Alcoholic bread. is it that bad? stories. experience...

alcoholic bread. is it that bad? stories. experience? man I need something to ease the pain and weed is illegal and hard to get here

shameless selfbump to save my life

cmon pls talk to me, im feeling very bad

>cmon pls talk to me, im feeling very bad
what do you wanna talk about? yeah alcohol is shit but here I am on my 7th beer for the night and I have to wake up for work in about 7h.

Yes, starting to drink was the biggest mistake of my life.

Some beer for me from time to time.
Weed daily tho.
Where are you from OP?

What pain?

I've been drinking way too much. It's going to become a problem if I don't slow down.

how long does it take until youre really addicted. do u think its genetics? most drinker have drinker parents. same for me. i read something about the brain chemistry that its about the serotonin system, some ppl just dont get that much happy-hormones from satisfying their addiction. those ppl never have junky tendencies. im jealous

Got a pint of vodka in me right now, just like yesterday and the day before. I graduated from beer about three years ago. It'll numb your problems for a decade yes, but a decade later the same issues are still there. If you want to drink for euphoria that's fine but I don't recommend it as an anesthesia. Tolerance and habit catches up with everyone eventually. Or you die a drunk and that's not fun either.