Tell me why I shouldn't/should be one of these guys
Tell me why I shouldn't/should be one of these guys
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Why be a loser when you can be a Whig?
If you want to make a difference, do not insult your own critical thinking abilities. I assume you mean to be a skinhead degenerate.
neo-nazis are not nazis at all.
Hitler himself would call them untermensch.
Because leftist would hate you
No. I don't want to be a skinhead cuck. I want to be a decorated, good old nazi.
Which is a good thing.
By all means! The only ideological difference between Nazi Germany and the America of the day was the jewish question, and the matter of state authoritarianism versus cultural. ((and of course the potential power or corporatism, which has shown its ugly ass since the days))
But to be a nazi would mean to be a true American.
Tell me why you want to be one of those guys if you could be one these guys.
Why not have the best of both worlds?
Because I don't want to be an American?
..because then you couldn't squeal like a basement neckbeard for MILO and call your sefl Alt-Right
Because Merkel is really doing it for ya huh?
You're an American, of course you don't understand the connection one has with his nation. You don't run but I can't expect an American to understand such simple logic. can't be 100% noble Prussian blood and be American?!
NAh all the Prussian were cucked by Russia...
Gotta go a little further West where they were cucked by the US
Being an American isn't tied to race/ethnicity and America is just a country.
>You're an American, of course you don't understand the connection one has with his nation.
If you gave me this spew 20 years ago, hell 10, I'd agree with you. But every day your once great nation suffers, it is dying. It doesn't bring me joy to say that.
Why would you want to be a loser? It's 2016. Join some modern nationalist party.
True. It doesn't mean I'll run though because at the end of the day it is my nation, my home and the place where I should be. I will only leave if Germany has left me behind.
Die Eier Von Satan
Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker Ein Viertel Teeloffel Salz Eine Messerspitze turkisches Haschisch Ein halbes Pfund Butter Ein Teeloffel Vanillenzucker Ein halbes Pfund Mehl Einhundertfunfzig Gramm gemahlene Nusse Ein wenig extra Staubzucker ... und keine Eier
In eine Schussel geben Butter einruhren Gemahlene Nusse zugeben und Den Teig verkneten
Augenballgro?e Stucke vom Teig formen Im Staubzucker walzen und Sagt die Zauberworter Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und KEINE EIER
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und Keine Eier .. ...
Because they fucking killed 6 million Jews. Read a book and educate yourself. Ignorant fuck.
Can I be honarary German if my blood is Swiss/german
Reddit PLEASE fucking
Because of the conspiracies are to be believed the whole nazi thing was just a big act by the jews. So if you join them you become a jew. So it's self defeating. #Trump2016
Warum haben Sie schreiben ein verdammtes Rezept
literally kill yourself
the Holocaust was just propaganda, it was a lie.
Why would you join a fucking group? Fucking sheep, man.
(Du Fraulein lieben sie GROßEN Schwartz Schwanz)
National Socialist Party.
Notice how it's not a fucking retarded group like the Hammerskins for example.
Good goyim.
Fucking spoiled, sheltered brats denying the struggles of holocaust survivors from your parents upper middle class suburban homes. Fucking kill yourselves you privileged little shits.
> I will only leave if Germany has left me behind.
It has, I am not German like you said, but I know you were once a people proud of your heritage and rightfully so, but now I see the headlines the media shills out and its fucking unreal. A once great people now pandering to some sand monkey. Hell I take all my linage after the Germans, its where I get my white skin, green eyes, and strong jaw line, I know the Germans, much like the Americans, have had what was rightfully theirs to inherent by those in place before them, taken by those sworn to up hold our traditions. Americans are more like Germans than one might think.
please quote where i denied the holocaust you oversensitive little bitch
6 million is mentioned many times in the Talmud. It is LITERALLY a forced Jewish meme.
Jew pls go
Because they wanted to kill everyone that wasn't blonde and blue eyed.
You should because, after all is said and done, 70+ years later it comes to light that they were right...
joining master race ideology
Cool ass logo
Badass muthahfuckah
Kill all Jews
Hitler is the second coming of Christ
5 million x pussy
Dick grows three inches
Disowned by parents
Return of Lenin threatens stability of the fourth Reich
Dick doesn't grow four inches
because why go for shit tier history when you can be god tier?
Please leave your desk and report to your handler for your last act.
Because you like big black dicks
70+ later white race is going to be gone because nobody really wants to reproduce with a dickhead
>dividing the white race even more
good job hanz
No of course not but why would that mean you wouldn't have pride or be willing to die for your country? I can garentee you americans care more about america than germans care about germany. save your vitriol for your faggot lefty countrymen who are responsible for the death of Deutschland
not if we put you in camps....
Have fun at our summer camps, boy.