Why is the legal age so different from when girls are biologically ready for sex?

Why is the legal age so different from when girls are biologically ready for sex?

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Doesn't stop me

If you have to ask then you’re dumber then 95% of the others here.

probably so the elites can keep all the young women to themselves in private yet keep them from us in public.

You wouldn't keep them from us, would you?

Otherwise girls arround the age of 12-17 would rather fuck men in their 35+'s for money and fame and a good fucking instead getting a boyfriend and be part of human nature instead being part of female biological imperative

>Dumber then

>would rather fuck men in their 35+'s for money and fame

Because mentally they're still retarded and will fuck the wrong people all the time.

>suddenly people become intelligent once they reach the legal age of consent
you haven't met many 18 year olds have you?

adults make plenty of horrible sexual choices too

>Further proving that guy's point

A big part of it comes down to Christianity and the puritanical values that have dominated the western world for quite some time. You can read up on it. The thing that makes it unsavory for a lot of people is that most girls that are sexually developed reach that point when they're like 12-14 and they are basically still children but with crazy amounts of hormones that fucks with their decision making and self-image. I am an ephebophile (what most people think of as a pedophile, attracted to girls between 15-19) and I've fucked quite a few girls in that age range in my life so far (I live in canada the legal age is 16 here and for 14-16 year olds you can fuck them if you're within 2 years of age). One gf I had, I met when I was 16 and she was freshly 15, we went out for around 3 years. After her I've dated a few 17 year olds and my current gf I met when she was 17 and I was 22, we've been dating for almost 2 years and she's turning 19 this month. Girls are in the prime of their life when it comes to how downright sexy and submissive they can be in the Ephebophile range, my gf is petite and is really fit so she'll keep her body the way I like it for quite a while. She's addicted to working out and her mom has the same figure as her even though she's around 50 now, which bodes very well for me.

Some do, some don't. But at least give them the chance. I know the age of consent is too black and white, some girls are mentally adult at 13, some will never be. But I think 18 is a good average.

>A big part of it comes down to Christianity
Stopped reading

Because nature doesn't care if we are happy, only that we breed. We have to beat nature to be happy.

>hey guys look how retarded I am!!1!

Do you really think the pagans were making girls wait until they turned 18? Nooooope

population control, dumbass.

Tell that to the muslims

Well, that is because some girls may be physically ready for sex because they developed faster,but mentally they are not ready for all of the things that come with sex. Women especially take intercourse differently than men,like on an emotional level so there is that too.

the entire world isnt mudslime though and they are breeding so fast it's retarded while liberal cuntbags are telling us to be more like them and that we all have to do something about global warming, as if theyre helping with the pushing of eastern social norms upon western sensibilities is helping.

or something. fuck. you know what i'm saying.
too many thoughts in one sentence. i apologize.

women are property
girls are women at their freshest, most fertile, and most attractive
underage is simply at age of advertisement and teasing
of consenting age is the time to buy and sell

nothing more complicated than that

It is no wonder that some 'customers' sneak into the warehouse to sample the sweets inside....

>cont. because I felt like it
t can be traumatizing for someone who is not mentally developed to experience something sexual,regardless of if they think they want i or not. This is why minors cannot give consent.

Also just because a girl has hit puberty doesn't mean her body is biologically ready to conceive and give birth. There's actually a lot of sexual maturity and biological maturity that continues for a number of years. Just because they get their first period doesn't mean their bodies are ready for sex.
We see the consequences of this in girls in countries and cultures where girls are still married off at 13/14 years old. If they get pregnant and give birth they develop all sorts of complications that do not have enough had they been allowed to mature and grow for a few more years.
I'd say this is a pretty good argument that they are really not ready for sex yet even if it's with bc.
I'd say 16 is a good age.

seems legit

*that do not happen

Its only traumatizing if the person doesnt explain it to the child before and afterwards. I know some kids who turned out fine after having sex at an early age. Mainly because it wasnt an idiot who raped the kid. It was someone knowledgeable enough to teach them the rights and wrongs while still getting away with some good sexual fun.

So you don't fuck kids, easy

Biological "readiness" isn't so cut and dry. Different biological bits evolve at different rates. The brain doesn't finish developing until the age of 25. Until science arrives at a better answer that can be proven through repetition and socially accepted, it's up to culture to decide what is morally right or wrong about the issue.

Waiting until age 25 would take much more self control than any country shows, culturally speaking - so those starting new civilizations throughout history took their chances with negotiating the legal limit, invariably seeing what they can get away with when it comes to taking advantage of those too underdeveloped to resist - physically or logically.

>but mentally they are not ready for all of the things that come with sex.

That's society's fault. In the past, people were getting married, starting families, and running households at much younger ages. But in modern times, we treat people like children for much longer, so they act like children. For the vast majority of people, their only responsibility until they are 18/19 is to go to school.

You keep saying sex to mean reproduction. Sex is just for fun, so the requirements are different. You can always use your mouth.

Because a high teenage pregnancy rate would be detrimental for society. We need kids to focus on education and developing their own skillset more than we need more kids.

Moreover, I think most adult women today would be glad that their lives are still their own and didn't spend their youth taking care of another child.

