My god Pol.. this is what my friends sister has turned into.. I thought it was all a meme

Also General Feminazi hate thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

more from her wall..

>Girlfriends friend
>Becomes my best friend
>We talk more then my girlfriend and I and become very close
>Me and girlfriend break up we spend more time together
>New job comes up so I have to move
>Lose touch even though I really loved the girl we both knew long distance relationships wouldnt work
>Years later back at hometown just so happen to bump into her of all people first day
>Hit it off great again
>Says she has a boyfriend but we should hang out
>Facebook her later that night
>Black lives matter shirt on
>All sorts of posts about how evil white people are for oppressing blacks
>Her boyfriend is at least white
>Click his page for closure
>He is a beta loser white apologist
>Never even add her

I shouldve fucked her I know. I just was so disgusted I couldnt.

>She got a shitty degree.

I agree with you and all, she looks questionable, but this really isn't all that bad. She's probably low intellegence but well meaning. Avoid her.

I like it how the only semi-respectable part (psychology) is at the end like some sort of side subject that comes as some sort of bonus.

When this is a class in my university, what do you expect

I'm truly curious about what turns chicks into this? Didn't the feminists achieve their goals decades ago?

>she looks questionable, but this really isn't all that bad.
>She got a shitty degree

What sort of career can you make out of this degree?


>racialized heteropatriarchy

>What sort of career can you make out of this degree?

I don't know honestly. Like I said it's a shit degree. She could be a social worker maybe? School counselor?

The reality of it is that she will be employed at some low level shit job, unrelated to her degree, until she finds some poor sap that will marry her.

It's sad to me that people don't take a more active stance in planning their future.

she's a walking meme lol. this actually gives me hope, it's a fucking uniform that she'll probably grow out of.

tt.there is n.. nothing wrong about studying psyche...

you got any premarxist pics of her?

Official thread theme song:

>Samantha Campbell

You mean psychotics.

I'm convinced its the parents fault.
The youngest brother of the family is now homeschooled, overweight verging on obese and talking about suicide. They were all raised overweight/religious

Luckily my buddy made it out okay

>avarage insecure chubby girl
Eh, you gotta hate fuck em sometimes in order to restore balance to the universe

oh shit
pls no poll, my buddy would be furious

lol, and she is fat and everything, full package

Well, yashoulda fucked her when you had a chance.
Nowya fucked us, fruity.

you should kill yourself for letting your sister turn into that

well, it's straya, so you have a 50/50 shot of him letting you off easy

Not my sister
Learn to read you nigger

I messaged her link to this thread

your friend is a fag

RIP in pieces

Oh well, she's a strong independent woman and she can handle it

Humanity has got about 10 years to live

>what turns chicks into this?
6,500 calories per day

>I'm truly curious about what turns chicks into this? Didn't the feminists achieve their goals decades ago?

There's a multitude of factors but one that I've noticed lately is the susceptibility of women to pressure from their friends, specifically the weak, shitty ones.

Social justice revolves around appealing to muh lowest common denominator, so naturally weak and insecure people drift towards it and become a part of it. Once they're indoctrinated, it's all they can talk about. They bitch about muh victimhood and muh oppression, they're friends play along because they're friends, and eventually succumb as well.

And tbf, there's literally no disadvantage to becoming a feminist if you're a woman, you get to get away with anything with no consequences.

eesti bringin' the bantz

Is your friend Craig or James?

>look the dog fucker fb

EMU has lotsa crazy bitches. At least WSU's student body commuting basically cuts down on people playing activist out of boredom. Then gain, it's in the middle of Detroit, so there's that.

It would be easy to crop her face and reverse image search it to find her account. I won't do it, but I'm throwing that out there to make you sweat for not thinking things through.

What is that behemoth trying to do use make up or be goth.

So it turns out James is the father.
I sent Craig a message saying how one of his friends linked his sister on the anonymous hackers website called Sup Forums and I linked the thread.


>subtle false flagging personal army shit

No one is going to fall for this, you haven't outsmarted user.

Tell me, are you familiar with the concept of honor-killing?

god bless estonia, i would've if I had kikebook

of course, there's always the chance this was a subtle pa request and we took the bait...

Meh. Maybe this will make her change her ways

You are right though I am a fucking idiot. Who knows maybe pol will spare me

god damn looking at her fat fucking face makes me sick

I don't know how you ruralcucks deal with it

Eh, I'm too sober to think anyway, and bored.
If it was bait it's p gud

>Go to school in Ypsilanti
>Somehow still defend niggers

Whew, this one is lost

You better ready up son we're gonna fuck your ass.

>op is friends with a girl
>girl begins hating men
we all know who's fault this is

wy u do dis ?

wy esti wy `?

Why is her tongue white? What does it mean?

>queer theoretical interrogations of blackness

This guy is trying to sound smart but is essentially a nigger faggot. Holy shit, they are to full of themselves, when can we take them down a peg or two? As a society I ran, or we can raise em up high, you know off a tree branch.

bat quote...

Fat bodies and SJWs are rejects who will most likely never marry, all the good country girls married young to good country boys.

>thinly veiled Michigan thread
Greetings fellow Hurons/Eagles

I'm genuinely sorry for your friend and her parents, random user. People always say that you can be whatever you want to be, but this isn't what they meant. How can she get a successful job with a shitty degree like that? The best she'll do is post cringeworthy shit on Tumblr about "muh patriarchy"

Delete it

I hope she sees this thread :3

Y u no black out sisters Facebook shit? God damn, some fucking genius is probably telling her right now, if he already hasn't, that her brother is splashing a nazi site with basically dox.
Delete this if you have a brain in your head or leave it up if it's going to be funny, but goddam8

All the fucking niggers an leftists need to fucking go and leave us to our lakes and woods.

Can't delete threads after a certain amount of time or replies. Unless janitor intervention we are strapped in.


>the city of bernie

Why do they always look the same?
>more than a little overweight
>unnatural hair colors
>too much eyeliner
>too much makeup in general
>disgusted look on their face
>absolutely useless degree

Cute brother, reminds me of a lil chubby cutie I felt up as a camp councilor, it's always the fat ones that just take it.

>more than a little overweight

I bet you are at LEAST 60 pounds overweight.

Show us a pic of your manboobs for proof you milk bag fuck.

I suggest just moving out of there like I did

My heart is with the lakes but you are right. Too many faggots want to turn this place into fucking canada.

It already was Nu-Canada since the 2000's. I fucking was a loner because I was one of the few straight kids in middle school who didn't fake being gay for attention. I fucking called them out on it too and they called me a homophobe.