>our new politically inspired album
Our new politically inspired album
Fuck you, frogposter, musicians don't need your permission to do what they want to do
>band literally never expressed a political opinion in their entire career until they decided to jump on a bandwagon
He never said that they did. Someone can voice their dislike for something without you sperging out.
>The band has been in a years long hiatus and their new album is political.
Are you guys talking about Ministry? Pretty hilarious seeing them tonight and their actual anti Blumpf pro antifa shtick.
Saw a lot of old people and goths in the croud looking uncomfortable.
Idk why a 90s metal band wants to release a antifa album this year when their primary userbase is 30+ years old Marion Manson type people
I think it's retarded to be upset or surprised whenever music and politics intersect instead of actually critiquing the content of the music's message
Probably trying to expand their appeal or re-position themselves in the market. It's a great marketing scheme. In a few weeks we will probably see a Pitchfork article calling them brave along with the headline 'here's why Ministry matters'.
>disrespecting the frog
not an argument
>'Drumpf' - 0:14
>its a long, high-pitched fart
>yea ok, please just shut up and sing about how lonely you are. now that's something I can relate to.
Yeah but when they state specifically that its politically driven its almost always overtly on the nose political lyricism. Alot of punk and alternative rock draw politicism naturally by painting a picture of life in a certain state of culture, rather than making it unnatural and forced by just being like "ayo fuck drumpf" or whatever. Politicism is natural in music until you force it and it comes off as unnatural.
Absolutely nothing wrong with politics in music, OP. Just because most musicians aren't fashy like your silly ass doesn't mean there's something wrong with it. Righties have never made superior political music though. It's always cheesy kitsch crap.
>A new song inspired by todays political climate
just fuck OFF
Machine Girl fell for the political album meme this year too.
If they're Marilyn Manson type people, they'd be full antifa. Manson is consistently opposed to fashies. And the people who are fashy and still like Manson are frauds.
Whatever you're thinking, it can't be worse than Humanz.
You people are so lame you make fascism fashionable.
If supporting the working class is lame, I don't want to be cool.
>working class
now would you go home? great thank you
Define Kistch
Oh god, communism doesn't actually work and has only ever made people poor. Its retarded as fuck you only like it because your a downtrodden loser. I'd guess you even know its a shitty system and don't care as your that far gone.
Right wing Nazi shitheads abusing the "punk" ethos. Loud distorted guitars with lyrics talking about mass murder, conspiracy theories and ethnic cleansing. Fuck them all.
I'm convinced it's the same scrawny nu-male that keeps making the cringey try-hard nazi punks fuck off posts.
Now can you define Kistch in it's original meaning, thank you?
Omg yea, you being against the easyest and most obvious target totally doesn't distract people from your shitty vapid personality.
fuck off Sup Forums
It is. It has to be.
Get a load of this guy. Doesn't even know who rules him. Or maybe he does and he just idolizes them. Either way, you are responsible for the fucked situation you exist in, and you can be responsible for un-fucking it, or you can be one of the people who tries to go it alone and fails miserably like 99.99% of people.
That includes you, whether you like it or not. We'll be there for you, comrade.
>act like a complete faggot
>get called out
>"fugg obf Sup Forums DDD:"
Don't be a faggot next time
yeeee sure m8 i'm gonna change my position of how i live by earning the same as a windowlcleaner and getting %60 of my earnings robbed by the state YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
this is the work of /toy/
ya dumb fuck
>We should change to a shitty system that has never worked and always led to oppression. Because reasons.
Please gas yourself to end your suffering
I literally just saved that image to post it in this thread. Are you honestly shocked that there is more than one person who strongly opposes even the slightest implied bit of cryptofascism on here?
1. art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way.
It's the guys who are actually serious about it that makes me laugh. Honestly, Nazi punks are so pathetic that they have to appropriate an intellectual leftist ethos to push their anti-intellectual views. It's ironic appreciation of someone's serious appreciation of works that shouldn't even be appreciated by anyone because they're trash.
>In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal") is the philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.
I don't want to discuss politics but I have to ask: I don't understand why the only way to help the working class is through an inconsistent philosophy adapted into an ideology that at its best was an inefficient bureaucracy and at its worst was a system responsible for the deaths of millions.
>inb4 Marxism is not inconsistent
Value theory and the tendency of profit rates to fall cannot exist alongside each other.
and who regulates the society working...?
>Are you guys talking about Ministry? Pretty hilarious seeing them tonight and their actual anti Blumpf pro antifa shtick.
Ministry has been pretty political since the 80's
>from an album with a beer pun in the title to an album trying to appeal to malnourished hipsters
Actually some of the original punks back in the 70s were nazis. Punk isn't intrinsically left wing, just anti establishment. Back in 70s Britain the most shocking thing you could be was a nazi, some punks back then wore swastika arm bands n shit. The whole commie thing is/was about being anti establishment as well, you're just wrong by trying to make out that punk has a lefty ethos.
