Guys, why did she do it

Guys, why did she do it

If only I could have protected Natsuki

Because you touch yourself

sayori bestgirl

but I stopped doing that, and she touches herself too

surely that can't be why? Not my Yuri, not my Yuri

wish there was an option to let me suck her cuts D;

because Monika is a selfish slutte


this tbh

Yuri is best girl


(|€|Ete ţHîş

how can she be selfish over fictional characters? They don't exist, they have no free will, their emotions are simulated. Prioritizing yourself over fictional characters is a good and healthy thing to do

Nice dubbers

because she didn't care what the mc wanted. she did everything to get closer to the mc without caring about what she puts him through


also this

Yuri already cut herself and tbh that a bit kinky for me. That force breeding stuff however.



>it's just a game, mostly
Some game reviewer ended his review with a screenshot of that line in the game. I liked it

To give good use to her knives


would nat suk me?

prob not she is pre occupied with her dads

bummer. also, a cg of her upskirt would've been appreciated

The player is basically a mirrored Monika, brainlet. that's the parallel the game is making fun of you for.

yeah they're the only real people. obviously. It doesn't change what I said though

Let me try this again. the player is a mirrored Monika. Obviously Monika is just scripts, not an actual person.

The point of Monika's character is to make fun of you, the player, for acting in a controlling omnipotent fasion in the typical VN style with the characters.

That's why she fucks off in the end, it's calling people who play VN possessive losers.

Dan's stated he made this VN to make fun of people who play VNs.

