Don't know shit about movies, actors, music, art, video games, or anything. don't know fucking shit about anything

>don't know shit about movies, actors, music, art, video games, or anything. don't know fucking shit about anything

>all i do is look at hentai and fuck around online and shitpost.

This is why I'm a virgin.

And knowing more about cuckwood will help how?

Okay, so what now?

How does this make you feel? What do you want out of life?

if i knew shit about any of these topics, i'd at least be an interesting person. i don't know shit about any actors, new or old, or any movies or anything. im a fucking RETARD

You should go on Jeopardy.

nothing. i'm 27 and im already fucked. nobody wants to talk to some boring idiot like me

and yet, people are bumping your thread ;)

Crack a firestick and get to watching. But for the love of god no star wars, will only make you a bigger virgen

Why do you think that knowing about this makes you interesting? Most people only know about mainstream culture and that's what makes them fucking boring normies. Get some interesting, unique hobbies instead. That's what makes people stand out of the crowd.

Yep, become a taxidermist for beavers, user
>tell ladies you stuff beaver

I mean I used to think the same thing you do, though I hive a bit more life experience behind me. If you think knowing about pop-culture makes you interesting then you truly ARE a retard. Having INTERESTS makes you interesting.

So you like anime? Neat, other people do too. You need to step out of the house and find other people who do shit, even if you're not 100% interested. I guarantee there is a DND club in your area that you could go and be awkward at, and you'll slowly get less awkward, until the point you're actually sociable.

Pic related: Look at these fucking weirdos. They somehow managed to find others with the same interests. Why don't you try?

The only reason anyone over the age of 18 is a virgin is because they either care too much, or are too picky. Literally SOMEONE will sleep with you.

what the fuck do people talk about when they hang out? i'll tell you, it's usually in-depth conversations about ONE OF THOSE TOPICS AND I DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT ANY OF THEM IM S O FUCK ED D D D. i just have a LOW I.Q and there's NOTHING i can do about it. for example

>driving for 5 years and still cant parallel park
>study for hours and still fail tests
>can't read a clock face
>can barely cook
>never had sex
>have a retarded shitty voice
>suck ass at everything

i should be put into a death camp

Agree with this. Interests make for interesting. It's night there in the noun/adjective interaction

Are you at least funny or good looking?

NO the point is i dont know enough about anime to even hang out at an anime club. I DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING, IM FUCKED!!!

You have decent grammar and English language skills, no one gives a shit if you can le parelellellelele park user, that won't come up. Get a digital watch. Cooking won't come up either. Voice is voice use it. Some people like ass suckers.
You'll be fine user. Go have some beers

take that time you spend looking at fake tits and read about something, anything....anything at all. talk about it and act like you care. problem solved

Levar Burton is based

I'm decent at shitposting. I think that's apparent by how I formatted that post?? And I'm funny in a weird, unconventional way. But I think if I were handsome, that I would have gotten laid by now. Like I said, all I do is look at hentai and shitpost, so I guess it makes sense that I'm even halfway decent at those things.

Find girl who likes hentai too, user

Yeah you feel me. Yell this in bar and make a rational argument. Pussy fo days ssoooonnn.

Don't do this lol

or, find a girl nd teach her to like hentai

Don't do this either

see. i dont even know who that is. im a brainlet


You really don't get it do you?

Just talk to people. Read (or audiobook) "How to Win Friends and Influence People". It's mostly about sales but it gets the point across well enough about how to talk to people. Find people who like anime and TELL THEM YOU DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT IT BUT ARE INTERESTED. Then ask them what their favorite anime series are, and ask them about the plot and themes. Listen to what they say and think of followup questions as they talk. People will talk about themselves for hours so long as you show interest. You actually have to put yourself out there to make friends.

Fun fact: A shortcut to seeming like an interesting person is simply to be interested in others.

Agreeing with this again. I honestly should read instead of being here now. Read anything that floats your boat, user. News, history, biography, fiction, even graphic novels (if it must be). You'll experience different viewpoints and shit

Well, looks honestly have nothing to do with whether you get laid or not. I'm pretty god damn ugly, but I have steady sex with different women. It's a little more difficult now because I'm 8 months sober and not adapted to social life without alcohol yet. I spent every day drunk from the age of 16-24. I'm currently sleeping with a girl that I work with now, and I did that just by literally being an asshole to her, she even left her boyfriend for me in hopes of a relationship, but my sponsor says I probably need to wait a few more months before diving into a relationship. The point is, if an ugly, alcoholic, fast food worker can have steady sex, so can you man. Good luck.

I commend you for your confidence and swagger user. Dilly dilly or whatever the kids are saying these days

Read about the rise of Spiritualism at the end of World War II
shits hot right now

Which book do you suggest for this, user. I'm down. I'm eyeing the di vinci bio book that just came out

Sorry World War I

Fuck that
Witch Of Lime Street

Kek see how that works OP?
I'll check that shit out user, thanks for the recommendation

> (You)
Shut your fucking mouth once in a while
Open your ears and your mind life changes I promise

Good shit to read
We gunna Commandeer this ship

>I'm such a unique person

>all I do is shitpost

>I know why I'm a virgin but I refuse to change so I can shitpost

Aren't you shit posting now?

I was hoping the picture would imply that I actually fell for the bait and replied

also, I never denied that and this is OP's thread

Are you the hook or the fish?