Dubs gets to say what they want to her. I failed at this

Dubs gets to say what they want to her. I failed at this.

"I hope you find someone smarter than me. Good luck."



“Jeez I thought it was MLK’s birthday today, not ‘be a gigantic cunt month’, “

> thats a horrible opener

“You got a better one?”

do u want to see my fedora collection



we have a winrar

fuck i won too


Let's go OP!

holy fuck that second msg you sound like a bitch


"Let's plan out our Valentine's day date."

> I concur

Now we wait
Fantastic follow up

"HAHA playing hard to get huh, I'll let you know I've seduced many women at my time and I'll have you know you'll get inside my pants sooner or later". :P

I'm sorry, thats not me, I really just want to take you out to a nice dinner and tear into that arse.

Soooo...Do you suck dick, or nah


she'll just ignore you lmao worthless thread

Baby I'm sorry you know I love you

Pls respond

She looks hella fake tho

"i'm gay"

“Pwease I’m weally sowwy, my younger sibling got into my phone while I was pooping, please don’t ignore me”

By the way, I am so sorry I just said that mean stuff to you. I am just frustrated and trying to lose my virginity. Maybe you could help me out? I will make you macaroni and cheese afterwards, and maybe we could play Mario Kart.

What kind of Russian looks that good?

Wanna see a dead body?

"Love me or off to gulag"

do you have a younger sister i could perform cunnilingus on?

“cocaть мoй члeн”

i thought russian girls were hot?

I'm gay


"i lowkey prefer dick honey"

Tribute her and send her the pic

sooo how much money to see your pussy


Do you like the good ol' lickaroo?


wasted it :/

i may be white but my cocks black

Oi blyat, suck me off

i bet you love nigger dick huh

let me see those tittys

“Do you like jazz”

Bы кoгдa-нибyдь cлышaли тpaгeдию Дapтa Плэгиca Myдpый? Я нe дyмaл. Этo нe иcтopия, кoтopyю Джeдaй cкaжeт вaм. Этo лeгeндa cитoв. Дapт Плэгиc был Teмным Bлacтeлинoм Cитхoв, нacтoлькo мoгyщecтвeнным и тaким мyдpым, чтo мoг иcпoльзoвaть Cилy, чтoбы влиять нa мидихлopцeв, чтoбы coздaть жизнь ... У нeгo былo тaкoe знaниe тeмнoй cтopoны, чтo oн мoг дaжe coхpaнить тe, o кoтopых oн зaбoтилcя, oт cмepти. Teмнaя cтopoнa Cилы - этo пyть кo мнoгим cпocoбнocтям, кoтopыe нeкoтopыe cчитaют нeecтecтвeнными. Oн cтaл нacтoлькo cильным ... eдинcтвeннoe, чeгo oн бoялcя, этo пoтepять cвoю cилy, чтo в кoнeчнoм итoгe, кoнeчнo, oн и cдeлaл. К coжaлeнию, oн нayчил cвoeгo yчeникa вceмy, чтo знaл, зaтeм eгo yчeник yбил eгo вo cнe. Иpoничecкий. Oн мoг cпacти дpyгих oт cмepти, нo нe caмoгo ceбя.

if you where an anime girl you would be perfect

what white and red all over .......... your face after i beat it bitch

English is the greatest language. Please dont fuck it up any more.

Sincerely, us literate people.

is there any way i can fuck you

“Do you kno de wae?”

why do you look like such a bitch but act like a stupid cunt

Coulda rescued that

Eh... can’t rescue that.

are you a gamer girl

“I personally think Vladimir Putin is a sexy man who I wouldn’t be ashamed of to have hot sweaty passionate gay sex with.”


Are you into scat play?

can i get a quick fuck


Can I toungue punch your fartbox? Thats not a question. I WILL tongue punch your fartbox because we are going to get married in a small cuban town full of ass cracks and crackheads. Then you'll call me mommy and fuck me in the ass



I'm posting our conversation on an internet message board asking people to give me replies. I'm not actually saying any of this

store your pee in my balls

i have prostate cancer but i want you to peg me

Rolling for this

This fine piece of ass on kik wants cock lets give her it

Bri_hosk kik

Save thisnfor ylyl


Show me da whey

do you kno de wae?

>being this autistic

Are you already betrothed milady *tips*