DRAWTHREAD: Vorefag has NO BALLS Edition.
>I have Autism Subdevision
>Decaf has a story to tell inquisition.
>Stolen booty and a fall guy, by the sounds of it.
DRAWTHREAD: Vorefag has NO BALLS Edition
no fag's land
No vorefags allowed
>No fags
>I'm OP
Buddy, I don't want to bomb the thread, but if you declare no fags, by the laws of Sup Forums, it's gotta be done.
This is more like it.
taking requests
A hooker crossed with a hoover. A scientific breakthrough in blowjob technology!
Is this safe from the shit posters
For the time being, it would appear so.
okay beside i feel bad for Yarr Harr being attack by vorefag and shit posters
maybe we can get some genuine requests going
I'm torn... That reality of the background, and the social norms therein... paired with my instinctive urge to kill all things Dark Souls.....
>Even Pricilla. But that's only because I wanted to dock her tail. Dumb bitch doesn't forgive that easily it seems.
Two dogs squaring off over a piece of meat?
Things like that?
Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she's gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep.
do not, he was banned before, he just have a new phone
This one
I don't think yarr harr is that drawfag
Bud, I know you're in a bad place right now. I know your dad's not well. But....
So much for that.... Was nice while it lasted though.
I mean, I'm not sure eather, but he was a blue guy, and then an orange guy, and the pattern seems p close to be the same, so I'm just half sure.
it is
My man I only see one reason why you'd even want Pricilla.
So you can look like a fool while fucking an invisible chick?
Or the tail... pretty sure it was the tail.
Well i don't see yarr harr post anything rude to other anons or drawfags
none of the other ones did either, but hatter (the one I posted) was the longest one, he got too confy and then fucked up and got banned
Potato gave Yarr Harr a (You) and vorefag posted with a screenshot of that (You) while insulting drawfags. It was his first fanart, I think.
Its almost like he actually expects someone to do his shitty request despite the fact that he treats everyone else in the thread like shit lmao
Too bad Gwynevere wasn't real. I'd totally tap that.
Vorefag ruined his chance to get his request and tires to blame other drawfag
/r/ you shove your hands into a meat grinder
>Tap it, not live inside her tits and vag.
Dude, she's big enough. You should be able to get a couch in that womb too.
All you'd need is Solaire's spelunking helmet. Maybe some acid resist gear.... maybe just a bunch of moss from your buddy in the wall!
Yes, there is an attention whore right here.
But he's more akin to a screaming child than anything else.
So we ignore you for the most part.
Please try to keep it down too. Kids are to be seen, not heard.
You're picturing it now, aren't you?
idk why i drew this
Draw an user based of the word trashanon
Kill... The Batman!
I already started telling it in the generic edition.
I don't want to migrate.
That's where I'll b.
That's fine. So long as the story gets finished.
I would suggest using the Ctrl C command on your post before hitting the post button, just in case.
Or u could help bump the thread u ass.
I have been. Who do you think has been making comments?
Soren is drawing things. Topical things! Contextual things!
>Jolly things.
Is sidhe around?
Who split the universes again? .
He hung up to get there as fast as he could. Took the old Iron Golem express.
I did. What you gunna do about it?
Pucci, I knew it was you. Put this back or ill get the ghost kid again.
>You got trips here.
Hey, is that true, are you the real thread?
I don't know, don't ask me, im you.
Do you know how many loaves of bread you have eaten?
Of course I'm a real thread. I'm here, talking to you, in a thread... can't get much more real than that.
Even though there's a story going on the next thread over.
request for after i shower?
That scene from Psycho. But with a mudkip.
>Add swordbro if you want as the knife. But I might be happier without the meme.
Requesting a stand battle between owlturd shen and Sarah anderson