My 14 year old son just told me he wants to become a vegan. I told him I am fine with this, but I'm obviously worried. I have some topical steroid cream I use to treat my phimosis that I plan to put in his food to help raise his test. Can anyone recommend a dosage? Do you think this would be sufficient to stop him from becoming a fag?
My 14 year old son just told me he wants to become a vegan. I told him I am fine with this, but I'm obviously worried...
>leaf poster
Cmon man i wanna be able to post without the stereotype
I think you should go for it yourself
why are you still a cow killer murdering piece of shit?
Because he's not a beta faggot.
How can phimosis be real if ur balls don't exist?
Isn't tren legal in canada? Buy some and inject him with it when he sleeps
Your son is 14 and wants to become a vegan? You fucking failed as a father.
Thanks for the asian footpussy, based leaf.
Yeah. I did the same thing with my wife's son. Really I couldn't let him become a fag, because I don't like hanging out with fags. And usually he hangs out with me a lot because we live in Chicago and my wife works over time 6 nights a week at KFC.
>Barefoot on public transportation
Fucking trashy gook
Take him out on a hunting trip. Don't tell him whats up just pack your truck and drag him along. Shoot a deer. Butcher it. Eat it that night, while camping out.
Or otherwise get some testosterone cream and trick your faggy son into taking it until he is big enough to beat you up and probably rape you.
>over time 6 nights a week at KFC.
not bad, user
Test wont do anything other than fuck up his hormones especially if he isnt actually lifting or eating protein. Also topical means FOR SKIN you moron, do not eat.
The wall just got 10 feet taller Jorge.
My little sister tried to become a vegan for a few weeks and failed miserably. She said she felt extremely sick after a week. So maybe hell just get over it.
Yeah, she's really good care giver.
She's pregnant to, so she's under alot of pressure. I'm glad I was fortunate enough to meet such a good woman.
>14 year old wants to eat vegan
That's a fucking dangerous diet for a 14 year old, if he doesn't get the right protein it could fuck his brain development.
fucking gas yourself you stupid faggots.
Explain to him that all life must consume other life.
Explain that humans can't live on fruit alone, and naturally grown, ecosystem integrated fruit is about the only thing one can eat that doesn't infringe on the lives of other animals.
Explain to him that farms literally oppress the lives of animals.
Just make him read the vegetarian myth by Lierre Keith.
>a fucking leaf wants to stop his 14 year old son from becoming a fag by putting dick cream in his food
My exwifes son who i'm currently raising alone also went through a period where he became a vegetarian. Now he's a fullblown vegan. I politely try to tell him that he's a growing boy and he needs his protein (I want him to become bigger and stronger than me) but he just ignores me. He even threatens to move back in with him mother and new african american lover. I still deeply love my exwife even though she cheated on me multiple times, so sometimes I feel like he would be better off in that household with a proper 2 parent unit. I think he's just missing that structure in life that a single man simply can't provide.
>Veganism is considered being a fag
Kill yourself. Your son is smart enough to not want to die of type 3 diabetes at age 45.
Die, cuck, die.
But white foot fetishists are a-okay :^)
>I have some topical steroid cream I use to treat my phimosis that I plan to put in his food
Foolproof plan
That's really brave to encourage him to do that user. It's not often you see that type of selflessness anymore.
It's a shame, because I feel a rift growing between me and my wife's son.
Tell him that he may choose whatever the fuck he wants to it when he gets his own income.
Otherwise eat the fucking meat i put in your table fucking faggot
Fuck off you Mexishit. I know you're the one posting this "footpussy" garbage.
I have been a vegan for a very long time and I haven't had problems with testosterone, but that could just be genetics. I recommend anything with Vitamin D in it. Make a whole load of recipes with beans in them too.
This claim is ridiculous. I went vegan at the end of middle school and I graduated near the top of my class.
It's a cortisone cream, you stupid faggot. Have fun raising your son's cortisol levels through the roof and turning him into a fat, anxious mess.
>Dad I want to become a part of the popular culture because I don't know any better
I respect people that don't eat meat. I don't respect vegans for same reasons I hate hipsters.
Maybe explain to him that he should follow popular trends that clearly 14years old child has no knowledge about or experience with.
Tell him to go on my diet:
I am a lobster fisherman, so I eat a heavy diet of fish.
>Almond milk
I eat guilt free, because most of the time I either eat something I've personally caught and killed, and that removes a lot of the guilt, because it's not as bad as contributing to a slaughter house. Lobsters and fish are relatively brainless too; mammals are so much more intelligent than sea animals. I only ever eat land animals when offered; I never directly contribute to the slaughter economy.
>not wanting to rub your dick all over a Japanese girl's soles
Cuck SJW nu-male detected.
>This claim is ridiculous. I went vegan at the end of middle school and I graduated near the top of my class.
You could very well be an out liar or would have been even better off if you weren't vegan. Its hard for kids to get all the nutrients they need already becoming vegan at such a young age just makes it harder.
>I eat guilt free, because most of the time I either eat something I've personally caught and killed, and that removes a lot of the guilt, because it's not as bad as contributing to a slaughter house
I feel this actually
Why is there so much butthurt about vegans? If they are obnoxious about it obviously that's one thing, but that's because they have an obnoxious personality. If it wasn't being vegan, they would most definitely annoy you with something else. So if the person just simply doesn't like the same food that you do, what is the problem?
If this isn't bait, you need to do some parenting
That steroid cream in his food could hurt him just get real test and pin it in his ass no homo.
I'd tell you her name if you weren't a dirty spic.
I can into google, I don't need no lame-ass honky whiteboi to tell me.
>I can into google
This is why we need the wall
>being new
You're pee-pee is tiny, tiny, tiny. Your argument is invalid automatically.
>being Canadian
nice try
Just tell him to go vegetarian
Also please be a good parent and don't force drugs onto your child(ren)
Is he doing it for health reasons or because muh poor animals?
If it's muh poor animals, tell him you'll eat 3 animals for every one he doesn't eat.
And yet you browse Sup Forums
Poo in loo detected
Sweet potatos make boy skrong. Lots of spinach too and make him eat PB by the jar
I don't see why people need to shame vegans. When someone says they don't like roast beef, you don't questions them, but when someone says they don't eat meat you flip out. Once someone says they are going vegan, everyone becomes a dietary expert, and it is ridiculous. Just let us handle ourselves
What is this, Tumblr? Fuck off. Give your kid bull semen, OP, it's the only way to make him a REAL MAN.
>I am vegan
>I browse Sup Forums
What is the problem?
Stop being a faggot yourself and take the kid out for a real 18 oz steak.
You mean your wife's 14 year old son, right?
I don't want to have to report you to Trudeau's secret service and have you hauled off to the Torontonian Tolerance Camps.
I love eating what I catch. It fills me full of the opposite of shame.
He still needs to get meat proteins of his penis will be like a soggy noodle for his entire life.
I sure have noticed a lot of anti-vegan agitprop lately. I'm no vegan but I'm calling shenanigans on what's either a new slideb8/cukposting replacement, or a meat industry astroturf.
Either way, sage goes in options.
The irony is that eating meat full of hormones is likely the reason for the rampant faggotry in society today.
you are probly just a bad cook.
Also he is getting the idea from a teacher at school for sure, during the tie they should be teaching about the missouri compromise or some shit. You have to wonder what other seeds the brainwashing machine is planting in his head