>american pricing
>not $1
>not 5
>not 200
>american pricing
>not $1
>not 5
>not 200
Other urls found in this thread:
It creates the illusion of being cheap.
This happens everywhere. It makes things seem cheaper than they really are.
A way to get around taxes.
It's the oldest truck in the torah
Because its literally one cent cheaper and that shit adds up.
Because Americans are stupid enough to think that "$19.99" is closer to "$10.00" than "$20.00"'
Are you retarded?
plus most states and many localities have sales tax which makes it $1.04 or more.
Got it
chugga chugga chugga
chugga chugga chugga
chugga chugga chugga
I hate how taxes are not included in the price tag in the us of a.
>Canadian pricing
>everything $1.25
>plus tax
muh inflationary pressures.
Are you upset that things are cheaper here?
Because Americans are dumb and only see the first digit in a price. (Hurr durr $4.99 DOES NOT EQUAL $5.00)
>t. American
Its a psychological tactic. $4.99 seems cheaper than $5.
This is known.
>Are you retarded?
Fucking faggot-ass millennial. If you have any balls at all, feel free to call him a faggot, or a retard. Or a nigger. This isn't reddit; you won't be downvoted, and thus, feel the need to insult someone yet be able to retract; just go balls in, and call him what you think he is. Nigger.
Including taxes in the list price disguises the taxation level.
Things the government *really* likes to tax will include the tax in the list price. Gasoline, for example, includes the taxes in the price in order to disguise the actual tax rate, to the point where it's usually illegal for the filling station to break out the tax separately. Ask any american how much tax they pay per gallon - no fucking idea. For many areas it's 1/3 or more of the total price, and the government can jack up the tax without most people ever knowing - they frequently slide in a gas tax increase when the price of gasoline falls.