Granted I think it's an arbitrary line drawn in the sand and harks back to a more conservative time, but I think it's still a beneficial law.

Just because you pathetic NEETs can't pick up an adult and would only ever get laid by manipulating a child, doesn't mean the law should be changed.

not a valid excuse for being a pedo faggot

go ahead and don't believe me but it doesn't change reality, some Sup Forumstards actually get laid... weirdly enough

>implying high-school girls are hard to fuck

This is very, very true. A friend of my grandmother once told me a story about one day when she had been living in india (for over two years at the time the story is set) and she was sitting in a hotel lobby when an English family walked in. She looked up and felt pity for them because she could see that their youngest son was mentally challenged, then was surprised to see the two older siblings were also afflicted with the same disorder. She was shocked because the chances of that happening were quite rare and she felt very bad for the parents and what they must have been going through. The family walked by her and she gradually began to realize that these kids weren't retarded, they were just western children. It dawned on her that because we dote on children so much and expect so little of them that they grow very slowly (she used the term professional children) and have no need of improving themselves beyond a 'meets expectations' which basically boils down to 'don't shit themselves anymore and can get themselves somewhat dressed in the morning' . Whereas the kids she'd been exposed to for the past couple years were breadwinners and had full care for their younger siblings, they could prepare a meal and had to do chores and manual work every day.

mexicans have their coming of age for girls at 15, hence the "quincinera" celebration. That means historically, that's the age they're ready to get fucked and breed.

Sounds about right to me.

I think you mean that it would be too big of a power move for women. You're right they'd be fucking men of great power and it would be open to the public. They could actually cause some real damage if we let them do that.

It has to do with consent and whether or not a person has a sound enough mind to be able to give consent. A 13 year old can't be expected to understand the complexities of consent and may consent for reasons other than they actually wanted to. Also, a teenager may not realize the reprucussions sex has socially and what can be jeopardized when havning sex with the wrong people. Consent laws exist to protect teenagers from manipulative forces and from themselves, this probably means a lot of people have gone to jail that's maybe shouldn't have (she was a day away from her 18th birthday and thought it
wouldn't make a difference), but the vast majority of people sent to jail for this law deserved to.

It also might help knowing that the age someone isn't sexually mature and mentally developed fully are very different, with mental development finishing off around 25 while sexual majority can ahppen anywhere in the teen years.

Because we, in this day and age, are accountable for our children, and our children's children.

There's an age limit, because 17 year olds don't know where social security numbers come from.

too old

Because most people aren't pedophiles

All people are pedophiles based on the current legal definition.

??? Not everybody is into kids ya creepy fuck, maybe it's just you

I don't really consider 17 year olds kids. You are fooling yourself if you think there is no 17 year old anywhere that you find attractive.

I think he's talking about how being attracted to a 17 year old is considered pedophilia in mainstream culture, even though pedophilia is actually the attraction to people that haven't hit puberty yet.

legal definition is attraction to anyone under the age of consent, but pedo is attraction to pre-pubescent, which is different to the legal definition. there is a relatively large age range under the age of consent that is still post pubescent

>Because mentally they're still retarded and will fuck the wrong people all the time.
so are many adult women, so whats the difference?

One thing that I REALLY don't find attractive is jail time, it's sort of a boner killer for me, but I guess that's just weird

hahaha actually so fucking true

Well duh but that still isn't pedophilia by definition, and you're obviously opposed to fucking a 17 year old purely because the laws in your country will make your life into a nightmare

Thankfully there is no such thing as thought crimes yet so that is besides the point.


I still don't get why everyone in this thread doesn't think people 17 and under are techinically children as if the legal definition of child and the actual definition of child are two completely separate things. Teenagers are just older children, they aren't a separate form of human being, so being attracted to a 17 yr old is 100% being attracted to a child

>something that is illegal is illegal for perfectly good purposes! That's why the government gets 30% of all self-employed wages and nobody that doesn't pay licencing fees can run any sort of business whatsoever. Also we can sell booze and tobacco but if you don't pay up for some licences every fucking year you're going to jail buddy. Oh and we made pot legal so we could make money off of it but there are people serving 20 year sentences for having a joint in their pocket. The prison industrial complex saturates our economy so the more that we infringe on people's freedoms the more money we make :D Hey it creates jobs why wouldn't you want jobs?

Are you dumb? The only real definition of a child is someone who has yet to go through puberty.

How could a 17 year old travel from one country to another and become not a child because the laws are different?

dude, im pretty sure, if a girl at the age of, say 12 and above come to you asking you to get fucked nearly no man would say no. dont lie to yourself.

>a 17 year old is a child
>looks up the definition of pedophilia

because child brides are the ultimate power move over women. Children are vulnerable to becoming stereotypes more because of having to grow up fast than because of biology.

Everybody culture has their own definitions and ideas of what things are, go to fucking China or some bullshit and call a tree a tree, see if anyone gets what the fuck you're on about.

The age of consent has been about 10yo for boys and girls from 20,000BC till 1900AD.

Child labor was also legal from 20,000BC till about 1900AD.

