A coworker with a boyfriend lets me "warm my cold hands" on her boobs inside her bra when I'm dropping her off from work.
Should I go for it? I mean is it worth it with coworkers? We work in the same room
A coworker with a boyfriend lets me "warm my cold hands" on her boobs inside her bra when I'm dropping her off from...
if you find her attractive then do it. i dated a co worker and its pretty fun tbh
I'd say do it once just so you can feel them but fucking around with coworkers doesn't always end well. It's not good to shit where you eat.
On today's episode of Shit That Never Happened we have OP
You'd might as well only do it for the fuck. Ignore the woman. She's just a fuckbox.
Never dip your pen in company ink Sup Forumsro, that's a cliche saying for a fucking reason... it NEVER ends well
No way that happen to me too.do you work in the Pentagon and is Donald trump your uncle.holy dogshit small world
Don't listen to all this advice OP, brag that pussy whenever you can. deal with the bullshit later. whats the worse that can happen with an ex at work?
I dont really want dating and thats why Im concerned man, just sex
well it did happen 3-4 times already so, no.
You guys are probably right, but shes a hottie...
hell no, she's fishing for #meToo content