freedom of speech on the internet is about to die


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Dont worry its only for eurocucks not for free men like us

>not using Russian or Chinese social media


the eu is finished

whether it effects you or not this sets a dreadful precedent
>think of all those normies that use these
if this shit goes unpunished Sup Forums is next

>tfw no more European flags only Americans.
That would actually feel really bad, even with canadian shitposters and aussies making a mess on the boards it would still be lame.

Look at this thread. Its already happening.

>We remain committed to letting the tweets flow. However, there is a clear distinction between freedom of expression and conduct that incites violence and hate.

yeah? and who fucking decides that?

It will, it will soon.

Does this mean I can't shitpost about niggersnand Jews from my hohol vpn anymore?

Fuck the EU, it's about to collapse. I doubt that they would actually take the time to prosecute offenders of online hate speech.

We say nothing now, they will come for the US eventually.

Yeah what we need is some faggot in a guy fawkes mask with a paper in his hand moving his head like an autist as a 12 year old speaks into a voice scrambler

>At first they came for the Europeans, and I said nothing, then they came for the...

It's now or never brit/bros.

"All we care is that win we will because Britain demands it and no power on earth can hold down the will within us.

Struggles we have had and will have. Blows we have taken and will again. Victories we have had and will have again, yes greater victories than even Britons have ever known.

Guard that sacred flame my brother Blackshirts until it illumines Britain and lights again the path of mankind. Together in Britain we have lit a flame that cannot and shall not extinguish."

Its already illegal to wear a guy fawkes mask in the u.s.

Might as well start arming yourselves now senpai

Oh god that would be awful, we've always shit posted about this but the possibility is scary. I need my straya shit posts to get me through.

>illegal to wear 9gag mask
i thought you guys where free?

Bye friends, wish us luck in the coming race wars.

Maybe you faggots should copy our 1st Amendment and put it in your constitution.

You realize that China is censoring Americans with economic sanctions right?

we have no say in anything it's all dictated by the eu but nobody fucking knows because the media hides the fact

Let it happen.

Let the internet become censored and shitty.

We need this to happen ebcause the biggest problem with "redpilled" people right now is that they're screen cucks who are too afraid to do anything in real life or take any risk.

Kill the internet especially their porn and image boards and maybe white males will actually do something, even if it's just creating a new underground net.

Anyway the intenret was never free, it was always the kike's method of spying on you and brainwashing you. Better to just leave it now

I don't use kikebook, I don't use jewtube for anything else than watching vids, I certainly don't use nigger IRC also known as twatter and if it will be necessary, I'l use proxy to shitpost on my Sri Lankan basket weaving forum.

I mean sure, I should be upset, but I gave up long time ago.

can we just fucking have kek will a fucking metor into the fucking planet and just end our sad sack of shit living?

not even trolling, i'm praying kek sends a fucking earth-ending meteor careening towards us

2028 can't come soon enough


Please wake up Europe.



dont want to have to drop out of the commonwealth

Just in time for the Brexit vote.