The current age of consent laws are a social experiment

Because we live in a shitty ass society that makes it hard to become something without the help of your parents. And most parents don't want their kids fucking at 30, let alone 14. But since they are still their responsibility.
You know what? I don't know. Fuck this life fuck this world.
Jesus isn't real you're all a bunch of fucking fags.

>every law is indisputable truth and has no inherent flaws

man I wish I was this confident in my government's decision making. Girls 15-18 HAVE SEX, they WANT to have sex, and if they can't have it legally then they're having it ILLEGALLY. It's just like the war on drugs, people want drugs, drugs become illegal, the drug people still get drugs because there's a market for it and money to be made.

Do you ever think about how the american government has tortured people, killed children and families, bombed villages, and destroyed the lives of millions and millions of people for not abiding by their standards of servitude ie; tax evasion, drug possession, resisting arrest, failure to comply, travelling without the proper state-recognized documentation, refusing consent to searching of your person/bag/household. All of these things have been deemed worthy of completely removing somebody's freedom and putting them into a restricted habitat where they rub shoulders with actual murderers and rapists, and come out the other end having extreme difficulty in finding a job and a community that won't treat them like scum, and you wonder why they turn to drugs and end up homeless. Fucking retarded shit

I think it's likely that you're more correct than even you realize

dude, not only that. look at live.me, periscope name the others. there are many girls below even 14 that masturbating, fingering their ass and pussies and dirty talk to their watchers and even do private shows for men, so what? look at google, there are many news about such girls

>so what?
so that's illegal too, dipshit.

Of course e government does stupid shitty things constantly, it wouldn't be the US government if it didn't, but the age of consent is not one of those things that's gets fucked with. Ever since we first had it, it has been the same. Not a lot of laws are like that. You have to think, "if the government fucks up this much shit, and does it constantly, but this law is one of the few that has, in the books, remained constant, than I guess it's gotta be a pretty fucking good law for millions of people to be pretty much fine with it"

Also, if ya fuck someone who ain't 18, yeh pretty much get fucked and die, my guy. There are ways to make sure they are legal,, and if the random bitch you found at some party ain't 18, that is officially your fucking problem.

Last point in reverse order, yeh but actually no, that's fucking as shit. Same thing applies to teens and smoking, yes many of them do, but because America decided to clock the tobacco industry in the head with a lead pipe, teen smoking is close to being completely gone. You can't say, oh lel restricting things never works at alll Durrrrr, when the actual statistics disagree

Half the girls ive fucked have been underage and ur an autistic retard if ur worried about the government.

>people are pussies
Yeah no shit. I could told you that without reading all of that brain diarrhea.
Throw yourself off of a bridge.

sure it is, but why are you saying dipshit? dont want to see the truth? girls that age know pretty well that men love them. but to speak about those streaming services...you cant tell if a girl is ready to undress or something. Hell, it even could happen in twitch.

I ain't even christian I'm rooting for your ass to go to hell

>trying to lower the age of consent a few notches
pls die

because its about being mentally ready you fucking pedophile

>because its about being mentally ready you fucking pedophile
didnt read the other posts? pls die in a fire. low quality bait

>Implying it's 18 everywhere.

Sorry you live in a backwards state or country.


>telling someone to kill themselves for being a fucking retard who can't even string sentences together is trying to lower the age of consent
You kill yourself too Sup Forums nigger.

>girls that age know pretty well that men love them
there are 6 year olds that like getting attention from their way older puppy crushes.
that doesn't mean they're prime for fucking, dipshit.

Head back to your incels forum


did i tell about 6 fuckin year olds? speak for yourself, dont quote somehting that didnt happen

come with an argument

already there

Right, forgot what website this is.

The fact that you can't even have a civil discussion without knuckle-dragging mouthbreathers throwing shit everywhere is evidence that humanity is not evolved and should be purged with nuclear fire.

>The fact that you can't even have a civil discussion without knuckle-dragging mouthbreathers throwing shit everywhere is evidence that humanity is not evolved and should be purged with nuclear fire.

>should be purged with nuclear fire
Trump: workin' on it!

F a c t s

18 being age of consent is not even the majority of states in the USA you actual fucking imbecile. Oh and also another law that has remained constant throughout american history is the right to bear arms, that's turned out real great for burgers hasn't it? I'm sure all the people in the US that have died in the THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN mass shootings in 2017 alone (not to mention the 1,516,863 deaths by gunshot on US soil) would agree that a law that's stayed the same is totally great and obviously a good idea.

>having a civil discussion
>Sup Forums

pick one

Pregnancy fucks up education.

our education system is a joke, all of elementary school could be squeezed into a 1 year course if we got rid of all the useless information that people won't ever have a use for, same thing goes for highschool except 2 years instead of 1.

I’m sure she would be a delightful fuck but the consequences of her getting pregnant or an std would be to much to bare both for her and for the society that would end up supporting her. Better to wait until she at least can get a job or an education

being biologically ready isn't the same as being emotionally ready
people in general grow up a lot slower now than they used to

grow up

If you have to ask, you've proven that biological age and mental development are different. You manchild.

And whos smart enough at that age to make a informed decision on who to have sex with and how