Ausfags, have a terrible feeling we are going to see a Greens / Labour coalition in federal power.
>are there any contingency plans for if this happens?
Public disobedience?
What do we do?
If this coalition takes power our country will be irreparably changed for the worse.
>patriot groups in Australia seem to be nothing more than hot air jewtube click whores.
We have been abandoned.
>who is fighting for us?
Ausfags, have a terrible feeling we are going to see a Greens / Labour coalition in federal power
>who is fighting for us?
you pretend corporate cucks are pathetic. You make the alt-right americucks on here look good.
Greens plan to:
*Import 50,000 unchecked shitskins per year;
*use the arts to warp public opinion further to accept cutting off your cock and hiding in the girls bogs;
*apparently the poor noongas have pissed away all their mining royalties, but is OK, the Greens will give hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to prop up a dying subhuman race.
* better palliative care
>I don't have any problem with this one.
What will happen when the pedophile enablers of Labour and the shitskin collectors in the greens combine?
We will be the Sweden of Asia.
Fuck off Melbourne.
Your city is already a muslim enclave
We are going to return to traditional values with one member in the Senate?
Care to explain how?
>are there any contingency plans for if this happens?
I have my SHTF plan, do you :^)
>If this coalition takes power our country will be irreparably changed for the worse.
Even the laborites acknowledge there's a shitfight brewing if Shorten wins. The best we could hope for is a senate under the control of centre-right parties that block their bills at ever stage.
>patriot groups in Australia seem to be nothing more than hot air jewtube click whores.
That's because the "patriot" groups we have are nothing but stormfag tier cunts. Useless no hopers who are ideologically one step away from the Greens.
>who is fighting for us?
There are many, but they are often right in front of us. Look at the Liberals and Nationals. The Green led ABC pumps a narrative out about them, but what do you actually hear about their policies or their people?
We've seen the same thing in the US with Trump. Trump says one thing and the media run a narrative that is usually closer to fiction than truth, and the mindless millenials lap it up
This is what happens when the Left gains control of the media, and anyone who disagrees with it is labelled a fascist, homophobe, Islamophobe, racist, bigot.
Don't trust the ALA, they showed their true colours when asked about firearms laws.
what did they say about firearm laws?
Do you guys not remember her idea to finance a "people's bank" was to print more money?
unbelievable people are considering voting for this imbecile.
>what did they say about firearm laws?
When approached about their policy they adopted a bootlicker "we will keep strict, common sense laws in place".
Basically, they are Greens tier towards personal freedom, they just hate Muslims.
what other party gives a shit about guns besides the shooters and fishers and katter?
>pedophile enablers of Labour
what's that in reference to ?
>Liberal Democrats
armed revolution.
I just want her to end the multicult m8, not manage the economy
Pauline Hanson brah, lets reclaim this shit
>end the multicult
I think the genie is already out of the bottle on that front
All you fucking knuckle dragging faggots, you had your chance with 3 word Tones and he got smashed.
Like it or not the majority of this country do NOT want a social order like the U.S.
we do not want everything privatized. We do not want trickle down. We do not wnat zombie economics.
You morons are so scared of the immigrant OTHER that you are willing to sell your country out to bankers and elites.
You are fucking morons.
I love these threads and I feast upon the butthurt. You fucking low income, low IQ cuck men
very poor quality bait
You overcooked the bait, son.
How much do the Greens pay you to throwout bait?
You should lurk moar, fgt.
lol who cares about a chink colony? Lmaooo
People's thoughts on order of preference between ALA, Senpai First, Lib Dem, One Nation, etc? I am thinking Senpai first way to go due to lleyonhelm social liberalism Hanson socialism and ala basically mainstream conservatism on everything but muz
Word filter should read family first
tfw have to decide if economic or social policies are more important when I vote because no matter who wins we are getting fucked in one field.
Lol both the us and even Western Europe are now far ahead of us in having minor genuine right wing parties/groupings. Why is it that aus, Canada and nz seem to have been unaffected. Less Muslim/no eu?
family first is just a front for various religious groups who want tax breaks for themselves
Shit tier right wing. Populists at best with no policy depth beyond they hate mussos.
>Family First
Old school social conservatives. Might win a seat but threatened by the rise of Xenophon in SA.
>One Nation
B grade centre-right populists. They have the right idea on some policies, but no real depth or effectiveness.
>Lib Democrats
Centre-right libertarians. By far the most developed in their policies, but they are a tiny party organisationally. Could win a seat in Vic and NSW.
When you preference think about how your preference will work. If you preference some shit tier party with no chance, look where the preference goes otherwise you will be voting for someone you might not like.
Personally I'll vote for the Lib Dems first, then the Coalition second. If a Lib Dem doesn't get in then my vote will go to the Coalition and definitely not the Greens or some other useless totalitarian party.
Yeah what I mean is number every box maybe from lib Dem at 1 down to lib then alp then green at the bottom. Want to put all right wing meme parties above lib to teach them a lesson for Turdball but ensure they get the vote ahead of leftists if no right wing minor gets a seat. It's a shame about ala. Could have had promise
Bob Katter?
100% real.
The polls will show you. you live i na dream world here.
Sure political correctness is gay.
I agree with the right to offend.
But in the end, the right will poleaxe itself with neo-liberal orthodoxy
>Coming from someone with the name here come dat boi
what you said might be partially true but the greens despite their sincerity are just too naive to the ways of the world to run the country