celerate but it could never go backwards, so no matter whether you were left, right, atheist, or theist you would have some idea that the particular things you called virtues were always growing and the particular things you called vices were always shrinking. Than world war 1 happened and you had the biggest death toll in history. Where is you historical proggess now? This was interpretted as history "accelerating" history had made a war so terrifying that it would accelerate out empathy so we would never again have another war! People literally said ww1 was the last war on earth!
Than World War 2 happened and we discovered the death camps were millions of citizens were being killed in the most horrifying wars. Not only had historical progress failed, but Hegelian principles were used to justify both the Holocaust and the Gullages (Nazi Hegelinism=history progress is moving towards racial purity! Let's accelerate it by killing the inferior beings! Communist Hegeliinims=history is progressing towards world wide Communism, let's accelerate it by killing all anti-Communists!)
This marked the start of post-modernism thinking. Intellectuals dropped Hegelianism and the idea that history was improving. Intellectuals concluded blamed idealogy for causing the ww2 and the death camps, they attacked ALL idealogy and historical narratives. Racial ideology was one such target. Many Jews saw Zionism as basically being another Nazi Germany, with the Jews being the new Germans and the Palestinians being the new Jews.
I respect that outlook. Thank you for the information.
So the ashkeNazi's have no turkic DNA?
Jews from Poland are totally related to the Cannanites?
Jews with reddish-blonde hair, blue eyes.
Debunked? Nope.
You're pulling chosen people out of your ass at this point.
The poles actually have a lot of ginger DNA in them.
Kek works in mysterious ways.
>Why did God just save the Hebrews from Egypt
The "Jews" don't exist in the OT nor the NT.
In the OT the people were the Hebrews.
In the NT the people were the Judeans.
The religion of the OT and the NT is not Judaism.
The "Jews" of today are racial imposters. They are the Ashkenazim, a mixed race more closely related to sandniggers or Mongolians than the actual Semites of the OT.
The "Jewish" "religion" of today would more accurately be named Talmudic Judaism or Talmudism. That came about around the time of the Babylonian Talmud at about 500 AD.
Hope that clears things up for you.
>This shit has been debunked.
Rethinking the Khazar Theory!
Pretty much this
Moses was made to wander the desert for 40 years because he threw his stick at the rock.
He was supposed to just point the stick at the rock.
He messed up.
Ginger, hmm who had red hair and ruddy complexion, that were a warring nation, able to protect the diamond and gold monopoly from Africa, to the middle east?
>political converts to Judiasm - did not speak a form of Arabic - non-semitic by definition.
I don't trust his beard color, or the Christian cloaking device.
Got any other references?
That's making a pretty big jump from Jews in Poland to the Khazars controlling the diamond and gold industries.
740AD, genius, lots transpired since then:
Jews made a blood covenant with some mountain demon. Their god doesn't care about slavery or genocide and neither do they.
Cause he had divided the nations up at the tower of Babel for their selfishness and chose Israel to foster a priestly kingdom to back and worship the true God.
No one cares why your imaginary friend decided be a faggot.
>I don't trust his beard color, or the Christian cloaking device.
Well that's just silly.
>Got any other references?
Nothing that specific I believe.
Just articles proving Ashkenazim are not White.
Europe's Ashkenazi Jews are 50-54% Middle Eastern
Ashkenazi Jews Are Not White
>Times of Israel
Would you announce to the world you've been masquerading as "chosen" people, if it were discovered you weren't?
How can one get their holy land 'back', if it was never theirs to begin with?
Will the gullible goy still send money and go on pilgrimages to the holy land , if they found out, it's all a flimsy pretense?
>Would you announce to the world you've been masquerading as "chosen" people, if it were discovered you weren't?
So using their Jew's own word against them is wrong?
If the Jews are going to claim they're not White, I'll use that.
>How can one get their holy land 'back', if it was never theirs to begin with?
They really believe they're god's chosen people. They believe they're right in everything they do.
>Will the gullible goy still send money and go on pilgrimages to the holy land , if they found out, it's all a flimsy pretense?
Some unfortunately.
You gotta understand, the Jews are arrogant. That's why they admit shit like that. And this (pic related)
They're a mutt race, yes i agree. That doesn't make them White.
Your link proves nothing. How about you articulate a sentence or two about how the Khazars are ruling the world, or whatever it is you're implying with your irrelevant posts?
That's because of the promise he made only to the seed of Abraham, whom Jacob inherited
Because they're fucking useless and can't do anything by themselves. That's why they use everyone.
Also, the "slavery in Egypt" part is fake, just as it is their whole history.
naw, watch patterns of evidence
I'm fine with the ashkeNazi's not being considered white, as long as we recognize they aren't in any way related to the Biblical story of old.
People forget that the Fundamentalist Christians are the biggest supporters of Israel. If they could understand the people they call "Jews", the "Chosen" race, is nothing more than a band of ruthless impostors, with a criminal syndicate running out of Tel Aviv, the world can start to wake up to all of the other lies were constantly told.
ashkeNazi's need to embrace this fact too, it's time.
>I'm fine with the ashkeNazi's not being considered white, as long as we recognize they aren't in any way related to the Biblical story of old.
Again, I agree with that.
>People forget that the Fundamentalist Christians are the biggest supporters of Israel.