>1992: "Fuck the NWO"
>2017: "We love the NWO"
The whole 'punk is only for MY thought process' pisses me off. Isn't this whole scene supposed to be about being as edgy as possible to make a point? Wasn't it supposed to be a reaction against the hippie movement and all that peace and love shit? When did the two combine?
The beer pun album is The Land of Rape right?
Jello Biafra is even more hypocritical. Remember when he was an anarchist going against the grain? Well, you should've seen his rant when Trump won. He ended it with a literal "think of the children".
Fucking pathetic.
>this much dialectical idealism in one post
I never said communism was the only way to help the working class. It's a goal to work towards though because it's essentially a technological heaven on Earth.
>A workers' council is a form of political and economic organization in which a single local administrative division, such as a municipality or a county, is governed by a council made up of temporary and instantly revocable delegates elected in the region's workplaces.
Most were not Nazis. Back then it was still generally a given that Nazism is the lowest form of ideology, essentially organized barbarism. The Nazi Punks Fuck Off thing was clearly supported by the majority of punks.
from beer to eternity
>antifa is the NWO
This is what fashies actually believe.
>A workers' council is a form of political and economic organization in which a single local administrative division, such as a municipality or a county, is governed by a council made up of temporary and instantly revocable delegates elected in the region's workplaces.
So a parliament or house of representatives? This is just playing semantics desu.
>antifa are just enforcers of the establishment
that's more accurate
>the absolute state of current Ministry
You can't instantly revoke a MoP or a congressional rep's position. You have to wait until the next arbitrarily chosen election date. Also, it takes place on a local scale, not a national or state scale. Nations and states are abolished.
You seem to veiw the world through a narrow set of clichés, barring you from any deep or genuine level of understanding.
They're useful idiots.
In the sense that a bunch of dimwit Americans support the police state and therefore think they despise anarchy, yes. But that won't last for long.
Clichés such as?
GAOAT 2018
Now, this pseudo-left neoliberal shit is kitschy as fuck. I just can't take the Drumpf thing seriously. It was funny when John Oliver did it in the context of Trump making fun of other peoples' names like a middle school bully, but now it's just a dead horse.
>frog is nazi
Is reddit down or something?
And how are you defining local? Any area is technically local. This area of land I am in could be defined as local, and I could more easily just call it a nation. And if I want to define what area of land my elected representatives are governing over I would have to create borders. You're only capable of playing semantics.
>elected in the region's workplaces
Considering the service industry didn't exactly exist in Marx's time, we would have to think about our regional scale. I would say within municipalities such as cities and towns because anything larger than that could be easily corrupted by gerrymandering and ballot stuffing. Outside of cities and towns, in rural areas, worker's self-management would be key.
>But that won't last for long.
>anarchists actually thinking they'll be a serious political movement
Le punk is left wing, left wing = intellectual right wing = dumb, generic run of the mill commie outlook. Your whole veiw of things is so contrived.
Literally dialectical idealism. We don't think, we know.
kill all frogposters
Except that is objectively true.
Okay I like comfy farmers from doing what they like. But it seems to me that your utopia is a collection of city states which didn't work out well for Italy. But it would work out in your mind because everyone would vote the way you want and never fight each other. It's childish stuff like that that makes me despise the left wing. But this isn't a politics board. Please go back to /lefypol/ where you can masturbate over your delusions with others.
sometimes i get teased with the communists but then i remember i'm over 18 years old and don't want to die starving then i let it go
>tfw to smart
>we don't think, we know
>we knew in 1850
>we knew in 1940
>we k-know in 2017, a-any day now, the p-proles will surely rise up soon
>all we need to do is keep calling them racist bigots and propose an ideology that will take away their land, freedom and possessions and they'll rise up
>s...stop voting for Drumpf you bigots
That's the point of being able to instantly revoke someone's position on the council. If they are elected and turn out to be against the interests of the workers, and the education system is strong enough to instill a sense of understanding of materialism over idealism, their position should be revoked immediately.
I work within the system. My job is literally funded by the government.
The infrastructure has been constructed. Capitalism has served its purpose well. Marx never said it didn't have a purpose. But now that the value of peoples' labor is objectively being robbed from them, and they are beginning to understand it, particularly the younger generations, well, just watch as the boomers die off.
>le biased study.
Seriously though your not getting what I'm getting at. Basically it really seems like you'd rather think in clichés rather than try to actually understand the world. You've chosen to be bamboozled by simple explanations and unoriginal thinking. And based your entire personality around these falsehoods and half truths. You really know nothing and are seem to be very far from any real understanding of our reality. Clearly you've never taken shrooms.
You are confusing liberal consumerists for socialists. Understandable if the only media you pay attention to is far-right trash, but objectively false.
