> conservashits
> conservashits
Trump isn't conservative, he's nationalist
Parents paying for their childrens education is not the same as a handout
>libtard lemmings
trump is a waste
his father had many millions of dollars, and a million dollars isn't that much money.
it's about what trump did iwth it: made a multi-billion dollar company. more than any of us could.
He had far more than a million dollars to start out.
>it's about what trump did iwth it: lobbied local governments to allow him to build casinos in shit-tier areas where people have nothing better to do but to waste their money on gambling
....The liberal says as he expects the state to pay for his healthcare, education, and general well being.
The key point is that these people couldn't even remotely turn a profit, let alone do anything creative, with $1m.
They would spunk it up the wall on vegan-friendly, ethically-sourced cum sandwiches, acoustic guitars, abridged copies of the Koran, non-gender-specific toys for their wife's sons, and books written by Mexican intellectuals.
And he has said his party would be a "workers party".
So far he is trying to form an American Nationalist Workers Party....
What possibly could be next?
>I think the government is the same as a daddy
most money from real estate not from gambling. also started with a million dollars, can't lobby shit with that.
>a million dollars isn't that much money.
Oh OK, so non-millionares just have to bootstrap themselves and then the new american dream begins
seriously kill yourself nigger
>take your face for a shit
>ad hominem tu quoque fallacy
Congrats, you're retarded!
right this small loan of a million dollars is a load of shit
it was in relation to starting off in new york with real estate where a million dollars isn't that much
A million dollars, the keys to a 200 million dollar company and a 40 million dollar share of that company.
are you triggered?
He actually build luxury condos in the city. The first one to do it. His dad said avoid the city. So the entire his dad made him rich is a not true.
i love how they alter the colour and use a picture of trump making a somewhat undignified face as if to say: LOOK AT THIS EVIL MAN HE IS SO GUILTY JUST LOOK AT HIM
A million dollars isn't even enough to buy you an apartment anywhere in New York proper, let alone Manhattan. Leave it to leftists to have absolutely zero understanding of business or how it works.
>it's another conservashits thread
Reminder to sage.
wow he's a genius, he saw an opportunity where no one else did
> ConservaTriggers
Trump is a nationalist as are his supporters.
Also, 1 mil is a small loan, you are just poor.
How many rotations does it take in a microwave for a baby's head to explode?
>I don't know; I was too busy masturbating.
>dad paid son's education
Is eating what your mom cooks handouts too?
is pol seriously triggered by this?
Well, he atleast was able to pay back his loan.
He's right though. People shouldn't expect handouts. If they get one, that's fine, but they should not expect them as it makes them dependent on it.
A million dollars for a business loan is literally nothing. That won't even get you a McDonalds franchise.
I fucking hate cuck posters like this.
A colloquial term for the Government forcibly redistributing people's wealth.
What Trump got was 100% consensual and voluntary. Also loans have to be paid back. Welfare isnt. Shit b8 was shit.
>Voluntarily paying for your offspring's education and providing the tools they need to succeed is the same as having your hard earned money stolen from you to pay for Tyrone's weed habit
Libshits: masters of the false equivalence.
When will this fucking "small loan" meme end?
You can parrot it all you want on Facebook, I don't give a shit - but a million dollars in New York real estate is indeed a pretty small loan. Yeah, even in le 70's.
Trump could've burned every one of his chances at making it. He could've blown a fortune on hookers and booze; he could've become one of those fuck-up rich kids. But he didn't.
I also don't get it why Trump haters go the Mitt Cuckney way, and start listing his failed businesses (Trump Vodka, that fucking university, Trump Steaks, etc.) every chance they get. Why do these pissant business ventures make him a failure in your view?
a loan of a million bucks.
a loan
that means he had to pay it back
and you know what?
he did pay it back.
unlike most college liberals and their loans for gender studies degrees.
Those people really believe that they would be able to do what trump did with the "small loan"
They would wake up a week later without any of this money and probably few millions in debt...
a million dollars today or a million dollars in the 1970s?
Also if anyone uses the shit
>smal loan of million dollar
You can just answer that they too had a small loan of few tens of thousands of dollars and how did that worked out for them?
I can understand the fact that he was given the money to go to an elite university but the million dollar loan is not a handout. Loans are something you have to pay back.
>implying the 100 grand if costs to raise a child isn't a handout
Typical libfag
Trump turned a million into several billion.
Occupy Democrats turn their small loan of 60k for college and turned into 80k debt when they failed to balance their own checkbooks, majored in liberal arts and racked up a huge credit card debt.
He built casinos, nigger. Shut the fuck up.