Hello Sup Forums
Because I am a REAL patriot, I sat down with my kids last night to watch Roots.
Did you watch?
Hello Sup Forums
Because I am a REAL patriot, I sat down with my kids last night to watch Roots.
Did you watch?
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Why would I watch liberal propaganda on purpose?
>being against slavery is liberal
>true republicans want to re enslave blacks
as you say
>airing this during the NBA finals
That's not Levar Burton.
being against slavery is fine.
Sitting around and watching white guilt porn is different.
How much white on black violence was in it? I imagine it is just going to be torture porn for black lives matter fetishists.
My boy OJ Simpson was in the original.
Of course I did.
Why did this need to be remade? The original mini-series is completely timeless.
Wife is Colombian. When they were showing the village life she asked me.
Do Americans believe this shit ?
Watching it with my parents now. It's all about le ebil whites putting down the innocent dindu nuffins
You would have to be a fucking idiot to set your kids down and let them watch the 2016 remake of Roots.
Tbh most of the early violence was black on black
Alberto Barbosa enslaves him because he ran off after Alberto Barbosa tried to kidnap him for ransom.
There were a few beating and whipping scenes though
Considering republicans were the ones who freed the slaves I doubt that.
I watched Stalker and Solaris.
two questions, did they mention the Jew slave traders that brought them here, or were they conveniently forgotten?
Is it better or more blue pill than the original?
Slavery didn't happen.
You mean your wife's kids?
It will get worse I imagine. I feel like this show is going to be very bad for race tensions in america.
Watching it right now with gf.
I think I have a nigger torture fetish.
How degenerate am I?
Way more bluepill than the original. They made africa look like some weird Epcot version of Africa..
and Kunta Kinte was JUS trying to goto college in Timbuktu.. I shit ye not
lol no way that happens, no one could ever believe that
Yeap along with Disney dances and Kunte is a master at horsemanship!!
Roots has been debunked.
>mfw I saw this on the billboard while driving home
It's like a movie about Internment Camps to commemorate Pearl Harbor
>But evun doe dat nun be tru dat prob did gun happnd, fck as whitey #BLM
>life is this easy
you are a manipulable person user
if it was about slavery then blacks wouldn't have fought on both sides
"the civil war liberated slaves" doesn't mean that the winner did, it means that spilling blood for a country makes you worthy of being a part of it
I only watched it halfway. The scene where the master's white wife was eye fucking kunta kinte in the barn or stable or whatever. Did they fuck?
They remade The Roots? For God's sake, why? What was wrong with the original?
South vs North overcame White vs Black
It wasn't #blacklivesmatter enough.
the original was lost in a studio fire so they didnt have the source film to remake it on super hd 4K blue ray special edition.
they decided to remake it in a time where racial tension is high thanks to the media not having a us/foreign war to cover.