Everything i try to do only ends up a bigger disaster than i could have possibly imagined

everything i try to do only ends up a bigger disaster than i could have possibly imagined

i just fucked some shit up now

i want everyone to fucking die in a fire

Sup Forums is the last place i can go to where everything isn't fucking terrible

fuck you if you say an hero

i really need Sup Forums more than ever

>Sup Forums is the last place i can go to where everything isn't fucking terrible
Fucking kike kys on stream
Sage and hide

oh my god.
stick a shotgun up your ass and fire. you make niggers look like people i want to be friends with

What did you fuck up?


do i have to explain
if this gets more than 100 replies okay i explain in detail

>niggers are people
I give you 39 keks because you dont deserve the whole 40

Don't tease me like that... I need to know before going to bed

i mean they are
okay ill explain in a sec post ending in 50 and i explain

if you want us to even give a shit then you have to explain.