That's because of the scofield bible and the teachings of john nelson darby. (both of which only came about in the last 100 years or so)
> If they could understand the people they call "Jews", the "Chosen" race, is nothing more than a band of ruthless impostors, with a criminal syndicate running out of Tel Aviv, the world can start to wake up to all of the other lies were constantly told.
Good luck getting that into the mainstream...lol
>Good luck getting that into the mainstream...lol
Self evident truths are a curious thing. Don't give up hope.
Just stop. You are clearly an idiot who knows nothing of history and who's views are shaped by esoteric websites. Fun fact: a shit-ton of jews died in what most people would call the holocaust. At the hands of actual nazis, who, surprise, didn't care about where the Jew blood came from.
>Fun fact: a shit-ton of jews died in what most people would call the holocaust. At the hands of actual nazis, who, surprise, didn't care about where the Jew blood came from.
The Holocaust literally did not happen in the least.
There was no program of extermination. At all.
His son saved the white man from slavery and cuckoldry
That was the kikes God.
Since your so fucking adamant about posting wiki pages as "proof"
There is undeniable proof that the holocaust happened. Look at the grave-sites, the survivors, the mass-extermination chambers.
>Four days before he was executed, Höss acknowledged the enormity of his crimes in a message to the state prosecutor:
>>My conscience compels me to make the following declaration. In the solitude of my prison cell I have come to the bitter recognition that I have sinned gravely against humanity. As Commandant of Auschwitz I was responsible for carrying out part of the cruel plans of the 'Third Reich' for human destruction. In so doing I have inflicted terrible wounds on humanity. I caused unspeakable suffering for the Polish people in particular. I am to pay for this with my life. May the Lord God forgive one day what I have done
Only the Jews have a COVENANT with God.
>Since your so fucking adamant about posting wiki pages as "proof"
I haven't posted a single wikipedia page.
>zionist edited wikipedia.
>There is undeniable proof that the holocaust happened. Look at the grave-sites,
grave sites are not proof of a holocaust.
>the survivors,
it is amazing how many survivors there are, aren't there?
>the mass-extermination chambers.
you mean the delousing rooms, many of which were rebuilt by the soviets?
>meh testimonies
yeah...because no one was threatened with torture, tortured, had their families threatened with prison/torture right?
Since you're so keen on testimonies...here's one for you that you must believe, right?
Jews mixed a lot in the past, but it does not prove that jews were khazars.
Actually, khazars were fucking roaches, they didnt had fair complexion.
If you see, some jews of the old testament were described as having red hair(King David).
Though David himself was probably only half jew
Are you retarded?
You really think that only ashkenazi kikes exist?
The word jew came from Judah
>You really think that only ashkenazi kikes exist?
I'm sure there are other groups that call themselves Jews. The Ashkenazim are the biggest problem though.
>The word jew came from Judah
That doesn't mean the Jews of today are practicing the same religion of the OT/NT or are the same people of the OT/NT.
>People forget that the Fundamentalist Christians are the biggest supporters of Israel. If they could understand the people they call "Jews", the "Chosen" race, is nothing more than a band of ruthless impostors, with a criminal syndicate running out of Tel Aviv, the world can start to wake up to all of the other lies were constantly told.
Even if it become mainstream, people will remember that ashkenazis are jews, but not aall jews are ashkenazis.
Sephardis act in the same way as other jews, but they're usually more religious
>I haven't posted a single wikipedia page.
My apologies. I mistook your comments for anther's .
>delousing rooms
Does the residual amount of prussian blue on the walls of said delousing rooms indicate pesticide use or extermination of humans?
>grave sites are not proof of a holocaust.
How not? So these people just died and were buried, on site mind you, next to the delousing chambers?
>the survivors,
Or those who fled to S. America. Surely, fleeing to some unknown country after their comrades confessed isn't some indicator of guilt (and then confessed themselves)? Plus the war criminals were tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.
>Does the residual amount of prussian blue on the walls of said delousing rooms indicate pesticide use or extermination of humans?
probably neither.
>How not? So these people just died and were buried, on site mind you, next to the delousing chambers?
How would you know? You're not even allowed to use ground penetrating radar.
>Or those who fled to S. America. Surely, fleeing to some unknown country after their comrades confessed isn't some indicator of guilt (and then confessed themselves)? Plus the war criminals were tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.
You're kidding, right? pic related.
But seriously...check out some of the documentaries in this pastebin.
>probably neither.
Where the fuck did all of that hydrogen cyanide come from?
>You're not even allowed to use ground penetrating radar.
Idk google jew holocaust grave and tell me how that goes.
>You're kidding, right? pic related.
I wasn't aware of this. Do you have a better source?
were, the reason they want to destroy Christians is because of us they are no longer the chosen people, and of course to kill us and take our gold.
Because MUH COVENANT with Abraham and shit.
Psssst... None of it is true.
Not really. The new testament is the perfection of the old, hence the perfect scapegoat to purify sins, as in the son of God is eternal, so is the forgiveness, but you have to accept his sacrifice in order to benefit. Jesus calls the Jews out for being so stupid as to not understand this completion, as they were profiting too much by trying to bend the rules, as though being their actions meant anything when their hearts were full of shit. Then again, it's not like a thousand smarter people than you hadn't already figured this out and wrote about it.
What part of "chosen" don't you get?