>the electorate will vote for someone but will be immediately voted out if they don't agree with me
Absolutely retarded.
Incorrect, don't forget when Mao confiscated the property of farmers in the countryside in order to try to kick start The Great Leap Forward. Stop being dishonest. At least admit to what you believe in.
Sometimes simplicity explains things a lot more adequately and accurately. Einstein was a diehard socialist, by the way.
>The infrastructure has been constructed. Capitalism has served its purpose well. Marx never said it didn't have a purpose. But now that the value of peoples' labor is objectively being robbed from them, and they are beginning to understand it, particularly the younger generations, well, just watch as the boomers die off.
You realize almost none of Marx' predictions have come true, since he had a fundamental misunderstanding of economics? And that "class conscience" is not only abysmal, but that the current generation is actually more conservative than the idealists from back when communism was a real movement?
You're just confirming what i said that you're placing your faith in utopianism, like most worthless commies today. Bordiga is rolling around in his armchair.
Mao was a nationalist, which is diametrically opposed to socialism, communism, Marxism and any other socialistic viewpoint other than literal Nazism, which is, once again, organized barbarism.
I have nothing to do with it. If a sense of materialism is instilled in the population, they will know what to do. If not, they will fail themselves and eventually suffer the consequences. The internet makes materialism easier than ever to learn and understand though. Imagine what it would be like if the internet were around in a genius like Marx's time.
Honey you even seem a tad self aware. Its clear even to yourself that you have simplistic explanation for things. I mean what's more likely some guy from the 1840s has an adequate solution for the problems of 21st century society? Or that the reality is more complex? Go figure.
>it's another not real communism post
Isn't this what all your arguments return to eventually? Maybe your system is just retarded.
>almost none of Marx' predictions have come true
Literally all of them have. It's eerie, really.
>the current generation is actually more conservative
LOL. Jesus, is this what it is like to live in a hermetically sealed bubble where the only thing you have access to is The Daily Caller?
>punkfags derail a thread trying to define punk
Holy fuck and you wonder why we're the most fucking cancerous music subculture. This is why. Fuck off to Sup Forums and quit shitting up our threads with your white trash autism and your failed ideology glorification.
>Literally all of them have. It's eerie, really.
>t. Only knows about Marx through /lefypol/ infographs
And all arguments pointing out the vast systemic failures of capitalism come back to "it's crony capitalism" or something even crazier like "the Great Depression never happened". One is objectively true, the other is just an excuse.
And thus we come back to my original post. I understand wanting to help people, but I don't understand why the only way of doing it is through a failed inconsistent ideology. It seems to me that you're not better than the average Sup Forums user. You care more about the symbols and aesthetics of politics than actual working systems.
>Literally all of them have. It's eerie, really.
>No revolutions in advanced capitalist societies
>Tendency of rate of profit to fall has been discredited for almost a century
>many forms of "False consciousness" like religion and a desire for families have persisted, despite outright hostility to them
Read some Christopher Lasch
>LOL. Jesus, is this what it is like to live in a hermetically sealed bubble where the only thing you have access to is The Daily Caller?
The far right now wields the most power it ever has since WW2, both in Europe and the USA. It's you who lives in a bubble, famsci.
nonononono fuck off go away look goddammit
There is literally a board for this. There is no longer semblance of musical discussion, so fuck off.
Notice how he ignores this post, kek
>No revolutions in advanced capitalist societies
America, right now.
>Tendency of rate of profit to fall has been discredited for almost a century
Oh god, one theory Marx posited in one volume of his 1000+ page critique of capitalism doesn't fit perfectly! He must be wrong about everything else! Except all of those things that actually happened.
>many forms of "False consciousness" like religion and a desire for families have persisted, despite outright hostility to them
Religiosity continues to drop in advanced societies.
>The far right now wields the most power it ever has since WW2, both in Europe and the USA. It's you who lives in a bubble, famsci.
Dialectical idealism explains this phenomenon perfectly well. Liberals are terrible at combatting it, nobody should have ever given them the power to attempt to do so. Materialism is the only way to push it back, and we've got the cogs turning again.
If it's never been tried, then we don't know if it actually works or not yet, do we? Nowhere in the past, that "communism" has been attempted has had a sufficiently advanced infrastructure. Marx actually predicted the internet as being a precursor to a great upheaval.
>lose the argument
>tell people to go away
I notice how you leave out the commie poster.
you made guys made this a fucking Sup Forums thread
thanks. I wish I could delete it.
Seems pretty idealistic that reality is more complicated than "some people are obviously idiots and you shouldn't listen to them." Sounds more like you want there to be "many sides" to this.
Wow what a faggot.
>system collapses in on itself after 5 seconds so you can now justifiably say it hasn't properly been tried
>fundamentals of Marxism are discredited but it's okay because Marx wrote a load of other shit
Absolutely pathetic.