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gib link

gib du doch link.

it's good, very

jesus christ does no one know how to use the archive? it took me 5 seconds to find it

>King Krule
absolutely unlistenable. i really don't expect all people to be smart or patrician or anything else like that, but holy shit this is literally chimp-tier.

How does it feel to be a brainlet

you don't get it

It's patrician core, sorry

I think I get it. A young white englishboy superficially parroting a completely unintentional pastiche of African-American hip-hop? Sorry, this is 0% musically original, much less worthwhile.

>I don't expect all people to be smart

I really like Czech One, but some of the other singles are a bit tougher to swallow for me. Haven't heard the whole thing yet.

i agree to the latter

Let me guess, you didn't listen past the first track. Come back to the next thread and ask Sup Forums what your opinion on the album should be

I listened to the entire thing and no, he's far from being a patricious aloysius.

Is this album being promoted on Sup Forums?
I really don't think it was all that special.

its decent but not amazing, still miles above anything else being released at the moment, which is why a lot of people are saying its amazing etc, hopefully this guy can raise the fucking bar

what does raising the bar mean to you, this album is incredible

You're not even going to remember this album in a few months.

What else sounds like this? I'm really digging it, but when I look up anyone else that's supposed to sound like him according to Last.FM or whatever they sound nowt alike.


2017 doesnt need shit like surf rock and post punk cross pollinating, only loser normies feel excoticism from trite things like King Krule

That my boy Krule, great album... for real

So what's your argument beyond he's influenced by hip hop?

it just sounds like a british mac demarco to me

hiphop is niggers music fuck libtards I know music XDD

saving indie rock

That's what millennial kids listen to?