Peaceful Parenting Killed Harambe
>tfw you realize that you value a gorilla's life more than a niggers
Is this the final redpill?
>If the mom had been white id still be alive now
>3,000,000,000 niggers in the world
>1000 of these apes
It's kind of redundant now that I think about it.
nice trips
If the niglet had a life jacket on the gorilla wouldn't have to try keep it from drowning
I heard the kid just confused Harambe for his dad. He just wanted to give his dad a hug.
Misanthropy is the final red pill. I didn't give a fuck what color that kid was. I would have traded the gorilla for him any day. There are 7 billion people in the world, we can spare one fucking retarded kid.
>leashed children
Is there anything worse than this
shooting gorillas
>killing dumb animals is worse than abusing children
Reins are abusive? Going to have to disagree with you.
Personally I think better parenting was the best solution, but too little too late.
>endangered animals
According to your government of pedophiles, yes.
if the zoo didn't cruelly lock animals in cages that were not child proof this wouldn't have happened and i wouldn't have to see all these bullshit posts trying to blame the parent.
zoos need to be foolproof since out of thousands of visitors things like this happen.
Koko the gorilla has an IQ between 70 and 95. Average nigger IQ is 85. They are indistinguishable.
educated gorillas score higher at IQ tests than the average ethiopian
oh shut the fuck up already
it was a fucking gorilla
same thing with Cecil the lion few months back, who gives a shit, it's just an animal and not really that important, frankly if all gorillas dissapeared, nothing would happen
If all niggers disappeared what would happen?
Humans are just animals too and that kid's life is just as unimportant in the big picture sense.
If you haven't trained your child to stay by your side on command, it should be on a leash so it doesn't run all over the place fucking shit up. That seems like common sense to me.
That's xenophobic.
The only children I've ever seen leashed were with a fat black women.
So it's not necessarily a bad thing. Niglets are out of control.
>I don't give a fuck what color that kid was
You're as bluepilled as it gets my friend.
that would actually improve everything
Yes, and both gorillas and kids die relatively regulary. Now there was an accident, unfortunate, and gorilla was for obvious reasons killed. Now sure, it's a shame, but well, what can we do, let's move on. BUT NOOOOO, we must hold the vigil for the gorilla, because it died for our sins.
I am not holding a vigil or losing sleep, but it was a bad call. They should have waited it out while reserving the use of deadly force in case it was necessary. There have been incidents like this before where the gorilla has actually handed the kid back to the humans. If you watch video of it the gorilla is trying to protect him while the crowds shrieks like morons which makes the gorilla concerned.
>who gives a shit, it's just an animal
>Micheal Brown
I agree
>thinks stormfaggotry makes him red pilled
No one likes niggers, but you don't matter friend.
>They should have waited it out while reserving the use of deadly force in case it was necessary.
Only after he killed the kid
What kind of stupid ass kid would do that anyway. Don't you have an innate sense of fear in your little brain to tell you it's something that can fucking kill you. Kid must've been a retard
Should have killed the gorilla and saved Harambe
Yes, but can you imagine what would happen to zoo if gorilla anyhow hurt the kid, even with "good intentions" like broke his wrist or something? Especially in America - Land of the sued?
To be honest, I don't know how the kid got in, but it happened. Gorilla is huge fucking powerhouse and even if it was used to people, the shrieking and screaming could have startled it and who knows what could have happened. So they rather sacrificed the gorilla rather than risk being sued for millions of dollars.
Please don't slice me with your katana friendo.