The wheels of commerce are oiled with the blood and sweat of the poor. It is our labor that loads your trucks and trains. Our hard work that fills your icebox with meat and vegetables and your silos with grain. Our own labor profits you greatly and yet leaves mean morsels for ourselves. Verily I tell you your gains are ill gotten and what you claim as yours is not. Fling your arrows, your shouts of alien, of felon. Berate us for our lack of education or class or justify that you are somehow exempted from complicity it such rotten exploitation. Truly, brothers how do you allow yourselves so much comfort when others, and so closeby, work long and hard at harsh and harrowing jobs and gain so little?
The blood of the working class
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because niggers
gladly shell out some sheckels for my countrymen tho m8
The lack of diversity in that picture is disturbing. Where are the women and the disabled
Like I said.
Make America Think Again!
Because we were promised a white neighborhood.
Castro's plan goes through and flammable material will burn.
Thank you brother for your solidarity. The sycophantic and malingering blue collar, where ever he comes from is a pox to the values that mor noble men hold.
The painting is an idealized portrait. Do you doubt that women and the infirm are among our ranks? Surely, we count them with us.
>The painting is an idealized portrait
So what you're saying is that your ideal does not include women and the disabled. If your ranks truly did include women and the disabled and allowed them an equal platform then your ideal would portray them accordingly. It does not, leading me to believe that you're a sexist, ableist bigot.
The points delineated herein seem fine yet one breaches at the word Zionism. It smacks of antisemitism
You were never promised this.
Have you even broken a bone in your body from laboring?
The flippant fool. The scourge of art and artists, arguing his arm chair philosophy from the dank, dark, subterranean comfort of his antecedents domicile. History was ever such.
Yes my toe. Does the lack of my anecdotal evidence convince you that no injurious calamity has befallen others?
Just making sure you are not a Chardonnay Socialist Bernie supporter.
Crush injury, left hand, three fingers. I got pharmaceutical drugs for 2 weeks. Sold them all ayy lmao.
I'm not sure which of us is the bigger shitposter.
Sadly there are many who are socialist in name only, who deplore the working conditions of the poor from the the cool comfort of their air conditioned bmw. I don't count with them. Yet, Chardonnay and Bernie I count with.
It's worse than you think. Elsewhere in the same mural are representations of the White, Black, Yellow and Red (Mestizo) Races, labeled as that, and giant naked women of each type clutch representations of the mineral wealth of four continents. It's like colonialist porn.
Who cares? Don't get a factory job you fucking highschool drop out. Or go live in the woods and eat beavers.
So you are full workers of the world unite then.
What happens to my working conditions when i am forced to compete with Asian tier sweatshops in my own country because they have all decided to move here gutting the price of labor and diluting our own political power?
Social policies will go down the shitter as well, no public health care, no public schooling we can't afford to pay for the world komrade they have to put the effort in as well.
The first cry of the old staple "uneducated!" Snowflake, we are not so different as you have been told. Snowflake.
Socialism will only work under a world gov't more powerful than the UN. A regional gov't under Socialism will only cause companies to outsource jobs. That is why I'd vote for Trump to convince Murrica and allies to take over the Jew world order and chooses Sanders as VP to clean up oil corruption, federal funding corruption, and experimentation on US soldiers.
>he will never build his own engine
>he will never be the first person to turn on the ignition and watch it roar to life
>he will shuffle paper for the rest of his days until he finally decides to end it all
>it's a class conflict post
Fuck off faggot. Don't blame others for your lack of initiative. Chances are you flip burgers somewhere and don't even work in a productive field, like the guys in that gay commie painting.
Screw all globalists, communists and anarchists. Capitalism is the way to go, and only lazy people with no initiative or drive will fail. Capitalism weeds out the weak and only the strong will survive - it's the best system humanity's got. Socialism is for cucks and lazy neets.
The specious argument that one's job dictates the truth of one's argument or how well one does at that job.
>wants capitalism
>capitalism leads to the Great Depression/Monopolies/tariff wars
>Govts say fuck the globalization system(WW2)
The best that can be done is for all people to strive for their nations to support a fair wage and buy products made I country by unions.
Looks like you've silenced the madding crowd of Sup Forums
This is a fair point.
Also, the financial system is largely insolvent, whether by greed or design, and needs to be changed.
Op, post your plan, and I'll post my economic reform.
Use the language of the common worker. Your poetry is lost on the common man and gives the perception of arrogance.
Big emotions do not come from big words.
