SJWs have been trying to block entrance to the hall. Here is a video from Alex Jones.
Let the memes BEGIN!
SJWs have been trying to block entrance to the hall. Here is a video from Alex Jones.
Let the memes BEGIN!
Other urls found in this thread:
Let the shitstorm begin.
Link for live event starting in minutes
Link doesn't work?
dw I'm a sperg it does work
Even better video! These people are living memes
Who cares....
Link for people not on a phone.
Thanks for the correct link
Milo breads are breddy comfy
I hope there's an escalation again
No one cares about this fag.
No one cares about makeup queen Laurent Southern.
No one cares about your underage slut Evalion.
No one cares about Alex Jones.
No one cares about you.
Kill yourself.
Real race war possible.
It's amazing how "liberals" are so against free speech. Heaven forbid someone has a differing opinion.
Great leafpost brother, you sure showed them!!
Planning on it. These people are relentless as well as ridiculous. This will be entertaining.
>No one cares about this fag.
I care. I am someone. Go fuck yourself. Thanks.
fuck off globalist
how come sometimes the most cute and feminine and submissive looking women turn out to be major SJWs
Is this the event where Milo is in total native garb?
Don't like it don't watch it m8.
Is bakedalaska a kike?
Your Jew level is over 9000
I don't care about Milo. Hes an attention whore. But I do care about liberals making complete asses of themselves and getting smacked down at every single event he hosts.
This is beginning to approach European levels of cuckery.
When they block doors or attack you or disrupt your event, you shouldn't whine petulantly about it on Infowars and try to virtue signal, because you're preaching to an already established choir. Nothing changes. Nothing improves.
You beat the fuck out of them, or otherwise disperse the shitters. Spray them with squirtguns filled with skanky beer. Do SOMETHING.
yeah, this asshat has been posting a lot tonight. that or some canadian shit brigade is hitting us hard.
>a leaf
Go pound a bottle of maple syrup, faggot.
This is starting to become a pretty retired act, maybe next time they should spice things up a bit by doing it naked.
fuck you
I do you gigantic cockmongler
Why don't they just grab this bitch and throw her out?
>You should make a load of martyrs and get yourself arrested because reasons GRRRRRRRRR.
That's not how you play the game m8.
They're breaking the law already and not being prosecuted for it, so clearly the law no longer applies on campus.
Finally. We have picture.
Look at this liberal who lost her mind earlier today 'protesting':
they are literally mentally ill.
Which law are they breaking?
comfy time
He's going to fuck that black guy tonight. (probably get fucked by actually)
They were cute and submissive. Sjw's had to snatch them before they could be happy with the right man. Lessens the competition m8
Madddd comfy, brah.
hello Mr. Trudeau
>infowars is at the event
Well I know what to expect now.
They seem to be attacking people who are trying to get in... LOL
Assault. On a regular basis, assault.
They have the best videos of these crazies.
If you can prove that then you can then get them arrested.
That's for individuals though, what the group in general are doing is not illegal, to my knowledge.
me waiting on the next trigglypuff senpai
Do you need some vaseline for that tender asshole?
Does the truth hurt that hard? Another question, do you ever get out from behind your keyboard?
Don't bother replying, saged your replies.
>A half-Jewish gay man, a Jew who used the holocaust card, and a crazy conspiracy theorist become the most famous figures on the on the "alt-right"
It's time to do some purging of controlled opposition. Trump is also a good goy as seen here:
I like Trump much better than Clinton and would vote for him if I were American, but he shouldn't be immune to criticism from us. We must instill national socialism all across the West!
Isn't blocking the doors a violation? What if there was a fire?
Milo is gunna get knocked tf out if he doesn't retreat.
UCLA student here. Ask me anything.
I know a gay who looks just like him.
Ben shapiro is not famous on the alt right
>saged your replies
Man, you are such an obvious shill, lmfao
>Do they know that if they don't protest, you don't have a story?
