Why are conservatives so much smarter than liberals?

Why are conservatives so much smarter than liberals?

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give examples

they're not though.

Milo is not a conservative.

Yeah sure. Just hold my beer Billy Bob.


dude's a fuckin idiot, try again

Why are conservatives so much more pedophile than liberals?


weak bait

only because all minorities are liberals

Milo is not a conservative


Repressed faggotry that bursts forth in an orgy of vengeance for all that semen they had to suck from their baptist preacher's cock.

It's the Dunning Kruger effect


was getting caught part of your plan?

Because you can't get a proper Economics major at a liberal arts college.

Very weak and stupid bait I might add. Your superior intelligence kind of shows by putting a repressed gay as a symbol of conservatism.

Are you the kind of people that gets off at being insulted and berated? Is that your idea of attention?

I submit that you have not, in fact, shown that conservatives are smarter. Therefore your question is meaningless. You may consider the superior intelligence of conservatives to be self-evident, but most people require persuasion.

Once you establish your premise, then we can talk hypotheses.

The "liberal" in "liberal arts" doesn't mean what you think in means

Conservatives created America. The only country to get to moon. 1776 mf

>Because you can't get a proper Economics major at a liberal arts college.
Economics students are the worst. God, they're stupid. And they think that knowing about Economics will somehow make them rich. Wipe Milton Friedman's semen off your face, and get me some fries with that,

Believing humans ever made it passed low earth orbit.
Dont be such a fucking idiot

Since the guy you are referring to take dicks in his butthole willingly, and eat cum from negro boyfriends, that makes him intellectually inferior to any human being.


Are you kidding? They staged a revolution and created a new nation. Progressive AF.

WTF are you talking about? All economics majors are liberal arts. The term liberal arts was around long before the ridiculous modern usage of liberal which doesn't really mean anything.
Getting an undergraduate degree in anything, anywhere isn't very impressive at all, anyone can do it. Economics is not a very difficult field either.
A BA or BS in economics is toilet paper by itself, certainly not an intellectual achievement. A first name publication in a high impact journal is a little more respectable, even half of those are useless

Actually, the American Revolution was partially financed by French, received military support by the French, and was inspired on the French Revolution.

BEEEP! Wrong. Try again.


That statement does not qualify as evidence.

Actually, the American Revolution was partially financed by French, received military support by the French, and was inspired on the same principles that fueled the French Revolution.

BEEEP! Wrong. Try again.

Which President called for us to go to the Moon? Kennedy. Which President actually got us there? Johnson, even though he wasn't in office for the finish. What party were Kennedy and Johnson? Democratic.

But thanks for playing.

What an ignorant, pathetic idiot this guy is.

You do know the American Revolution could be considered as the biggest and most influential Liberal experiment in history?

It was a REVOLUTIONARY movement intended to severe ties with the crown, adopt a new decentralized system and establish a fresh bill of civil rights.


>milo is daddy
>femanon so don`t have to no homo

But the American revolution inspired the French revolution,that is why the French revolution happened afterwards.

They're just equal dude.

Ask Republican Jesus.....

The average intelligence is about the same between liberals and conservatives; intellect doesn't necessarily dictate which side you chose as much as personnal experience.
However, liberals desperately want to be seen as the most progressive people and act in retarded fashion


Haven't you seen the rest of the thread? There's an actual scientific paper that says otherwise. Can you read?

It's funny because I'd bet money I'm the only one who voted for Trump in this thread

One clearly isn't as intelligent as they think if they buy into this false dichotomy. Then again here i am responding to b8.

/pol will never admit that only retards and followers vote conservative. They literally cannot possess the ability to reason, only making decisions based on fear and emotions, no facts.

Can someone please explain to me why conservatives always believe conspiracy theories?

because the average lib intelligence is lowered by all the niggers needing handouts to support their 30 kids and they breed like rabbits because they don't know how to do anything else.

Guys cool it with those anti-Semitic remarks.

White nigger confirmed


Ahem ahem...

Gr8 b8 nigger i r8 0
I give you 39 keks because you don't deserve the whole 40

>implying either side is over 90iq
Libertarian Master race, fuck the establishment the Jews and also cute lolis
Come fuck with me


I'd love to see you debate Milo. He would fucking push your shit in you brain dead commie

because they are jews.

Would that happen before you blow him or after? Since he's fucked your ass so many times, can you confirm if gays can actually develop a male Uterus?

I wonder what his testing group was - where they were located, how many was questioned, etc. or did he cherry pick his question/testing groups to achieve the desired results.