Flower thread:/Comfy/ Edition
orchid grower from other thread here, BAMP
Not often do I find other Sup Forumsacks who value plants.
I need to go out I will be back. I hope you boys make yourself comfortable and also thanks for the last thread my friend it was very intriguing!!!
Nice Wild Ginger. Not related to the real ginger but smells like it.
>pic relate: Paphiopedilum barbatum in winter
>Orchids become the new dank Sup Forums meme
Really makes you think.
Seriously though, really enjoying these threads lads.
I went to a zoo and took almost an equal amount of animal and plant pictures. I don't know much about plants but I really love looking at them.
I love gardening. Glad to find so many on Sup Forums interested in it.
Now that I have a house I'm starting to get into gardening. Trying to make a tropical landscape in my backyard. Only issue is I'm in zone 8a, so I have to worry about the winters being cold. Which makes it hard finding plants I don't have to store in the winter.
I ran out of pictures of plants from Canyonlands, now all I have left are landscape photographs.
Ha ha, love this one. Have a little cluster of them growing in my garden in Minnesota. Cypripedium calceolus.
Cattleya hybrids are great in a home, not just in a conservatory. Great houseplant and cut-flower.
>pic relate: one of my catteyas
Lowe's rescuer here. My plants did pretty well, though they did take a while to adjust to actually being cared for. Next time I go back to the states for vacation, I'll probably pick up a few more to bring out over here so I have a small collection at least.
Carnivorous plants can be a little difficult to take care of, but it's rewarding. I wish I didn't lose my Marston Dragon though. It was a beautiful plant and the main plant ended up dying in police custody.
That's a violet in front, right? My mom used to keep those years ago.
Honeypot thread: metadata edition
not to shill fro proven winner but I really like the supertunia - picasso series
Oh, and to keep this politics, who are you voting for this year, plantbros? Or if you're not american, who would you vote for?
I think it's easier to explain porn that pic related tho :D :D :D
Hey man, I remember you from last thread. My Lowe's never carries nepenthes or sarracenia. If you know what you're doing, buy a lot of the Lowe's plants because chances are others won't be able to care for them properly.
>pic relate: my nepenthes sanguinea
I'm voting for bees.
They keep us alive and produce honey and other stuff.
Turkey birde moving at extremely high speeds.
Nice platanthera. Not sure species, though.
Yep, African violet (saintpaulia).
I have a real thing for moss, stone, and rhododendrons.
Beautiful looking plant. Does your Lowe's only carry flytraps? Because if it does, make sure you look in all the containers. I thought they just had a strange looking trap in one of them and found out it was really just a baby sarr. They're usually either to one side or in the back because they're not as desireable.
Why not support your party by building a hive then and start farming? I would if I could.
Fučík all my pictures turn out in the wrong way
Thanks iOS
Woah.... Guys, We should hold those regularly. It's too dark for me to post my plants tonight.
what in crickey fuck is going on in this thread?
Yea, just dionaea and very rarely. That's really cool, a few of the wrong cultivar must have gotten packed in there.
Hibiscus GH
Ever go looking for bog plants? There are some pre cool native carnivorous plants and orchids up north.
Turns out a bunch of people on Sup Forums are into plants and gardening. Who knew?
In another thread, A orchid farmer with a greenhouse and all began talking about Global warming and his stoner friends that wanted to use his Greenhouse for weed, Then suddenly Sup Forums Realized it loved Gardening.
I bet a lot of Sup Forums love plants. Many conservatives are farmers/avid gardeners who appreciate plants.
Nah, Im mostly doing Veggies. Maybe Catnip in the future too.
Realistically Sup Forums should be into the outdoors in general.
Let me share my flower collection with you.
Purple somethings
Spider something
Come into flower thread, no Rafflesia....
botany cucks
Real /comfy/ here.
Lavender pinwheel mac something
Largest mum producer in canada
You know what's good also, But doesn't go really well with Gardening? Ant watching. I've had an anthill grow in my yard year ago, and it grew strong and powerful. Gave them a few stuff to help them, too.