>No they don't.
There's an infowars camera outside, I hope.
the current year still leaf posting
So they're blocking the protesters so they can't get to Milo?
They are fucking blocking the door
Get the clog remover, because some shit is blocking the flow
Ben Shapiro is against the alt-right. He is a neocon. I was talking about:
wtf is going on out there? sounds like a fight
So sick of seeing this faggot kike being shilled here. Wake up sheeple...
I actually have no idea who is blocking the door.
These Fuckin syrup brained leaf niggers. You can't fucking shitpost. Isn't their a fire in your country you can walk into?
WOW.... almost a fight
SJWs. I'm gonna walk down there in a few minutes.
my nigga baked alaska on screen
That guy with the long blonde hair and black stubble.
M8, please
write Sup Forums on your hand and wave.
0:30 is that the guy from the cant stump the trump group chat?
They are rushing the back door!!!
Welcome to neo-Sup Forums.
>believes in racial equality
>thinks disparity in racial achievement is cultural
>talks about 'based' blacks
>arrived around the time of the Zimmerman trial
>claims to only hate niggers and not all blacks
>is fine with the genocide of his people as long as foreigners integrate into his culture
>values freedom above all else, even when that freedom is the direct cause of the degradation of his civilisation
>is un-ironically Christian
>supports capitalism
This board has turned to total shit. Neo-Sup Forums dominates discussion here and has ruined the quality of discussion with their fraile, liberal ideology. They are the least critically thinking members of the board. Neo-Sup Forums is basically the left of 20 years ago, ideologically. They have merely been left behind by the progress of progressive ideology. They are the most implicit in the crimes of modern society against the white man, moreso than the cultural Marxist Jews, as neo-Sup Forums has become a direct traitor to not only this board, but to their own race.
The posters who make up the bulk of neo-Sup Forums are young (16-21) and were formed, mentally, by the liberal media, which is manipulated by the Jews, the new education system, which is actively controlled by the Jews, and the old public opinions from the end of the American civil rights movement, orchestrated by Jews, and the Holocaust, manipulated by Jews.
We need to expel this menace and call them out where we see them. The problem here is not the JIDF, not SRS, not Tumblr, not normalfags, it is neo-Sup Forums. Indistinguishable from the genuine Sup Forumsack until they voice their malformed beliefs and opinions. They will bring us along on the coat tails of the progressive movement. Too often does the left lead right wing opinion, we must stay firm in our beliefs and stop these infiltrators from filling the board with old liberal ideology.
Wear a shirt that says you have literal AIDS and dab your shirt with ketchup. Then just lean up near people that are protesting.
Why didn't someone just ram the doors and plough through them? They're just standing there.
Well obviously none of the shit he says makes sense, but people lose their minds and start fights wherever he goes.
So I want to watch.
but I look like a nu-male cuck :c
do this please family.
Cuck or not?
Do you even have to ask?
jared fogle is that you?
fuck off kike, your divide and conquer tactics won't work here
i should've known
Great post. Man you're funny
>your milo fag king has only 200K twitter followers and is irrelevant to national politics. NT tho.
>Lauren Southern is a loser libertarian candidate in CANADA who didn't even get 1000 votes and is an UNDERGRAD in polisci.
>Evalion is a 18 year old shill and if you believe she isn't you are too far gone and should suck a tailpipe
>alex jones LOL
>you are cretins
>and yes you need to KYS so find a mossberg and eat the barrel.
So? You go to UCLA, if you don't blend with the normies you might not taste asian vagine. We understand, mcfam
nothing to see here, move along
Bullshit, you're just trying to divide us further when we've finally come together to agree on shit
Too bad he can't run for president.
Trump/Milo 2016
Make America Fabulous Again.
>all jews are in on a grand conspiracy to mislead us, even though these jews are literally opposing the jews Sup Forums claims to hate
are there any outside streams?
Slater and baked Alaska, mah niggas