Free college, living wage, mandatory military service, socialized medical care and increase social security. Leave it to better men than I do bring this to fruition
You need to wake all the workers up to how the game works before you try trickier systems of wealth distribution.
Stop the central bank if you want justice at all. They wield an extraordinary power to decide how much money will be in circulation and who shall receive the newly printed money as a loan.
Those two abilities are their life blood. You must get the common man to know how that game works if you want a real chance at a fair society.
Your Robotic replacement is coming, oh surplus population.
Get rid of onerous income taxes and use land value taxes instead
free the working man from his rent
down with the land lords
A land/location value tax (LVT),[1] also called a site valuation tax, split rate tax, or site-value rating, is a levy on the unimproved value of land. It is an Ad valorem tax that, unlike property taxes, disregards the value of buildings, personal property and other improvements.[2] The economic efficiency of a land value tax has been known since the eighteenth century.[3] Many economists since Adam Smith and David Ricardo advocated for this tax, but it is most famously associated with Henry George, who argues that because the supply of land is fixed and the values of land's locations is created by communities and public works, the economic rent of land is the most logical source of public revenue.[4]
A land value tax is a progressive tax, in that the heaviest tax burden would fall on the wealthiest.[5][6] Land value taxation is currently implemented throughout Denmark,[7] Estonia, Lithuania,[8] Russia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan; it has also been applied in subregions of Australia (New South Wales), Mexico (Mexicali), and the United States (Pennsylvania).
How shall we put the money in control,of the people? So much is owned by so few
land value taxes for public revenue
screw the fat cat landlords
Why not replace higher paying jobs with robots, kind one?
That and I don't trust the kike government to give to blue collar guys instead of spoiled think tank shitlibs.
To be honest though family, the poor don't keep anything going. It's the lower middle class that do the skilled labor and they aren't poor, just not well off compared to rich kikes.
This guy understands
no way a bean counter should make more than the guys on the floor producing and getting shit accomplished
The shekels of God's chosen class must be shoahed with the meshugga of the six million.
>lower middle class
Maybe we're using different words for the the same thing. Still I'd be remiss if I didn't express my disapprobation of your use of religious slurs. It only muddles the argument.
I'll start from the beginning.
Free college can't happen realistically, at least in america for a few reasons, or until these reasons are remedied.
Debt forgiveness on student loans will cause a depression. This is a fact.
The most pragmatic course of action, based on our current system, is a freeze on all student loan payments, followed by a renegotiation of total debt to more accurately reflect the price of education.
It is widely accepted that education is extremely inflated, and this correction could relieve insolvency problems coupled with a dwindling job market.
Most student loans are federally owned, and the government should treat it as an investment. In demand jobs that require a college education in a specific field should be subsidized for periods of 4 years. After those four years, the demand for that field will be reassessed and corrected to reflect current demand.
To go a little further, you may allow debt forgiveness in certain fields of study that are net innovators, but only in small quantities, and only every 4 years in order to create a stable marketplace.
This is a good idea as well, that doesn't resort to negative interest rates or Freigeld systems.
A 2 year mandatory military service is easy enough to implement, no problem there, and the sense of national pride coupled with the discipline gained would be favorable to any nation.
Sorry, I'm on mobile so I've been replying in pieces.
it's called Georgism look into it
Take the necessary time. Your intelligent and thoughtful points are welcomed
Economists since Adam Smith have observed that, unlike other taxes, a public levy on land value does not cause economic inefficiency.[7] A land value tax is often said to have progressive tax effects, in that it is paid primarily by the wealthy (the landowners), and it cannot be passed on to tenants, workers, or users of land.[8][9] Land value capture would reduce economic inequality, increase wages, remove incentives to misuse real estate, and reduce the vulnerability that economies face from credit and property bubbles.[10]
I have. Then I got paid to be a lazy retard for a month while I healed because my expertise and hard work is appreciated by my employers
If your employer disliked you would that justify them denying you an injury claim?
Also, much of the money you think you got paid was already taken from you as disability tax. Rethink your life.
Interesting, I can see a system like this solving a few problems, but I'm curious if there are some drawbacks.
I've been tinkering with ideas of pegged currencies for a while and I've settled on something that tries to replicate the success of the petrodollar while allowing nations with underdeveloped resources to compete in a global labor market.
Your georgism idea would go a long way to resolving some inherent issues with the system I envision.
To be clear, I'm the same guy as On mobile so my ID changed when I got home.
Your company couldn't give a fuck about you. The only reason they gave you anything is because they have a legal obligation. Holy cow, user, I'm triggered af.
The word you want is expediency