You worthless fucking faggot
Maybe. It might have been a south california thing as well. I dunno if Lowe's carries different things based on the region. Too bad I see what they were grown up.
please die
small blue something.
Niiiice. Grass pink is actually an orchid; the flower is always upside-down. Found in bogs in Minnesota, too.
Sup Forumsacks like nature
get fucked lefty scum
Bell somethings
Ha ha, sounds like fun man. I get rid of the anthills in my yard because ants protect and "farm" aphids.
Tchhh. Look at the thread. Unless you got a better insult, I suggest you fuck off.
I have some lowly violets. Proud harbingers of Spring!
You know what I realized?
Gardening is really like running a small country.
Only less dirty.
I used to see orchids hiking in the Canadian Rockies, I can't seem to find any pictures of them though so here's another alpine plant.
Oh man, classic garden gem right here. Spider lily (hymenocallis). Very fragrant, attracts big moths at night. Overall an awesome plant.
Anyone able to get these to bloom consistently in Canada, I can never get them to last for more than 2 seasons?
Having your own plants and garden brings you closer to nature. It's a pill in its own right.
Plus, if you can't grow a least a tomato or potato, you shouldn't call yourself a man. And potato is probably the easiest thing to grow.
Have amorphophallus titanum; Latin name literally means deformed cock.
Nice dubs m8
RIP Sup Forums
Here is a picture I was trying to find for the last thread, Sego lily with a spider that lives inside of it that mimics the flower when I am not trying to steady the plant in the wind.
It's really all politics.
Honestly though, Unlike my neighbors, I don't plant those "Golf green" or whatever, I let nature have it's course. As a result, My yard gets filled with wild flowers.
>inb4, Yes I cut the grass and take care of the weeds.
Anyone can grow a solanaceae. More people should look into gardening, it's truly a practical and rewarding hobby. Not degenerate, too.
Flowering dogwood in my overgrown backyard.
It would help if I included it.
Unless you grow weed.
And this is the day we found out the neo-nazis on pol were also botanists and pretty little flower-lovers.
>And this is the day we found out the neo-nazis on pol were also botanists and pretty little flower-lovers.
Nothing wrong with liking flower
And here's my state flower.
LeL. You can grow weed but just don't succumb to "stoner culture" (you know what I mean). Like if you grew it and sold it and used it sparingly, if at all.
Genuine Nazis were real naturfags too.
I might grow a few tomatoes off a window sill in the coming weeks but I dont think I could ever grow the plants you have in that pic.
I sound like a pussy but they are a bit creepy. I dont want to be eaten like something out of day of the triffids.
October cemetery maple leaves.
It's a more constructive hobby than jacking off to anime in your mom's basement.
The holocaust never happened.
Fucking nice.
Ha ha, these plants (nepenthes) are passive; they don't move. The traps secrete a sweet liquid to attract insects to fall in. It won't be able to digest large things like a person. To grow those you just need an enclosed space with high temperature and humidity.
You could call that...
>Puts on sunglasses
Rare 3D Pepe
What have I stumbled into?!!?
>tfw shit tons of flowers
I've actually grown them fairly successfully outside. But I made sure to always keep the soil moist and the temperature never dropped below freezing.
Hell, you could grow them on a windowsill inside as long as it gets plenty of sun and water (and it's not a highland).
I got a small pic related with redder flowers that I sent back to the states to be planted at home. Hope it grows to be big and beautiful when I'm older.
What are the little hairs on that nepenthes plant? Are those the traps or is the trap the big hole in the middle?
Weird as it seems it's a constructive lifestyle that adds to the community and usually involves removing unwanted invasive species in favor of more desirable ones.
Really it's one of the most nationalistic hobbies there is.
The trap is the big hole. The hairs basically prevent bugs from climbing back out. Kind of like the strips of spikes that pop your tires of you try to back out of certain places. The bugs can't get a grip and then fall into the liquid below which digests them from the inside out, leaving only a skeleton behind.
Are you trying to make me cry?