>Ku Kux Klan member pisses himself because a black man yells at him.
What did he mean by this ?
Ku Kux Klan member pisses himself because a black man yells at him
he meant he sucked at photoshop
As someone who regularly (for sexual reasons) photoshops people pissing their pants, I can tell you this is fake.
Yeah, this bullshit was posted dozens of times for a week
Report and shitpost in another thread
OPs pathetic shilling cucked by first post
Nice shop, faggot.
if i lived in usa i would join the KKK
Never change.
Lol i hate kkk! Black lives matter
Yeah mr cool! You right! #refugeeswelcome
Thanks man! Nice to see other refugee lovers!
pissing yourself is nothing to be ashamed of
Haha these white dumbos!
>ID: 2niigrry
>2 niggery
happens to the best of us
I didnt fap for a year and I became anglo-nordic
It's just a fake KKK guy from the SPLC. I don't think there's been a real KKK group for the past 20 years. .
Fuck off u whites! Haha! U have small dicks!
Wanna fuck
Shitting your pants in public is acceptable so why the fuck would a lil pee be a prob?
oh my god
i love the British.
their humanitarian and well-administered Empire led millions of savages to Civiliation
lol at the second hand embarrassment that you are feeling over seeing a white KKK guy literally piss himself as a black guy yells at him.
it's fuckin hilarious m8. you are taking this too seriously. not that i'd expect someone from germany to be lighthearted and understand what it is to have a bloody sense of humour. gotta make everything political right? can't just have a fukin laugh at things.
stop this goofy replying to yourself shit m8.
You're giving it what it wants.
The KKK is fbi in robes.
Your best bet would be to join a local Aryan group. Even then youll be dealing with scrutiny, but not like the problems and exposure anything the KKK does. Also, the KKK is pretty much the retarded backwoods cousin of Hitler. The ignorance of their members perverts the word.
not really. what the german really wants is the ability to bant worth a shit and we both know he isn't getting that any time soon.
Aryan Nations seem pretty good.
I once talked to a member, he said caucasian whites(not nordic nor anglo-saxon) are allowed too.
Haha fucking white people. How does it feel to see the last of your pride dribbling down your pant leg
You know you have an ID, m80
Not sure, how does it feel to see the last of your kind wiped up in a tissue these days?
You're doing God's work, user
wtf are those things?
Why is there a stigma about pissing your pants anyway? Any time a worker pisses his pants, he gets mocked.
We workers should unite against this stigma
>he thinks im japanese
Still as bright as ever, huh whitey?
This thread.
All I can think while looking at this is that from this perspective, if I do a fast grab with my left hand for the niggers left leg, and shove as hard as I can on his shoulder or ribcage with my right, that nigger is about to put his head onto pavement
Why don't we form our own kkk? Or at least some form of organization with common ideals that almost nobody will take seriously