All of the Americans spouting rhetoric about taking in white European refugees need a fucking reality check. These stupid fuckers created this situation, and they would vote in the same policies here if given the chance. Keep them ALL out, lest the cancer spread to us. Fuck them. They sank their own ship, don't let them sink ours.
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Yes goy, divide and conquer, very good
Exactly, they should fight to change their home countries!
only the conservatives. send them to Ohio, North Carolina, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa and even Florida.
They will help us elect Ivanka Trump as the first Woman President.
We should take them in. We were once European too
European conservatives are more leftist than American leftists. Fuck. Off. We. Are. Full.
Don't go down with us at least stay a float and try to salvage what is left of us when the time comes and all light has faded. For the UK if we Brexit we may float if we do not i imagine we will be surely doomed now or by Turkey later.
Why would they even go to the US?
Better off fighting for their homeland.
if they take germany or france they have nukes good luck with that
The citizenship test for white European refugees should be:
1. Eat a burger
2. Shoot a gun
3. Admit, in writing, to being wrong about fucking everything and that they won't share their illiterate bullshit opinions on politics or world affairs ever again.
America is worse off. Europe is 90% European.
We know the effect of white refugees in the US. The white minority that has been bleeding out of California has been going to other states and voting Democrat there too, creating the same thing that they fled.
They do need to clean up their mess
if we let them in they should simply just be barred from voting rights in general. The fucking cucks can never appreciate freedom.
We aren't anymore, no voting rights for them, no entitlements for them. Let them come and have no political say/activity in anything. If they can become real Americans in several generations then they can finally be treated as Americans. The first few generations would be little more than expensive cucks who should only be second class citizens.
>North Carolina
How about fucking no. And kill yourself while you're at it. Euros would all vote fucking Democrat because they can't get enough of sucking government tit and begging for immigrants to rape them.
1. Fine
2. Fine
3. You want me to say, in writing, that I am wrong to support Donald Trump? Go fuck yourself.
>muh ur right is conservative
You can only choose beetwen social liberalism and conservative liberalism, in europe our right is NATIONALIST not cuckservative.
The leftist yurocucks who started this mess continue to remain in yurop, still thinking that all is well. Those who have been chased out of their homes to house rapefugees are ironically the real refugees
You're European too you fucking retard
I would rather take them and save america than keep 30 million Mexicans and 50 million niggers.
In Europe, your right is still full on socialist. You only get to choose between nationalist socialism and behead-my-shit-up-immigrants socialism.
Euros are mentally deficient.
Sanders is their idea of a far right candidate
We left Europe because it was cucked present year now its SUPER cucked.
American culture and ideology has a good track record of brainwashing immigrants. It will happen again
Except by taking them, you ensure that those Mexicans stay and we import even more. The migrant crisis is the result of the people Europeans elect. You think anything would change if you move them in here?
This, to be honest OP the only ones wanting to flee are the leftcucks who caused this mess in the first place. The good ones stay here to try and fix their mess.
That only works if you control the flow and keep it at a low enough level to force integration. If you just open the flood gates, they create shit like Chinatowns and little Havanas where 3rd generation immigrants still can't speak fucking English because they have no need.
Still, our nationalist party want to defend our race and our people unlike your cuckservative who only want to ban gay marriage and abortion but don't care if you are invaded and replaced by spics.
This. We should also deport all Canadians & Europeans.
Its them or niggers and niggers are just as cucked.
You can stay but no voting rights for five generations. Minimum.
It's a tragedy for any European nationality to die off. Coming to America will do that. If you want grandchildren named Jamal and Paco then come on over.
I am super OK with this!
Gimme my ticket back!
You ARE getting a move on this, aren't you?
Wait, something seems fishy... You will be fucking sorry for having abducted me for your obnoxious "economy" Fuck I hate it here!
Blargh, wait, was I getting some sort of paranoid thoughts in my head? Nevermind that, whatever is making my head spin all crazy like surely will just fade away when I'm back home. it'll fade away, with readjustment, and pain, and hard work, it'll fade away, it will...
I'm American. You're a disgrace.
The Cuckservs just got cucked by a Candidate who does not talk about gays or abortion but does talk about deportations.
Make it so.
Dude, your nationalist party thinks blacks and Algerians are French. They're still more concerned about not being seen as racist than they are about the future of whites in France.
OK, i agree with that. It will at least be glorious and a message o the world, if it goes out with a bang.
> But what are you actually going to do on the home front? Its a long game situation.
Eh? European refugees? Where in Europe is sending white refugees?
You mean European immigrants? There's a difference between someone that's immigrating and a "refugee", you know.
Really the problem with the American system is that if you are an educated, self-supporting, English speaking immigrant from Europe, there is almost no way for you to legally immigrate here. There's no line and no test. You can get a temporary work visa but with rare exception you cannot get a green card.
Green cards require a family member to already be an American, which is how the latinos keep getting in. They only need one relative to start rolling in the entire extended family.
But a well to do European can never get started.
Funny thing is the leftists are going to be the first to flee.
Not completely true. I work with two immigrants from Europe, a Dutchman and a Russian, neither had any family here and they both have permanent residency.
Don't call me a fucking immigrant! I did not commit immigration! I don't sound like an immigrant, aside from not looking like one, which most people would classify as an "unfair advantage".
>t. world's biggest cuck
>Really the problem with the American system is that if you are an educated, self-supporting, English speaking immigrant from Europe, there is almost no way for you to legally immigrate here.
This will be what saves us. Keep them ALL out. European migrants are just longer-term parasites, as opposed to the short-term ones that are the spics and arabs.
Shut up, stop making excuses for STEALING europe's population.
> (OP)
>This. We should also deport all Canadians & Europeans.
Nope, our nationalist are extremely xenephobic, and the heads of our nationalist party although they are not full deus vult, they are still xenophobic.
t. Vitun urpo.
This is for you
FN has dialed way back out of fears about being called Nazis. Now they focus specifically on illegal and criminal immigrants, instead of all foreigners. You're never going to get rid of your 35% niggers.
Hint: the actual conservatives aren't the ones leaving their country.
>Europe is 90% European.
lel no.
it's more like 60% white
What? Why would Europeans flee to a country that's far far worse when it comes to minorities than their own country? You're at leat 30 or 40 years ahead of Europe in sheer degeneracy and number of minorities. For fuck's sake, your president if black!