I want my women to be based, and to stop reading magazines and tumblr bullshit? any advice if they ask what they should read?
What are some good red pilled books for women to read?
Rene Descartes
>Rene Descartes
they are too dumb for latin
Pick one
Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex by Evola
Also BDSM tumblr blogs
If you want your woman to be based, you gotta fuck her brains out a few times. After some oxytocin and serotonin emission, she'll be like an empty box. From there, you fill her up with the truth.
That joke went over your head.
Are they real? How can anyone be that hot?
Find a ditto. Basically a woman who adapts and mimics all the likes of her partner.
Women cannot be redpilled
Only convinced that certain behaviors are in their best interests
Like a woman in a Muslim country going on about being "chaste" and scorning "sluts" but then sucking 1,000 dicks in the UK where Baba/the townspeople can't catch and kill her
good thread, faggots
Sup Forumstards don't know any books?
Why would there be redpill books for women?
Good question. I was hoping there's at least one.
They're the same books, politics has no gender.
You don't redpill your women, they aren't made for redpilling. They follow your example, just like they follow the men in general. There is no need to redpill them, they'll naturally align themselves so wasting your time on some dumb liberal cunt will just make you feel awful and lost.
so much garbage
Try Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang. It's a memoir from a woman whose parents were high-ranking officers of Mao's Red Guard. It describes all of the atrocities between the Kuomintang rule and the Cultural Revolution and especially highlights how horrible the communist youth were. It's also still an interesting story that a woman would enjoy.
I get your point, and I agree with it. But that isn't to mean women can't read books. I'd like to talk to my wife and have her reciprocate.
if you need a book to red pill your woman, you're simply not pleasing her enough sexually. When you fuck them like a man, they will support anything you like/do.
Then you give her things you like?
My library is weak.
Hoping for more posts like these but with better suggestions.
anthem by ayn rand
the ultimate: Sexual Personae by Camille Puglia
I don't know about a specific book but if a girl is really into you they will try to be interested in what you are into, they of course won't get half of it but they at least will try
Gulag Archipelago
Don't listen to this user.
If women had the ability to be redpilled men would have done it centuries ago. The best you can do is teach them to be good women (cook/clean/raise kids) and teach them to follow you and look up to you. If you are a good man your woman will already look up to you like a role model and will want to please you and be like a woman instead of these tumblr creatures.
Listen to the good guys here OP. What they say is the reason why the globalist establishment tries to push women into important positions. They do whatever makes their bosses happy, without questioning, rebellion or loyalty to their own tribe.
Be the boss and wifey will follow!
Books are useless I think, try emotional documentaries instead, like tgsnt